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Thursday, October 31, 2002
Hopefully, today should be a much shorter workday. Then I'm off to hang out with the GG's and listen to plans for Saturday.
It's getting much colder today and tomorrow. Possibly near freezing temperatures tonight. Just in time for Halloween - I always remember that as being a really cold night. This year the cold almost didn't make it on time. Oh, but the days are still quite tolerable.
Dreamt I was channeling Marc Bolan last night. Where did that image come from?
Monday, October 28, 2002
My sphere is Soldier (Unity in Strength and Action), and my class is Defender (Peaceful, yet Potent). I am a Shield Bearer. To be a Shield Bearer is to have great faith in your friends. Though your friends may not turn to you for guidance, they will turn to you when they need something more important... when they need somebody to stick up for them, especially in situations when they might feel vulnerable. You are very much valued by your comrades. |
Sunday, October 27, 2002
We ended the night going to the now woefully-lame Halloween party at WoodLogic. It's a shame - that used to be the best masquerade party in town for years but now the Woodlogic party seems abandoned, too expensive at the door for very bad keg beer and less goodies and music.
Today began with a post-parade brunch in the morning. Then some of us going to to Oakland Cemetary for quite a while going over all of the old grave sites and structures and looking at the cemetary plants and trees as well. We followed that with a long hang at Six Feet Under, a seafood restaurant across the street from the cemetary. We sat on the rooftop overlooking the cemetary while a light mist came down. Good company. Good conversations. Beautiful people. Some had traveled from other states to participate in the Halloween Parade with the Grateful Gluttons.
Friday, October 25, 2002
Apparently, his mother, who can't seem to get around to paying any Unit Owners Association fees, had no trouble getting him out of jail.
Thursday, October 24, 2002
Saturday is the Halloween Parade and my costume is only half done. I worked until 8:40 PM tonight and made a mad rush to Hancocks. I grabbed some of the fabrics I wanted and they were starting to close out the registers! There was no time to look at patterns for the pocket-hoodie or cowl I want or to find some stuffing for the tail. I'll have to do that tomorrow.
Tonight I'm working on the mask I should have already finished. It's looking like I wont be able to do what I want for a costume in time. Especially if I work late again tomorrow.
Now I'm wondering what I will do by Saturday.
My downstairs neighbor wrote:
Thanks again to each of you that subbmited notoarized statements.
(crazy boy) and (his mother) were in court this morning. After hearing my plea for help and showing the many statements from residents, the judge ordered him held on a $10,000 bond, jail for 30 days and is ordering a psychiatric examination. His mother testified that he has not had problems before and that he has not been on medication prior to now. I was ordered to return to court in the morning for his bond hearing...
Note: Only the judge saw the statements that you provided - and - the judge did not order him held because of the threat - only that he may be a danger to the residents
Wednesday, October 23, 2002
Monday, October 21, 2002
Ted is going to court Thursday. I need to come up with something to print out and hand to him as a statement to bring with him, since I won't be making it to court because of work. I wish I'd kept more complete records than this web journal of the events of the last year. However, I'm glad I at least have this record of life in my building.
Sunday, October 20, 2002
Friends from California, Philip and Bart made their award-winning chili for everyone.
Afterwards, I went to EyeDrum for Clark's art opening and performance. He's hung several large paintings in the gallery - all of different stages of Clark and styles of painting. He performed with the blues band during the reception. Nate came out and introduced a CD he and his father had made that's now on sale at Eyedrum.
Thursday, October 17, 2002
It was really cool today. This was the first morning of the season that I saw my breath fog as I made it out to the car.
Monday, October 14, 2002
Sunday, October 13, 2002
Saturday I went to a post-rehearsal party party at Cam and Joy's house. Good people. Beautiful house and garden. The moonflowers were in full bloom and Tommy had started the fire in the backyard pit. I didn't feel like eating then, but Joy sent me home with a big container of collard greens and some cornbread for later.
Thursday, October 10, 2002
Instead, the kindly one filled my belly with sushi and sake at Ru San's.
Then I came home to catch up on email.
Now I must sleep.
Wednesday, October 09, 2002
Save Farscape rallies.
Sunday, October 06, 2002
Laundry and other facts of life now going on today.
Saturday, October 05, 2002
Hello all,
I just wanted to let each of you know that I have filed a warrant for crazy downstairs boy to appear in court on Oct 24. Yesterday I was in the parking lot getting something out of my jeep. He came out of his unit, picked up a brick that my next door neighbor normally uses, came over to me and told me that he was going to kill me. Then he put the brick back, and returned to his unit. A few minutes later he came back and told me that I startled him and wanted to know if I was ok and asked me if I was worried about his mother ??..??Needless to say I was a bit shocked.
So I carry an ax to and from my car now - and I'm considering purchasing a hand gun.
Thursday, October 03, 2002
I fear someone's going to end up a victim in order for the police to finally cart him off and it could be any one of us coming home or leaving at the wrong time. The authorities have no interest in him now as he's not crossed the line from threats into action yet. And city noise violations only apply to sound that is disturbing those outside the building - like the apartments next door. Only once or twice have I actually heard someone from the building beside ours yelling at him to please shut up. But "you can't argue with a sick mind".
Wednesday, October 02, 2002
Speaking of men who have dealt with stress, I miss Bryon Finkle. I wonder what he's up to now.
Tuesday, October 01, 2002
No word from Murray yesterday or today. He should be going home today.