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Friday, January 31, 2003

Why is it that everytime I go to the dentist, I develop a cold a week afterwards?

I'm sniffly. I had a filling replaced last week.

Wednesday, January 29, 2003

Last night was the Buford Highway restaurant crawl. The four of us went to Penang Malasian restaurant. Lovely food. Very good, friendly service.

I am poor this week. The cash reserves have been spent until the next paycheck between dinner last night and a few groceries tonight.

Tuesday, January 28, 2003

I did make it to EyeDrum this weekend and was glad for it. Interesting art show of sound-producing objects and performances by "Sound Doesn't Travel Through Nothing" and Hubcap City.

Superbowl Sunday was spent doing laundry where I didn't have to wait for machines. But I would have liked to see No Doubt at the halftime show.

Yesterday at work was absolutely wild with activity. Mondays are usually pretty busy anyway but this Monday was extraordinary. At first I had expected it to be a slow superbowl-recovery day with clients. However, I think the superbowl-recovery time outs for our clients at work gave them time to converge on us. We handle more work from the general public than from business, so those who chose to take the day or the morning off were calling on us.

Thursday, January 23, 2003

I really wanted to go to the See Monkey Sea Mask and Puppet Show at EyeDrum but it's just too cold and I am too much of a wimp to to out.
Urghh....! It's too bone-chilling out there for a southerner like me.

Wednesday, January 22, 2003

Me: Doesn't your wife miss you when you work late so often?

Boss: No. When she throws something she usually hits me.

Here's a fun site full of animation:


Sunday, January 19, 2003

My Smelly Life

About the strong smells and smoke coming into my place through the bedroom wall -

I've talked to my downstairs neighbor. He's a very nice man. He was in fact cooking on the night in question. He is a cook. He is a carribean cook. He does some catering and was laid off from his job this week. That last fact makes me very fearful that my place will soon be completely uninhabitable for me because he'll have to cater more to fill in the gaps in income. So I fear he'll be cooking more late nights at home with pungent ingredients. He said he would phone his landlord about the possible venting problem. I phoned her myself the next day and she last said she was going to talk to him about fixing or checking the cause of the problem.

For many years here I've not had a problem with invasive smells from the adjoining units (other than the occasional pot smoke from the wild boys) and now it's common.

How True

From Low Red Moon:

Also, I have to do the very final proofing on

TFoC (who am I fooling; no proofreading is ever final)...

Sometimes it is so embarrassing to live in Georgia.

Thursday, January 16, 2003

I'm wondering if my place is the only unit the building that smelled like cooking meat all night. That's the smell that filled my condo and kept me awake all night. I'm wondering if other units were affected and if the smell was coming from inside or outside the building. I got no sleep last night. It started out with a smokey, bacon smell and later became very strong like onions. My eyes and throat are burning a bit this morning, which probably means there was just enough in the air to cause irritation but not enough to set off my smoke alarm.

Wednesday, January 15, 2003

I still have a headache today. Worse at night, just like yesterday. Last night, I took ExcedrinPM to get some sleep and relief but the morning was very hard to deal with. So tonight I'll have to skip that medication. I wonder if aspirin will keep me awake?
Boss man says, in reference to how one bad client ruins it for everyone:
"We all get painted with the same brush."

My bedroom smells like bacon tonight. Thinking my downstairs neighbor must be cooking, I go outside my place and discover he's not at home. The light in the unit next to his is on, but nothing seems to be going on inside. Outside the building, it smells of hickory smoke. I see not the source.

Have you ever been kept awake at night by a smell? Lights can be blocked out. Earplugs and ambient sound help cut down on noise. But how do you eliminate smells?

Tuesday, January 14, 2003

Went out to eat with the Buford Hwy restaurant crawlers. Looking forward to next week's adventure.

Went to the dentist today. My teeth are v-e-r-y smooth now. My lips are very chapped.
Dr. Goldstein says I have beautiful ... umm... jaws. Well, actually, he mentioned a part of my jaws I can't remember the name of now. A missed opportunity to increase my vocabulary.

My head hurts for some reason. A little throb that came into bloom just after my wraparound x-rays. Maybe I'm a bit dehydated. Not drinking enough water this week.

Wednesday, January 08, 2003

Quote from my honorable employer:

"There are days... and there are days. And this is one of them."

Everyone at the office cracks me up on a daily basis.

It's been much warmer today, which is a good thing for moi indeed. It's a misery for me in the morning to leave a nice warm bed and take a shower that never feels hot enough when the air around you is so cool.

Friday, January 03, 2003

When anything breaks down or simply needs maintenance, why are people so upset like it's something that shouldn't have happened or that they never expected to have to do? If you have stuff you have to take care of it. You have to update it. And why is that all bad? By constantly changing and adjusting the things in life, we get to create a little bit or our own universe. We get to leave our mark and influence on things. Part of the joy of a house or car should be the puttering on it, shouldn't it?

Thursday, January 02, 2003

9:05 pm and all is quiet in the building. Maybe my gloomy-doomy worries are premature.

Everything in my schedule is a bit out of sorts today.
It's been a week of Mondays.

My new year's resolution:

1. to find a better job
2. to start yoga classes

Wednesday, January 01, 2003

Looks like crazy guy is back in the building as of last night. Noticed the lights were on in the still-unfinished condo downstairs and there was music going through the building last night. Assumed it was just New Years merry making last night but I saw him standing out in the parking lot staring into space this morning. Came home about 10 pm tonight from a friend's house and noticed the music is still going.

Yep. Crazy guy is back in the building, permanently I assume. That probably means my neighbors next door and downstairs will be trying to unload their units at any price soon, like the people in those units before them. But it also means my place and every other one in the building is virtually impossible to sell at anything close to a reasonable price. Who would invest in a place where you have to share a building with someone so out of control?

That is unless someone is able to make a complaint that will actually have him put away again. And that probably won't happen unless someone is injured rather than threatened next time.