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Tuesday, March 22, 2005

I am sorry

On St. Patrick's Day, I didn't make it to Eddies Attic. I hadn't spoken actually with my friend about meeting there or having time to chat,etc. and it turned out to be an earlier than usual show, starting around 6:30 pm, although a very long set... and it was a $10 door. The cost wasn't that much but I didn't want to pay to go inside and just hang out by myself with the hope of having time to visit afterwards.

Instead, I went to Goth dinner at Apre Diem which was very nice. Sadly, I'd already wolfed down a kroger sushi tray when I thought I was going to Eddie's Attic, and I just hung out and drank tea - I gave the waitress a big tip as rent on my chair. Most of the conversation was on politics and self defense and housekeeping.

I am still disappointed tonight on missing the first of the classes I'd paid for at Emory tonight. At the end the day, I ended up wrestling with one of the printers until 7pm when my class was due to start. My own fault for doing things too hastily while trying to get out early so I ended up working late fixing things and losing face with my boss. I came home and used the foul mood I was in to throw a lot of things away, including way too many catalogs that had piled up and old magazines. More things may have to be tossed before my mood improves.

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