My best friend Chaz had somehow completely killed my motivation for writing in this weblog by declaring it uninteresting. Looking at other weblogs, mine may not be the best on the net by a long shot, but I hope it may still be of some interest to friends and family, at least, who might use it as a passive way to keep in touch and up to date with how my life is going.
I'll work of entertainment and enlightened content later. I don't really do commentary like that.
Saturday before Halloween I got to participate in the Little Five Points Halloween Parade with some friends who formed the group "The Grateful Gluttons". Later that night, I went with some of the "Gluttons" to the Woodlogic Halloween party - the best masquerade party in my opinion.
Sunday, I went to the Spooky Horror Puppet Show with my friend J. Great fun - a really saucy adult-only show, complete with a spooky tunnel to walk through and, as J. put it, "be groped by ghouls".
Wednesday - Halloween night itself was uneventful. I did laundry and, living in a city apartment, there are never any trick-or-treaters to entertain here.
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