Sitting watching TV last night eating dinner and had a weird fluttering sensation in my chest. Nothing uncomfortable or painful in any way - just like a wild spasm. Sat and wondered if I should be concerned or, if there was any point in being concerned since it was over in a few minutes and I don't think there's anything I can do about it. NOT a normal thing to happen.
Few minutes later my friend David showed up at my front door on his way to an art opening to see if I'd like to come with him. It was a very nice surprise for him to come by like that. I also thought it was a good idea to be with a companion should I collapse in a mysterious seizure or heart failure. Of course, I felt fine the rest of the night but my inner-Woody Allen had a healthy amount of concern.
Going to the show was fun. It was at a commercial gallery complex in Buckhead. Wide range of work from painters to sculptors to glass blowers to photographers. Too bad I'd eaten already because the catering looked good. There was an animal welfare organization benefit attached to the even somehow. One of the animals up for adoption was a beautiful chocolate-brown chihuahua with a gimpy hind leg. She was a retired breeder, I think.
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