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Sunday, December 27, 2009
RIP Vic Chesnutt
He talked about the Healthcare Debate on NPR recently with Terry Gross.
GROSS: I read that you're in debt like $50,000 because of health insurance issues.
Mr. CHESNUTT: That's right.
GROSS: So - and this is because you had a series of surgeries and although you pay a lot for your health insurance, it didn't cover all of it. Is that - do I have that right?
Mr. CHESNUTT: That's exactly true, yeah.
GROSS: Uh-huh. So, what are your thoughts now as you watch the health care legislation controversy play out?
Mr. CHESNUTT: Well, I have been amazed and confused by the health care debate. We need health care reform. There is no doubt about it, we really need health care reform in this country. Because it's absurd that somebody like me has to pay so much, it's just too expensive in this country. It's just ridiculously expensive. That they can take my house away for kidney stone operation is -that's absurd.
GROSS: Is that what you're facing the possibility of now?
Mr. CHESNUTT: Yeah. I mean, it could - I'm not sure exactly. I mean, I don't have cash money to pay these people. I tried to pay them. I tried to make payments and then they finally ended up saying, no, you have to pay us in full now. And so, you know, I'm not sure what exactly my options are. I just - I really - you know, my feeling is that I think they've been paid, they've already been paid $100,000 from my insurance company. That seems like plenty. I mean, this would pay for like five or six of these operations in any other country in the world. You know, it affects - I mean, right now I need another surgery and I've putting it off for a year because I can't afford it. And that's absurd, I think.
I mean, I could actually lose a kidney. And, I mean, I could die only because I cannot afford to go in there again. I don't want to die, especially just because of I don't have enough money to go in the hospital. But that's the reality of it. You know, I have a preexisting condition, my quadriplegia, and I can't get health insurance.
GROSS: Is it true you can't get good health insurance?
Mr. CHESNUTT: I can't get - I'm uninsurable. The only reason I have any insurance now is because I was on Capitol Records for a while. And I had excellent health insurance there. And then when I got dropped from Capitol, I Cobra's(ph) my insurance for as long as it was legally possible. And then - and which was insanely expensive to cobra this very nice insurance. And then, when that ran out, the insurance company said they could offer me one last thing and that is hospitalization. It only covers hospital bills. That's all it covers. And it's still $500 a month. So, it doesn't pay for my drugs, my doctors or anything like that. All it pays for is hospitalization. And yet, I still owe all this money on top of that.
GROSS: Wow. Well, I wish you the best with your health and your music. And I really want to thank you
Mr. CHESNUTT: Thank you.
GROSS: a lot for talking with us.
Mr. CHESNUTT: Oh, I'm honored, honored beyond belief.
Winter Holidays
Christmas evening was spent with my family. I greatly regret my gift budget was not what I wanted it to be but I promise to do better for everyone next year. Dinner was roast duck, pork roast, green beans, thrice baked potatoes, sweet carrots, horrible wine, good olives, and home made nut cake, cookies and caramel flan for desert.
Yesterday was spent in Alabama, treasure hunting in antique malls and eventually taking MonsterMustDie's mother to eat at Cracker Barrel (her favorite) and shopping at Wallmart.
We finished the day by making it back to Atlanta in time for Silver Scream Spook Show, where we saw "Destroy All Monsters".
Tonight we were planning to see The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus but we can't theatre listings anywhere for it, so it looks like we're going to the new Sherlock Holmes instead.
My housemate is now off work until January. With pay.
and from Fussy:
"The greatest sin is judgment without knowledge." Kelsey Grammar
"Comedy is the most important thing in the world except for justice." Sigourney Weaver
Friday, December 18, 2009
The interesting weekend
Then morning a new leak over the couch appeared and the power went out due to the enormous tree that fell across our street this morning. Phoned the roofer, who had a man at the house to make a temporary patch within the hour. He was a ginger-bearded character who, when I peeked outside, was surfing on top of an SUV another person was driving to get to the lowest point of the roof, rather than just using a ladder. He was fast, polite, and seemed to have it capped when he left. Still, the SUV surfing had me amused.
As I left the house today, I saw the Power Company crew had the street closed off entirely and many large trucks and with bright flashing blinky lights were working on breaking down the fallen tree and putting up new power lines. The ginger-bearded roofer had already alerted me to the alternate route out of the neighborhood, past the school, so no problems there.
