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Sunday, September 18, 2005


Yesterday was spent at the East Atlanta Strut, hanging out with Sandy, Chaz, Audrey and Nick. Long hot fun day walking around taking in the art and local flavors of the neighborhood.

Today was spent making up for some lost time and trying to put the house a little more in order. It drives me nuts that most of the time when I see friends and family, and they ask me how the house is coming along, I can't tell them any progress has been made indoors and that we are still essentially living out of boxes to a large part. Today we purchased more shelves at IKEA that we have now decided aren't what we need at all and will return to IKEA on Monday or Tuesday. We did, however, get some of the junk out of the living room and I finally put down the rug and moved my old cedar chest to a more long-term position. Got a start on painting the fireplace too but all of the walls still need sanding and painting and the bathroom remodel still seems a long way off.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Halloween fun begins again!

JoyCam hand delivered our invitation to this year's Halloween Parade Kick-Off party.

It came on a night when I was stuck at work late and worn from dealing with my psycho co-worker all day.

It is the coolest invitation yet - as Monster said, "thanks for the head."

From the outside:

The Prize Inside is rolled up in the center:

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Sink repaired

Monster saved the sink - he bought a drain snake this afternoon and, while I was at work, he managed to unclog the kitchen pipes and have the sink cleaned by the time I got home.

In celebration of a working kitchen again, we had beans and rice for dinner with fresh little slices of green onion and tomatos with just a tiny drizzle of balsamic vinegar.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

pretty good weekend

Went to the DragonCon parade on Saturday morning.

Went to Drive-Invasion Saturday afternoon through the rest of the evening.

Spent Sunday recovering from heat and dehydration of Drive-Invasion.

Monday, did a lot more yard work and tidying up around the house, followed by inviting a few friends over to hang out on the patio and have burgers and snacks and drinks.

Monster managed to clog both the garbage disposal and the kitchen sink with shredded cabbage while making coleslaw.

He has since been trying different methods to unclog the pipes today.

Know a good plumber?

Sunday, September 04, 2005

I am an ISTJ

Your Type is
Introverted Sensing Thinking Judging
Strength of the preferences %
22 12 25 56

Thursday, September 01, 2005

The lines at the gas stations in town on my way home from work were enormous, stretching out into the street and tying up traffic. I guess some people get to listen to the news at work. After I got home, someone told there was a news bit about possible gas rationing that's sent everyone into a panic.