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Wednesday, December 12, 2018


We are still edging back into a normal schedule after being shut down here in North Carolina from the snow this weekend. This was the most snow I have seen since we moved here.
Everything was closed down Sunday. The studio was closed Monday but the dress shop was calling everyone, including me, trying to find people to show up for work that day. I suppose the corporate office in NYC saw snow days as no excuse to close doors and stay home. They just don't get it. Plus, people who work in retail usually have old tiny cars that could not make it over snow banks and ice walls like pickup trucks and SUVs the size of tanks attempt to do. I must remember to just stay parked uphill in my driveway next time, rather than parking on the street as if I can drive out of the neighborhood, because there is no getting out of our street in my car anyway. The county snow plows did clear the main streets around us but left walls of snow and ice to either side blocking all of the driveways and side streets.
I made it into work a couple of hours late on Tuesday with MonsterMustDie driving me to work in his slightly better car after he finally negotiated parking lots, hills, and streets to circle back around and pick me up in front of the house. He'll do it again today and by tomorrow I should be able to make it to work as usual. He learned to drive in the midwest and lived a number of years in Ohio as a young adult so he still has good winter driving skills. I am not a snow driver. I hate driving even in good weather and clear streets.
Speaking of parking on the street, I now remember that last time it snowed and MonsterMustDie parked on the street, his car was broken into and windows were smashed. Luckily, no one tried to get into my car but I would have stayed parked uphill next to the back door if I'd remembered that.

Clearly, I need to get tall boots and better outdoor clothes if it snows like this again, although by the time it does, if it does, the shops will probably be filled with sundresses and beach gear.