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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Season's Greetings

The first winter party in our current home went well, I think. I only forgot a few detail to put out before I became too distracted. Good food. Good friends. VERY generous gifts - really too much but greatly appreciated.

Nearly perfect, except for a couple of incidents -
one uninvited guest who showed up early and empty-handed, drank the entire 6-pack of IPA that Daniel had brought as a gift to Monster, and ate half the roast beef. The couple who sent him here arrived late, though they themselves were gracious guests who even brought cake and did not hog the food or drink. Not sure how to deal with that situation yet, whether to just have a chat with someone about manners or just make alterations to future guest lists.
One older friend was in an automobile accident on the way to the party. Monster picked him up and brought him to join the party and try to relax after all was taken care of at the scene of the accident. Joy gave him a ride home at the end of the night, since she lived in the same part of town. No one was injured in the wreck, so we are all thankful that is is only the bother of dealing with insurance companies and civic entities to deal with afterwards.

Christmas Eve was spent in AL visiting with Monster's family and eating out in Birmingham.

This morning, we opened gifts, and discovered a new way to keep any squirrels of the bird feeders - and it has been QUITE a show of birds of many species this morning. Titmouse, cardinal, bluejay, downey woodpecker, hairy woodpeckers, red-bellied woodpeckers (odd name, since their bellies aren't red), chickadees, mocking birds, sparrows, goldfinch, etc. We need more suet blocks for the feeder. :)

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