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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The Fog

The fog this morning looks like the house is sitting inside a cloud. Another reminder, perhaps, that we live so close to the Chattahoochee river and the water treatment plant.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

chairman of the bored

Suffering from a horrible boredom tonight. Nothing to work on or play with. Nowhere to go.


Monday, March 27, 2006

Spring gardening

Spent most of yesterday and the day before doing yard work. Monster has now removed two nearly dead trees from the front yard and planted one new river birch to replace the half-dead dogwood he cut down and excavated. The other tree, an ancient holly, was replaced with a transplanted hydrangea from a few feet away. I sprinkled violet seeds around the fresh loose soil, so with a little luck and regular watering, maybe flowers will come up in a few weeks and make a nice ground cover. The yard is slowly being cleared of debri, dead and overgrown hedges, and flowers bulbs that I like but the guys don't want.

I've been busy in the back yard working on aggressive management of the english ivy that's everywhere. Mostly, I'm just removing it from the area nearest the patio (trying to reduce the clouds of mosquitos this summer) and cutting it off the trees. There are some very nice wild flowers and forgotten shrubs and ferns growing in back that I hope to leave as is, transplant, or prune back eventually to a healthier shape.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Monster actually made it out tonight with me to the Thursday dinner. It was an especially good group tonight at Diem with the Gothfather, JB, W, and G&B. Everyone was in an exceptionally good mood and the humor was (mostly) especially clever.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

You're 25% Irish

You're not Irish. Not even a wee bit.
Not even on St. Patrick's Day!

Friday, March 17, 2006

St. Patrick's Day with options.

Several things that sound like a lot of fun to do tonight. And it's St. Patrick's day. Of course, this also means driving may be need to be especially cautious tonight with slightly more people making merry out there.

Fernbank is having a special Martini's and Imax night with Kingsized performing.

Lee is cooking corned beef, cabbage, & potatoes for a St. Patrick's day birthday party for a friend at her house tonight.

The premier of the new Dr. Who series on SciFi network starts at 9pm tonight.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Today's Story

The devil's advocate in me says I should pass this along.

Met For the Second Time

It started last spring when my daughter signed on to the Internet.

She found it very interesting and kept asking me to try it. At age 50, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to learn what I would need to know. I kept declining.

Finally, after some encouragement and being reminded of how I had learned to use the computer, I conceded. I have to admit that it was very enjoyable and I found so many interesting things.

Then one day, I typed in the word "adoption" on a search engine. I couldn't believe all the stuff that came up. I became obsessed.

You see, I had a baby boy when I was a teen and I relinquished him to adoption, but I never stopped thinking about him and praying for his well being. I had been waiting since 1985 for my birth son to contact me. He turned 18 that year, and I, along with many other birth moms, was told during the time of relinquishment that when he became 18, he would be able to obtain information on me that would allow him to make contact.

That was wrong, but I didn't find that out until last year. I thought that since my birth son had never contacted me, he was not interested in knowing who I was or in obtaining any identifying information. Most people, that have never been connected to anyone that has been adopted or relinquished a baby, have no idea what the majority of them deal with.

The birth mother always wondering if her child had a good life, if he/she is safe, and the dreaded thoughts of whether he/she is dead. The adoptee, wondering why, wondering who they look like, what nationality they are, and what their medical history is. We are all denied the right to know any of this because of state laws.

By February 1999, I had been searching the Internet for 10 months, contacting the Court and Children and Youth Services and not receiving one shred of hope. I was told that I had no rights and there was nothing I could do.

I was ready to give up.

I prayed and told God that I knew it was out of my control and if it were His will He would make it happen. I would wait on Him.

The following week, with God guiding me to read a post written on the Internet by a birth mom angel, I was given one last thing to do before I quit.

The post didn't have much in it, just that she had a baby girl at St. Vincent's in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and a social worker from CSS had reunited her with her daughter. Something inside me told me to write to this woman and ask her about her reunion with her daughter and how it came about. She wrote and told me to call a number in Philadelphia and ask a social worker if they could help.

Six weeks later, I met my son, Joseph, for the second time in 32 years.

I was the beneficiary of a miracle. I could write so much more about the details, but they are not of importance. What is important is the fact that we should never stop believing in miracles.

May you all be blessed with your own miracle, and if there is anyone out there that is thinking about a lost loved one, don't ever give up that faith, hope or love.

--Author Unknown

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Tim Burton was robbed

Curse of the Wererabbit was a cute film by one of my favorite animation teams, but it was nothing compared to The Corpse Bride. Sorry, but I think that award was a pity prize for the poor guys whose studio burned.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Couldn't call it unexpected

True to form, now that the irritant is back, Boss #1 hasn't yet shown up this morning and there are NO jobs that have been written up for me to work on.

I mean there is NOTHING to do, even though I know that there are several new jobs in.