Looking for a reason to leave the house today. Yesterday, I did not leave home at all except for a brief trip to the post office to send a package for my house mate. Today, I've spent most of the morning in the yard, weeding while trying to avoid touching the numerous sprouting poison ivy. I'll be out to pull as much of that up as I can while wearing gloves and long sleeves later. Saw the first pod on the snap peas that I planted in February. The tomatoes I started are still tiny plants that haven't done much, possibly from lack of rain. I'm thinking about popping the rest of my tomato and chile seedlings in the ground today or tomorrow between the showers that are forecast for this week. I'll probably do it after the ground is wet and soft. The cilantro I planted is doing better this year than it has before. The planter box in back has leeks and carrots on either side of an enormous parsley that survived the winter and is about to flower. I know I should probably cut it back but I haven't had any need of it since I haven't been cooking much this week. Might be time to make chicken piccata or sauce for pasta.
I seem to have worked my way out of any role I might have had in the latest film by the Twins and I suppose that's okay. I've recommended people and resources to them that have proven to be very useful. I wish there was an official job title for that.
As usual, I really need some work to keep me happy and busy.