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Saturday, July 08, 2006

tied in knots

The good news:
We got the new toilet installed. yeah!
And now we have the old gray toilet sitting on our patio, probably becoming a mosquito nursery until we figure out how to get rid of it. I think I'm going to put biocide pellets in it tomorrow.
Went to see the new Pirates movie tonight. Great fun. I needed some escape.
Tom Waits tickets go on sale at 10:00 AM!

The bad news:
It's been a very rough week for me. Now I'm having a glass of red wine trying to encourage sleep to come and my gut to unknot. There's more trouble in my condo with water and nasty downstairs neighbors and useless management companies.... the usual. That and my job desintegrating into nothing as they seem to be letting the business die off - I've only been working half days lately. And my car needs new struts. The back end is bottoming out, so there's another big expense coming at me.

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