I am staying home for this trip. I felt it was important for me to be there to at least attempt to put in my opinion on some of the houses being viewed and, hopefully, guide his decision-making a bit in the future. However, there are so many antique malls and flea markets he wants to visit coming and going, it is easier for me to avoid the death march this time and allow him to indulge his passion alone.
It looks like we'll be moving to High Point, North Carolina some time after October. I am strongly pulling for us to be absolutely in Georgia through one last Halloween season. I'd like to enjoy one more Pumpkin Carving Party and night of trick-or-treaters and awesome Halloween House decor before leaving all of my small joys behind.
Stuff I found today:
Remember when National Hot Dog Day actually meant something. Commercialization dilutes true meaning of this holiday.
— Jim Taylor (@jimtaylor) July 23, 2014