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Tuesday, March 19, 2002

Nothing but calls and errands tonight. Some of which I've been able to do during the day and some I've still got to try to do tomorrow. Still trying straighten out problems with my airline ticket to Paris. Seems as though they got my zip code wrong on the credit card bill and now my ticket's in limbo until I can phone during office hours tomorrow to straighten things out.

I think I've bruised my right hip forcing open the sticky laundry room door at home tonight so I could wash my clothes here rather than go to the Laundry Lounge where I might be followed again by the scarey guy who approached me last time I was there. My condo building sucks and I'll be so very happy when I can move out of this place and into a house of my own. A house where I can have my own washer and dryer. A house that I can keep the roof and masonry in proper repair without waiting for anyone's permission. A house where I don't have to deal with the neighbor's pot smoke seeping up throught the floor.

I've made arrangements for a doctor's appointment and consultation on getting a genetics bloodtest to find out if I could actually be Gwen's daughter or not.

Thingies above my ceiling are moving around tonight, but that's actually become somewhat entertaining to me.

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