Working in retail during December means no time off and usually working very chaotic hours. Retail work always makes it impossible to try to have any kind of personal life because I never have regular days or hours I can plan around for classes, or social activities, etc. Every retail job I've had has been part-time so there are no benefits to the low-paying work and, because of the irregular schedules, I can never work any place else because I can't schedule for more than one job. It's all or nothing and I can't find full-time work, which is the only kind worth seeking. I'd love to be able to at least take night classes or a workshop somewhere or even buy tickets to an event but I only know my schedule two weeks in advance at most and lately it's just been one week in advance. Appointments with salons or doctors are always made with the agreement that I might have to reschedule I have to work then. I even missed my uncle's memorial service because I could not get anyone to work for me. People should avoid dying during the holidays.
I have December 21 off work this year so I want to try to have a little Winter Solstice gathering at the house. It will probably just be six of us but I wish I knew more people to invite. Our favorite neighbors will be out of town next week. To be honest, most of our neighbors are having severe personal issues that I am not privy to or I just don't know them. Most of the people who live near us actually kind creep me out or I honestly don't think I have anything in common with them. We hardly speak a common language with other people here in High Point. MonsterMustDie would rather not do anything at all. He has become even less social and more closed-in and he likes it that way. I have way too much unscheduled time on my hands and no way to fill it at home.
I hope that I have more long weekends coming up after the holidays that allow me to go to Atlanta again.
I've given up on work here. It would be great to find a long-term temp position in Atlanta and a place to stay during it. That's my current fantasy. I'll try to make it to more art shows at SECCA. That's something I could do passively, during the week, alone.