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Saturday, November 30, 2002

The day started with lunch at my family's house with my parents, grandmother, niece and nephew. The day turned out better than I thought it would. It started with mother having drugged dad with some pain medication she got from my uncle. Dad slept until it was time to eat and then he went back down again. After the meal, both of my uncles showed up with their wives and my teenage cousin whom my neice adores. Everyone stayed very entertained with eachother chatting and hanging out so I ended up having a much more peaceful holiday than I imagined. When the uncles left, I followed.

Immediately afterwards, I went to Jae and Bill's house and hung out with them and their son, who was ready for bed until I arrived. We laughed and chated while watching changing place on the Home channel. (They have basic cable now!) We got a lot of enjoyment discussing the methods they used with Bill, who knows building, and Jae who is in the mindspace of someone redecorating a new home. We tried to guess at in advance who was going to like their "new" home. We critiqued color schemes and cringed at cherubs attached to mirror frames. Time crept up and surprised us.

I ended the night by going to the Railroad Earth studios. There was still a dying fire in the pit in back but most of the guests were gone. I hung out in the studio with Neil, Scott and George while they played and tried to get me into it. I had brainlock and just wanted to enjoy hanging around in a friendly creative environment surrounded by very nice people. They allowed me to do whatever I wanted. I ended up staying for breakfast and eating leftovers for breakfast.

Wednesday, November 27, 2002

I am filled with holiday anxiety. Trying not to think about what may or may not transpire on Thanksgiving Day with my family. My plan is to eat, smile, listen attentively for a long as possible without giving away too much personal information, and leave as soon as possible.

Later I have plans to spend the late after noon and evening with dear friends and with any luck that will blow out any post-visit depression I may have.

I am thankful for good friends who will take me in even when I'm feeling down and leave me feeling better by the time I leave.

So, how's your Thanksgiving Day?
Tuesday was filled with the generosity of others for me.

Yesterday as I was leaving work they gave me a turkey. An entire, fresh, whole Butterball turkey. For reasons I cannot explain this made me very giddy and excited to have it. I drove home and popped it straight into the fridge to decide what to do with it - freeze, cook soon, or give away - later, as I had plans to go out with my neighbor for sushi as a belated birthday celebration (his). Got down Buford Hwy. and found out Sat Su Ki was closed. I haven't been out in awhile. But Buford Hwy is full of good eats so we just drove down a bit further and found an Ethiopian restaurant in the next mall. It was sitting next to a Bangladeshi (sp?) restaurant that I never knew existed. The Good Neighbor had never eaten Ethiopian food so we decided on that. Good meal. He loved the spices and the injira bread. We decide to try the Bangladesh restaurant next time we're both able to go out. I told him about the Buford Hwy. restaurant crawl that R & M used to do years ago and we decided to start our own Buford Hwy. eats tour. Should be an adventure. I'm glad to find someone willing to experiment with new places - not just white tablecloths but hole-in-the-wall dives and Mom & Pop spots as well.

The turkey has gone to feed the Grateful Gluttons household which makes me happy as often as they feed me and everyone else.

Thursday, November 21, 2002

It's been kinda woebegone day for me. Maybe its's just hormones or phases of the moon.

Yesterday I finally broke down and got a decent haircut after letting my looks go for too long. While it's nice to be able to see and be seen again, it's never cheap to get a good cut & style anywhere. It stung a bit in the wallet.

My cell phone died today. It had been on it's last days for a while. Beyond old batteries that could be replaced, it appears that the tiny electrical socket on it is shot as well. I'm very dependent on my cell phone for work, etc. so there is no choice but to buy a new one ASAP.

My mind is also burdened with financial woes in antipation of the holiday season. I love to gift shop. I was raised in a shopping mall culture. It is the center of all traditions and ceremonies in my clan. Will my lack of shopping this year leave me shunned?

I'm also unhappy with my lack of workspace tonight. Bad lighting and no place to feel free to make a mess. I dream of having a shed of my own. A place where I don't always have to cover every surface with old shower curtains to avoid harm or stains. A place where I can leave projects out indefinitely, even when I have guests in my home.

Monday, November 18, 2002

It's been a long day. It started out with an early morning walk and interview before going to the office, where things went on pretty late. Tomorrow will be a long day as well, going in early and another interview late in the day. Hopefully something better is just around the corner. I like the place and people I'm spending my days with now, but there's so little to it that I know there's no future for me there. Not a productive one anyway. It's especially hard in an intellectual and emotional sense right now because there are no night classes for me to take during the holiday season and too much personal time on my hands.

