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Monday, November 18, 2002

It's been a long day. It started out with an early morning walk and interview before going to the office, where things went on pretty late. Tomorrow will be a long day as well, going in early and another interview late in the day. Hopefully something better is just around the corner. I like the place and people I'm spending my days with now, but there's so little to it that I know there's no future for me there. Not a productive one anyway. It's especially hard in an intellectual and emotional sense right now because there are no night classes for me to take during the holiday season and too much personal time on my hands.

I admit I'm also going through classic post-Halloween blahs too. My favorite holiday is past and if it doesn't get any warmer soon, I'm going into my winter cocoon that I won't be emerging from until the warming. With the possible exception of New Year's Eve, of course.

Oh, and I'm a bit mad at myself for missing Tilbrook at the RedLight Cafe last night.

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