I hope the power is back on and the living room is dry by the time I get home.
The latest news is that I must go to Alabama the day after Christmas with Monstermustdie so he can help his mother buy a car that she probably has no business driving.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Party in the shambles
The Winter Solstice Party might be a bit more casual than anticipated. I'll might just cover things with festive sheets and carry on.
Great food. Good company and amusing conversation. I had delicious smoked salmon, roast duck two ways with root vegetables, and rosemary icecream on grannysmith apple pie. He had venison carpacio, oysters, and trout followed by a desert that was essentially a semisweet dark chocolate caramel truffle on steriods. I now have the coleslaw recipe I have dreamed of from a different party coming my way soon and I've promised to provide a CD of decadent southern gothic story telling to our host.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
keeping the fire alive
I'm also searching for Java Logs or a similar, unsmokey, close to environmentally approved fuel for the winter fireplace. Cold wet weather makes me want to sit in front a fire with the cat, hot mug in hand. We haven't yet had any fires here this season. It's past time for that first fire of the year.
I went to work yesterday and was immediately told there was nothing to do, but since I'd already spent the time, gasoline to get there and bought a to-go lunch to bring with me that I would not have purchased otherwise, I decided to spend a couple of hours filing old jobs away in the archives and checking on the status of those still floating in limbo.
Today will hopefully have a couple of things to do. Mondays and Fridays are always dead but the days in between usually offer some hope of activity.
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
THe Vendor - Client Relationship
Monday, November 30, 2009
Woe to the Weremonkey
Thursday, November 26, 2009
The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody
Thanksgiving 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Must get up and get active tomorrow.
Tuesday is the last day of MonsterMustDie's two-day work week before Thanksgiving.
I've done nothing but watch Venture Brothers on DVD and downloaded videos today, while eating snacks with more calories than nutritional value.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Jim Stacy gets 'Delicious' new gig | accessAtlanta
Saturday, November 14, 2009
MARTA to stage emergencies Saturday evening |
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Goth Picnic 2009
In the absence of Kisa Bastet, I brought coffee this year, which was hardly touched. Previous, much colder picnic days have seen a lot of coffee and hot beverage consumption. This year, there was more wine and beer consumed - which also led to more painful Mondays this year. One housemate in particular could not rationalize how he got so drunk by the end of the day when I drove him home, where he crawled into bed and I went back out to join the Gillimonster and her inebriated hubby for dinner.
Monday, November 02, 2009
lunch date
Came home. Had leftover munchies, cheese, baguette,strawberries for dinner with red wine. Watched Bourdain in Australia.
It might be officially 9PM but it feels like 10.
Bedtime now.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
joy and pain
Last night, we went shopping and got Halloween costume materials together. Then went to RuSans, where I had sushi with great company. Monstermustdie found a dish that he enjoyed a lot, which might mean he'll join us there more often in the future.
We came home, dyed some fabric, gathered up more monster-making stuff from the basement before checking emails and going to bed.
Then a bad thing happened.
I managed to injure my left foot last night by stumbling and landing toes first. It's quite an ugly sight this morning. Takes talent to injure myself that way, I think. Can't believe I'm such a klutz.
No dancing or running or waiting in long lines for me this weekend.
Monday, October 19, 2009
A Very Good Weekend
Friday, I was the host of the Vinophiles October meeting with a theme this month of Red Zinfandel.
Saturday was the big Birthday Party with friends and family. My mother, brother, sister-in-law, niece, nephew, uncle, and aunt all made it here from The West (Cobb County) early in the evening. They left before things got too interesting so the old people could sleep and the young people could go out to play. MonsterMustDie made a very sweet toast before we cut the birthday cake. Lots of food, my favorite people and very generous gifts. I am extremely grateful to all who made it to our place for the party and I had a fabulous time. The fridge here is still loaded with leftover cake and food. Even with the large number of people who were here this weekend, there is a ton of wine in coolers here from Vinophiles and my mother, who apparently decided to clean out her cabinets and bring all of her vino here (If you want to come over for a low-key evening of DVDs here with leftover snacks and wine during this week or next, just let me know. I am the Queen of crackers and salad, cake and cookies).