I admit I'm also going through classic post-Halloween blahs too. My favorite holiday is past and if it doesn't get any warmer soon, I'm going into my winter cocoon that I won't be emerging from until the warming. With the possible exception of New Year's Eve, of course.

Oh, and I'm a bit mad at myself for missing Tilbrook at the RedLight Cafe last night.

Sunday, November 17, 2002

Which music god are you?


Friday, November 15, 2002

So what was up with the traffic last night and this morning?
I swear my drive home yesterday took more than twice as long as normal. A 20-25 minute drive from Buckhead took an hour. This afternoon was also much heavier than usual traffic. Is there some memo I didn't get? A holiday I'm missing?
Anyway, tonight I was in not hurry to leave the office just so I didn't have to face traffic. Better to actually be actively accomplishing something at work than sitting idly in my car with my foot on the brake most of the time.

Monday, November 11, 2002

Tonight the family of crazy downstairs boy are ripping up and rebuilding their unit while he's still away "under observation" for his own safety (not ours). The place is truly ripped to shreds with drywall dust everywhere now and light fixtures on the floor. The parking lot is blocked with their vehicles even at this late hour.
Saturday I went to the Grand Opening of Cabbagetown Clay and Glass Works at at 228 Powell Street. The opening and silent auction were a big success. Donated pieces were going at great prices and the guests were buying. Frank made a mysterious toxic punch that I still can't imagine the contents of. At the end of the night he was surrounded by dancing young women singing praises for his part in arranging the evening. He finally tore himself away in time to join Larry, myself, and a few other lingering souls as we closed down Manuel's for the night.
Tuesday Night I was lucky enough to see Elvis Costello at the Tabernacle. GREAT show.

Play list, Etc:

The Q that the show was about to begin was the William Tell Overture being played over the sound system.

(guitar - blonde Fender Telecaster)
I Hope You're Happy Now
Doll Revolution (using a theremin at the keyboard, that EC also played with his guitar neck.
You Little Fool
Party Girl
(guitar change to a battered looking teal Fender Jaguar)
15 Petals
I Want To Be Loved
(guitar change - brown guitar Tiesco?)
Spooky Girlfriend
(Elevator story - coming down from the penthouse suite where they like to hang out at the bar in an elevator with a huge stack of Luis Vitton luggage. Sixteen 8 ft. bodyguards stepped in, surrounding a tiny Latina. When she saw him, an expression of quiet fury changed to the sweetest smile. If it weren't for all that luggage...)
end of Spooky Girlfriend
(guitar change - red Fender gutar with "Costello" pearl inlay across neck)
(Philadelphia story including "cafe riske" next to Denny's on the corner of Love and across the street from CNN)
I Can't Stand Up for falling down
Man Out Of Time
(guitar change to a Gibson Accoustic with "Elvis" in sticker on front)
Indoor Fireworks
(the beloved entertainer bows to the audience)
Sweet Dreams About You
Girls Talk
Deep Dark Truthful Mirror - breaking to-
You Really Got A Hold On Me - continuing to -
Deep Dark Truthful Mirror at halucination lyric

First Encore:
(yet another Fender - "Elvis Costello" pearl inlay across neck)
Beyond Belief
Watching The Detectives
(back to the red "Costello" guitar midway through song)
Peace, Love and Understanding
When I was Cruel
(was that a taped female voice? No - I think it was a sample played from the keyboard)
My Funny Valentine was worked into the middle of When I was Cruel without missing a beat.
(guitar change)
Blood And Chocolate - Uncomplicated

Second Encore:
song that was featured in The Big Lebowski
Mood Swing
(guitar change to pretty sunburst Gibson)
Suspicious Minds

Third Encore:
No Action
"1-2-3-4-" Radio Radio
You Belong To Me
(Beatles cover) Slow Down
Pump It Up!
(followed finally by band member intros)

the band was dressed entirely in black, setting up a simple look for a show that highlighted the songs.
simple lighting as in most Costello shows.
EXCELLENT vocal training and ability - strong and clear to the end.

Monday, November 04, 2002

Sunday was back to the real world. Stopped by Cam & Joy's to pick up the Paris scrapbook that I'd left the other night when I didn't have time to go over my photos with her and we did a quick run-through of the shots and tidbits before I headed to Smyrna to visit family and she & Cam went to a child's birthday party.

Thought I would leave the VHS tape I had in Chaz & Sandy's mailbox after I got back into town. Almost got away silently with the dropoff when the dogs started up as I went back down the step to the car. Oops. Didn't mean to set off the alarms.

Friday night I went with sandy to Kim and Harris' Halloween house party.

Saturday was the Grateful Gluttons Day Of The Dead Murder Mystery Party.