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Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Then I went to the grocery for a few things and discovered I have totally lost my ATM card. I checked every bag and every pocket and under every seat in the car. So, I've ordered a new ATM card this morning. It should come to my post office box in 5 business days. That means I'll probably get it next week sometime and will be able to pick it up a week from Saturday. In the mean time, I will be cashless. That rules out a lot of regular small activities like the Farmers Market for a couple of weeks. Hopefully, it means I'll save money on small purchases that I would normally make without thinking twice, like fast food and coffee.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Someday I'll have a A house or cluster home in a metropolitan area.
If I can't live in the city, I want to be as close to the city as possible, preferably in walking distance of friends and businesses and with off-street parking for at least two vehicles.
I'd still like to be in a free-standing building that does not share walls or rooftop with anyone else so I can control the maintenance of my home and immediate surroundings. Too many bad experiences in a condo have left me against sharing a building. My pipes. My roof & ceiling. My electrical system.
It would be nice to have a bit of green space for gardening and some shed space for making things as well. Green space keeps me healthy. Shed/Studio space keeps me sane.
If I had to, I could go without my television for a month
I don't need the television to make a living or interact with my friends. My roommate kinda "owns" the television in the house anyway so there is not nothing that I watch on a regular basis. I won't cry about missing an episode of anything.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Krog Street bridge looks quite romantic under water.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Seems like we just can't get ahead.
There is also roach poop from the ceiling everywhere upstairs.
There are also large centipedes that show up downstairs and, for the first time tonight, upstairs in the hallway - they are no doubt trying to avoid drowning.
We should not have signed a lease for another year, but moving takes a lot time and money and labor. It also involves finding what would be a better, even if much smaller, affordable space that does not increase our commutes to work significantly - especially with MonsterMustDie's car ready to die at any day now.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
It's good weather for mushrooms.
Saw a box turtle for the first time here yesterday morning.
Glad to have our internet and house phone restored. New hardware was involved. Cable guy was nice and had good people skills - and he came at what I consider an acceptable hour within the window we were given for our appointment. After things were back up and running, the rest of the day and evening was spent on quality time with friends and eating lots of good food.
I have still not had enough coffee this morning and plan to have more while running errands with monstermustdie, who wants some quality time with me today.
And while I'm at it, please be careful driving out there. Two nights in a row, I've had to sit in traffic on a highway that had become a parking lot because of huge multi-vehicle wrecks.
Friday, September 11, 2009
It's on.
weekend of possibilities
If there are any takers, I will be food-making tomorrow after going to the organic farmers market. I like to experiment in the kitchen but I need someone to eat what I create other than the often too picky housemate. Like something (pumpkin, sweet potato) orange in color (I know... the orange wonz is poysen).
Tonight, I would like to check out Night Vision if anyone I know is going. I think I'll be awake...
Monday, September 07, 2009
Sunday - Drive Invasion 2009
Saw some good bands, great cars and took in tons of Southern Culture via the redneck underground. Saw a lot of old friends I had not seen in too long. Drank lots of water. Ate turkey sausage dogs grilled in the parking lot. Applied sunscreen heavily and still missed a couple of spots.
Many thanks to friends who brought sun shades and large umbrellas - you saved the day for the rest of us.
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Then we met up with Drew and went up to the 11th floor to the room and said hello and visited with the serious DC-ers. Saw Kook and Kookling before the parade. We took Drew out to Six Feet Under, where we met up with Fez for lunch.
Now, MonsterMustDie is napping and digesting.
Tonight we're looking forward to dinner with Kisa Bastet and Mr. Foster and Pyynk & Kel.
Really missing Alekto , and Mr. & Mrs. PitbullPotPie.
Signed on to host Vinophiles in October, the night before my birthday - red wine theme will be Zinfandel.
Had a great dinner at Hsu's with Kisa Bastet , Dezlock, Justicefire, The Prom Dates, MonsterMustDie . The duck dumplings were great. The vegetarian cabbage rolls are smokey and so rich tasting you forget they're veggie. The ginger martini is absolutely delicious. The service is, as always, flawless.
Texted Alekto while at the grocery on the way home. Found a great $40 bottle of one of my favorite wines for under $15. Woo hoo!
Back home in jammies, taking care of the old Dutch man now.
Friday, September 04, 2009
DragonCon is fabulous this year.
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
I freaked myself out yesterday.
drop in blood sugar while sitting at the desk. My vision was going white to the extent that it was difficult if not impossible to work. Very sparkly looking at the monitor. I asked the guys if there was a snack machine anywhere nearby. One of the partners said the other kept a stash of snacks in his desk. I responded that I didn't want to empty anyone's snacks - I just needed something to eat ASAP. He looked at me, walked in back, then the other partner came up to me with three different boxes on snacks. They both told me I was "white as a sheet". I have no idea what brought that on so dramatically but half an hour or more after eating I was mostly fine and cheerily plugging away at whatever projects they tossed at me but I'm still kinda wigged out about it... I feel as if I'm delicate now to the point that I want to keep treats around with me now.
Cheap Date - Movie Night - Sept 12
That will hopefully help with the recovery from Labor Day weekend activities.