Sunday was the Pumpkin Carving. There were some GREAT Jack o' Lanterns made. Some photos are posted on my Flickr page.
I had coffee and cake and Rose Delight for breakfast this morning.
Tonight, I combined what was in the fridge with several ingredients from the wonderful herb basket my friend Joe brought and made what turned out to be an incredibly tastey soup. Three kinds of mushrooms, lime zest, lemon grass, hot peppers, garlic, onion, various herbs, chard... Yum!
Now watching Anthony Bourdain on the Travel Channel with Monster John, who is exhausted from making my birthday so good.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Ciao, Elisa
Published by The Blissful Glutton on October 7, 2009 at 11:46 PM
It's been a sad week. First, Gourmet Magazine announces it will cease publication. And now Elisa Gambino has decided to close her pasta shop, Via Elisa.
Here is what she announced (via John Kessler's piece for the AJC) in her latest newsletter:
Via Elisa’s store – but not our sauces — will end what has been a glorious seven-year run in Atlanta at the close of business on Saturday, October 17, the latest victim of an unforgiving economy.
Though that will mark the last day we will make our award-winning pasta and the last day our store will be open, I want you to know that we will continue to make our sauces, whose sales have grown despite the economic climate.
Since the line of Via Elisa sauces sold at Whole Foods Markets throughout six states in the South does very well, I will focus on developing Via Elisa as a sauce company. All three of our sauces – Passionately Perfect Tomato, Diavoletta and Sofia’s Sicilian Caper – are available in 16-oz. and 32-oz. jars.
Elisa's saucesBetween the flooding and the economy, there has been much sad news here in Atlanta, and when I think of the loss that so many people have suffered, this bit of news seems trivial in comparison. I am thankful to all of you who have supported Via Elisa since we opened our doors in 2002. I have been overwhelmed by your kindness and dedication to the success of Via Elisa and I hope you will continue to support the sauces as I streamline our business. I have always enjoyed delivering pasta to the people in the neighborhoods, markets and our store. I am confident I will enjoy promoting and selling our sauces as well.
A supply of Via Elisa pasta and ravioli is available at Whole Foods Markets here in Atlanta (as we have just shipped out a fresh batch). You know where to find it! We will also continue to accept your orders until October 16 and I hope you will stock up. Everything we make freezes well.
On a closing note I want to thank the incredible and dedicated staff of professionals who work here at Via Elisa. Without Dave, Tina, Bess, Noe, Maryland, Darnell and Dahlia, Via Elisa would not have been possible. Their dedication to Via Elisa has inspired me daily and has kept me going over the years. Their contribution to the business has been immeasurable. Please thank them when you come to the shop.
And please do come by, say hello and pick up your pasta, ravioli, sauces, meats, cheeses, vinegars and oils at least one last time. The store will be open and we will be here making pasta through Saturday, October 17, and we would love to see you.
As I have always said, a two-pasta day is a good day! And if you are looking for sauce, all of our 16-oz. sizes are still on sale at Whole Foods Markets in the South for only $3.49 until October 13th.
I am heartbroken.
good reading
Friday, October 09, 2009
A couple of weeks ago, I was freelancing at two printers located within 10 minutes drive from home. After either job, I'd go for in the required 1-2 hours a day at my old employer, who is still shutting down his business, to keep on the group insurance plan.
A couple of months ago, when I told him my mornings were going to be busy making ends meet at other places, he didn't bat an eye - and why should he? He's not busy enough to occupy me at his place and he shoos me out, when he's at work, if I am idle at my desk.
Then, about two weeks ago, he wanted a single job out in the morning (15 minutes work from process to plate) and called me all morning long trying to figure out how to pull up files, change type, and print. I eventually turned off my phone to stop answering questions at work and when I came in for that day it was no big deal. He left the job sitting on the table when he left to run the next day rather than that afternoon.
Neither of the companies I was working at have called me in or answered my calls and email since that day. It looks like both of those connections are dead now.
None of the places I've interviewed at have called again or responded to my follow-up emails and letters but those are separate matters. One was a very good interview at a place I'd like to be at but they did not have anything open at that time. I just need to stay in touch as best I can with them. The other is so far away that I would dread the commute nor do I think they would pay enough to make that commute justified.
At this point, I'd be happy to do anything just to keep myself occupied and my mind engaged.
