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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Friday projection

Due to a cock up with ComCast, we did not have the new communications service hooked up yesterday.
They've rescheduled with us now and we should be up and running again by this Friday.

Friday, January 25, 2008

wish I was at Disneyland tonight

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I remember my next door neighbor, upon his 28th birthday, telling me that was the most common year for an unnatural death in young men. He noted Kurt Cobain and others who lived to 28. Fortunately, my neighbor was neither depressed, addicted, or over-stressed and is still doing quite well for himself in his own unique way.

But what an odd thing to note on your 28th birthday.

Does this mean we should keep an anxious eye on everyone we know between 27 and 29?

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Guerrilla Gardening

What a great idea!

Guerilla gardening, a form of garden vandalism where neglected parcels of land are taken over with veggie gardens or flower patches.

There is a similar movement in Japan where sidewalk and public spaces have been reclaimed by large groupings of potted plants and flowers, many arranged with the eye and care of traditional Japanese flower arrangements.

winter weather

Last night, it snowed, just a bit, or the first time this year. It started with just the lightest misting of tiny flakes and grew to a flurry of big fluffy clumps of soft snow. By this morning, it's nearly all gone. Just another wet, cold day, but it was fun to watch while it lasted. We made a fire and hung out downstairs with the cat for a while as the snow came down outside the windows and enjoyed our winter moment.

Today, it's business as usual - or almost. We have multiple equipment failures going on from an ink jet printer that's refusing to communicate with the RIP to a platemaker that's down.

Tonight - Indian food with friends.

Tomorrow - Trailerdome in L5P - the last one at the Star Bar.

Saturday - a friend's birthday party.

Monday, January 14, 2008

RIP: "Vampira," Maila Nurmi

This from BoingBoing -

With a heavy heart I deliver the sad news that our friend Maila Nurmi, famous for her portrayal of Vampira, has passed at age 86. Maila passed away peacefully in her sleep at home. Funeral arrangements are pending legal steps as Maila had no relatives. Her friends are trying to get her a spot at Hollywood Forever Cemetery and will likely plan some sort of hearse procession for her.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Food, Wine, Recovery

Monday, we watched one of the few shows we both enjoy that is not quite affected by the writer's strike - No Reservations with Anthony Bourdain.

Yesterday, we visited a friend who is homebound while recovering from back surgery. While she is limited in movement and still dealing with pain, she's quite active now. We just thought we'd come over and chat and maybe watch a DVD. Instead, she and her mother (who is visiting for six weeks during her recovery) cooked a great dinner for us and I discovered a new wine that I like a lot - Geyser Peak, another Alexander Valley Cabernet Sauvignon.

Tonight, I would like to attempt to cook but there's never time. The hours we keep are slowly inching later and later into the evening. And someone is always starving and unable to wait for food at the end of the day. I'll work on coordinating this in the future, now that this year's festivities and ordeals are behind us.

Monday, January 07, 2008

missed the memo

I have been kicking myself since yesterday morning for missing Twistin' Tarantulas at the Star Bar on Saturday night. One of my favorite live bands of all time to see, with an amazing standup bass player. And what was I doing that night? Sitting at home with nothing to do worth staying awake for.

I hope they come back soon for another weekend show before going home.

Friday, January 04, 2008

post-holiday boredom

Already having post-holiday boredom.

Work is horribly slow for now. I think the printer server is dying too. That would make it a good time to check into backing up everything and putting in new equipment and software now, right? But I think we're on wait until work is busier and the machines crash completely.

Or maybe we can squeeze a bit more out of everything here.

I want to go out tonight but it's sooooo cold this week, I'd rather stay in next to the fire. But people and places I like are there - in the dark, cold, open world outside - where my fingers and feet go numb. What to do?

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year

I wish for health, prosperity, and happiness.

Last night, we had to cut short because one of us was feeling a bit under the weather, but we had a great time at friend's NYE party. Always a great group of people, good conversation, lots of delicious eats. Thank you for being such great hosts!

Today, we traveled to my mum's in Cobb County for the traditional family meal of greens, blackeyed peas, and roast pork (and some good fresh corn). Ate till we were bloated and sleepy. Played with her two westies. Came home and kibbled the cat and curled up on the sofa in front of the TV.

Now the temperature is dropping rapidly and the wind is howling outside. I can hear leaves and twigs pummeling the windows and roof. The weather channel says its going to be astonishingly cold tomorrow and the next day (but dry - no ice!). I think this will be a good week to enjoy the fireplace.