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Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Reasons to be hopeful

Jobs come and jobs go more quickly now. Less than two weeks at my last job, which paid well but didn't last long enough and was way too far to drive every day. Now I have a new job in just three days. That's a record for re-employment for me. Maybe Monster is right and the economy really is getting better. I will try to take this as a positive sign.

Meanwhile, J is having to sell her house and consider moving with her son to her parents' house in Conyers. This is because: 1. ex-husband took all her money. 2. her entire department at the company she's been with for years is going to be outsourced to Canada.

We are all too old to need to depend on our parents as much as we must for support but that's the condition of my generation. Two of my much younger, highly educated neighbors are somehow making money on online gambling - poker. Who knew you could actually make a significant amount of money at that? And I've also met someone who is filling in the gaps in their income as a professional backgammon player. I obviously have never had a clue on how many ways there are to make money. Not having ever been a gamer, I don't know if gambling is really the answer for me but I am trying to remain open to new possibilities.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Life on a thin branch

My right breast (same side as my gimpy arm) has a burning sensation in it when anything rubs across it (like when I'm lifting something). I can't decide whether to worry about it or not. I'll wait a couple more weeks to see if it gets better on its on before seeing a doctor about it. Meanwhile, I'm taking saw palmetto supplements (which Monster also tells me is good for men - prostate).

Murray was in town this weekend but I didn't get to spend any time with him. Would have loved to but he was being a jerk about wanting me to himself and not wanting to be around my friends or Monster. Especially Monster. Fine - just be a selfish crybaby Mr. Married With Children who acts like he's looking for some play. Not. He just can't be friends and he never could seem to be anything else that has a word in English for it either.

Mom phoned tonight to say that Dad isn't doing well at all this week. He's not eating again and has taken to his bed for the last several days without getting out of it. His breathing is fine. His doctor couldn't find anything wrong on examination this week. He's just unable to eat and has no energy. I don't know anything to do or say. My Uncle Ron, the good brother that he is, came over to the house and helped her with a few things she couldn't reach or do (like changing those high-up lights, etc.) and took her shopping for electronics. Thanks to Georgia Power and a surge they had, my parents house and six others behind them had everything that was on ruined and in need of replacement. Fortunately, the electric company seems to be very cooperative and has stated they'll reimburse her for the damage.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Last night Monster and I watched Life Force on DVD. What a cheesy movie. I'm afraid he was a bit offended that I referred to it as a silly B-Movie. Then he was making jokes along ahead of me while watching the rest of the DVD. It does have a brief appearance of the sexually ambiguous Patrick Stewart, which was kinda cool.

I need to get cable in time to watch the new Farscape mini-series.

Tomorrow is Wednesday, my day of rest. The rest of the week should be booked up with Monster, friends, and interviews.