Monday, October 05, 2009
The sky clouded up and a light sprinkle started coming down, so I ran to the car to put my camera in a safe, dry place and grab a couple of umbrellas. Just as I'm walking back to the memorial park, sans camera, Atlanta Zombie Walk arrives.
After seeing Atlanta Zombie Walk stumble, creep, and drag themselves through the park, we left to make it to see ZombieLand but got tied up in construction traffic just long enough to be late for the movie so we skipped that and went home to the couch instead. I now wish we'd just stayed at Oakland a bit longer and enjoyed more of the musical performances and cheerful ambiance of the day but hindsight is 20-20, always. We still plan to see ZombieLand another night - so if anyone is interested in joining us, please let us know. It's always much more fun with friends.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Then I went to the grocery for a few things and discovered I have totally lost my ATM card. I checked every bag and every pocket and under every seat in the car. So, I've ordered a new ATM card this morning. It should come to my post office box in 5 business days. That means I'll probably get it next week sometime and will be able to pick it up a week from Saturday. In the mean time, I will be cashless. That rules out a lot of regular small activities like the Farmers Market for a couple of weeks. Hopefully, it means I'll save money on small purchases that I would normally make without thinking twice, like fast food and coffee.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Someday I'll have a A house or cluster home in a metropolitan area.
If I can't live in the city, I want to be as close to the city as possible, preferably in walking distance of friends and businesses and with off-street parking for at least two vehicles.
I'd still like to be in a free-standing building that does not share walls or rooftop with anyone else so I can control the maintenance of my home and immediate surroundings. Too many bad experiences in a condo have left me against sharing a building. My pipes. My roof & ceiling. My electrical system.
It would be nice to have a bit of green space for gardening and some shed space for making things as well. Green space keeps me healthy. Shed/Studio space keeps me sane.
If I had to, I could go without my television for a month
I don't need the television to make a living or interact with my friends. My roommate kinda "owns" the television in the house anyway so there is not nothing that I watch on a regular basis. I won't cry about missing an episode of anything.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Krog Street bridge looks quite romantic under water.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Seems like we just can't get ahead.
There is also roach poop from the ceiling everywhere upstairs.
There are also large centipedes that show up downstairs and, for the first time tonight, upstairs in the hallway - they are no doubt trying to avoid drowning.
We should not have signed a lease for another year, but moving takes a lot time and money and labor. It also involves finding what would be a better, even if much smaller, affordable space that does not increase our commutes to work significantly - especially with MonsterMustDie's car ready to die at any day now.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
It's good weather for mushrooms.
Saw a box turtle for the first time here yesterday morning.
Glad to have our internet and house phone restored. New hardware was involved. Cable guy was nice and had good people skills - and he came at what I consider an acceptable hour within the window we were given for our appointment. After things were back up and running, the rest of the day and evening was spent on quality time with friends and eating lots of good food.
I have still not had enough coffee this morning and plan to have more while running errands with monstermustdie, who wants some quality time with me today.
And while I'm at it, please be careful driving out there. Two nights in a row, I've had to sit in traffic on a highway that had become a parking lot because of huge multi-vehicle wrecks.
Friday, September 11, 2009
It's on.
weekend of possibilities
If there are any takers, I will be food-making tomorrow after going to the organic farmers market. I like to experiment in the kitchen but I need someone to eat what I create other than the often too picky housemate. Like something (pumpkin, sweet potato) orange in color (I know... the orange wonz is poysen).
Tonight, I would like to check out Night Vision if anyone I know is going. I think I'll be awake...
Monday, September 07, 2009
Sunday - Drive Invasion 2009
Saw some good bands, great cars and took in tons of Southern Culture via the redneck underground. Saw a lot of old friends I had not seen in too long. Drank lots of water. Ate turkey sausage dogs grilled in the parking lot. Applied sunscreen heavily and still missed a couple of spots.
Many thanks to friends who brought sun shades and large umbrellas - you saved the day for the rest of us.
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Then we met up with Drew and went up to the 11th floor to the room and said hello and visited with the serious DC-ers. Saw Kook and Kookling before the parade. We took Drew out to Six Feet Under, where we met up with Fez for lunch.
Now, MonsterMustDie is napping and digesting.
