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Tuesday, September 28, 2021

friends & SOBs

Yesterday, I had a great time having lunch with Karen and hanging with her and Bob for a while afterwards at their house. 
I got home to find the bins already at the curb with the household trash bin full of old merchandise from Monstermustdie. Apparently,  he had a bad day and decided to throw things away rather than sell them cheap. He also criticized my Alexa devices and told me he would never have any use for them.
I don't know what the catalyst for any of this behavior was. He went to Phil's house in the evening to help him restore a chair they have been working on, drank too much,  and stayed up past 12:35 a.m. watching anime.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

soon, it will be October

Right on schedule, the nights are cooler and leaves are beginning to fall. I put out the big pumpkin Monstermustdie brought home with a new skeleton I got  to welcome the season. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Nothing is working

 The weekend visit with Brian and Laura did not happen because our HVAC in the house died the night before we planned to drive down to Atlanta. Instead, we spent 10 days without air conditionining in a hot house while we waited on the local AC company here that MonsterMustDie has a personal connection with to replace everything but the duct work. They were supposed to replace the scrunched soft ductwork under the house as well but they said it was unnecessary. So now we do have a working AC/HVAC system again and I had to pay for all of it out of my savings. 

Future plans for traveling together to Atlanta have been obliterated by the schedule of antique shows he wants to attend. He is very excited about the new booth in the new antique mall here in High Point and is trying to fill it with higher-quality objects. The booth at the other mall was a complete failure. I had hoped it could at least serve as storage for objects that were crowding the den, dining room, basement, and back mud room but a lot of smaller things there just walked out of the booth. He never made a profit on sales there and only a few items sold from it. It was a very dark place were there were limits on the amount of lights people could use on the booth because the landlord wanted to keep utility costs down. The rest of the mall was filled with quaint, country merchandise that attracted a completely different type of consumer than what he wanted and, as far as out-of-the-house storage goes, he refused to put many items in the mall because he didn't want his carefully curated booth to look crowded. Complete fail, IMHO. 

But now, there is a new antique mall opening in High Point, just a block off Main Street, in a building much closer to market activities that is both well-lit and air conditioned. He is extremely excited about it and I hope he is successful there. It certainly looks a lot nicer and the other dealers do seem to be a lot higher-quality. We'll see how it goes. 

He also needs to be here for events like the grand-opening of the mall and pre-market. 

I know I could travel alone and I probably will, eventually. 

Meanwhile, there has been nothing for me to do here with no one to hang out with locally while the only friends I see here (a married couple) travel a lot for family, relaxation and work. I am eating too much and shopping too much out of boredom, with no income coming in. The condo is between tenants at the moment, though that should not last long. I haven't been able to find any freelance or remote work. I have finally given in and applied for retail work this week and it looks like that's the only thing I can find here. Retail work is always on a part-time schedule at near minimum wage so I won't be able to schedule appointments or trips more that a couple of weeks in advance and certainly not on weekends or holidays. That ends any possibility of my traveling again and I hope I can still keep appointments with my hairdresser and dentist. 

This month, nothing seems to be working for me.