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Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Americans under attack from their own country

I sent Jeremy a link to this scarey story about John Ashcroft and he shared this commentary from noted conservative blogger Andy Sullivan.

Thanks, Jeremy.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

I Am Gaz

Which Jhonen Vaquez character are you?
By EmReznor.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004


Oh yeah - did I mention Valentine's Day? Despite my statement that it should be no big deal, Monster gave me a lovely Valentine's gift that was three-part: Godiva chocolates, a great T-shirt in my size just like my favorite of his (extremely soft, stretchy white Banana Republic tee) and for a "Valentine" a copy of "So I Married An Axe Murderer" with the big heart in the background of the cover graphic. He's so good at this!


Oh yeah - did I mention Valentine's Day? Despite my statement that it should be no big deal, Monster gave me a lovely Valentine's gift that was three-part: Godiva chocolates, a great T-shirt in my size just like my favorite of his (extremely soft, stretchy white Banana Republic T) and for a "Valentine" a copy of "So I Married An Axe Murderer" with the big heart in the background of the cover graphic. He's so good at this! Being with him definitely raises the bar.

Cold and Silent

I lack motivation today.

I should have gone to yoga tonight with the boy next door but it's too darn cold. I was about to change into my gym clothes but wimped out and told him to carry on without me. Since yesterday, I've had a chill I can't seem to get over.

Today as completely silent except for the few calls I made to family and friends. I've been in a closet-purging mood and snacking non-stop out of boredom. I should have taken myself to a matinee but, like I said, I feel too cold to go out. Maybe I should take vitamins with iron.

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Back to the real world.

Monster and I got back into Atlanta at midnight on Tuesday night from our trip to move Daniel and Sam to Manhattan. Daniel's new job is incredible and I wish him all the luck in the world in his new city. Monster is sure Daniel will surpass all expectations of him there because he's brilliant and has a great degree of common sense as well.

We were able to work in a visit with Rick and Rachael in New Haven, CT after dropping off the rented truck and taking the train directly from Grand Central Station to New Haven. How convenient! Why can't southern cities be so smart and easy to travel to and from?

Now it's back to the search for new work and possibly more freelance. Unlike Monster, I really would prefer the benefits of fulltime employment to the freedom of being an independent contractor. I want health insurance and a better income tax deal.