Tonight we're looking forward to dinner with Kisa Bastet and Mr. Foster and Pyynk & Kel.
Really missing Alekto , and Mr. & Mrs. PitbullPotPie.
Signed on to host Vinophiles in October, the night before my birthday - red wine theme will be Zinfandel.
Had a great dinner at Hsu's with Kisa Bastet , Dezlock, Justicefire, The Prom Dates, MonsterMustDie . The duck dumplings were great. The vegetarian cabbage rolls are smokey and so rich tasting you forget they're veggie. The ginger martini is absolutely delicious. The service is, as always, flawless.
Texted Alekto while at the grocery on the way home. Found a great $40 bottle of one of my favorite wines for under $15. Woo hoo!
Back home in jammies, taking care of the old Dutch man now.
Friday, September 04, 2009
DragonCon is fabulous this year.
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
I freaked myself out yesterday.
drop in blood sugar while sitting at the desk. My vision was going white to the extent that it was difficult if not impossible to work. Very sparkly looking at the monitor. I asked the guys if there was a snack machine anywhere nearby. One of the partners said the other kept a stash of snacks in his desk. I responded that I didn't want to empty anyone's snacks - I just needed something to eat ASAP. He looked at me, walked in back, then the other partner came up to me with three different boxes on snacks. They both told me I was "white as a sheet". I have no idea what brought that on so dramatically but half an hour or more after eating I was mostly fine and cheerily plugging away at whatever projects they tossed at me but I'm still kinda wigged out about it... I feel as if I'm delicate now to the point that I want to keep treats around with me now.
Cheap Date - Movie Night - Sept 12
That will hopefully help with the recovery from Labor Day weekend activities.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Next birthday, I'd like to have a BIG party
have a BIG party
This is a big birthday, and I've missed all of my other significant birthdays with the exception of my 18th birthday, when my father took me and my best friend Jan out to eat at The Abbey.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Disney Overload
First thing this morning, I sprang out of bed, showered and went to the VA Highlands for a fresh haircut. After getting a new 'do, I made it to the Morningside Farmers Market and brought home lovely fresh arrugula, tomatoes, cucumber, onion, etc.- ingredients to make some good late-summer salads at home.
Now that I finally have most of my software and hardware in or back on order, I spent a block of time earlier this afternoon installing new software and setting up the new computer and printer. Starting to feel more professional in here with the current tools available to me. This gives me a lot more to occupy myself with at home now too.
Then, cabin fever set in again and I went to IKEA and Sam Flax with MonsterMustDie to get a few organizational things for the office and buy frames for some new artwork at the house.
The rest of the evening has been Disney movies: Ponyo at the cinema. Then, upon getting home, housemate watched Pinochio on Disney channel and now he's watching Willy Wonka. Gotta hide in my room now... until the storm of cute is over.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Goodbye, RIP, Les Paul
Anyone who has ever heard an electric guitar recorded in a multi-track format owes a debt of gratitude to Les Paul... so, I guess that means just about everyone. Thanks for everything, Les.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Eyedrum Art Auction - August 14, 7pm - 10pm

Positively the most diverse and entertaining art auction in town! Featuring a silent auction of over 100 pieces of artwork in every price range, from every genre, in every size and in all mediums. Painting, Drawing, Book Arts, Jewelry, Photography, Sculpture, and more from local established and emerging artists will be included. ED Recordings, Eyedrum merchandise and memberships will also be on sale.
Your purchases at the Benefit Auction will help support Eyedrum's operating costs and programming year round. Eyedrum is a completely volunteer run non-profit organization featuring contemporary art, music, film, theatre and literary events.
Email eyedrumauction(a) to volunteer, donate artwork or for more info. $10 at the door. FREE for Eyedrum members. Costumes and dancing encouraged!
Thanks to all the generous Eyedrum auction artists!
Matt Allison, Ashley Anderson, Larry Jens Anderson, Anita Arliss, Alicia Araya, Yun Bai, Chris Bakay, Rose Baron, Daniel Biddy, Lillian Blades, Christopher Boehm, William Boling, Natalie Brandhorst, Phoebe Brown, Sloane Cheatham, Susan Cipcic, Cheryl Cline, Terry Coffey, Marcia Cohen, Hope Cohn, Benny Cokeman, Woody Cornwell, Linda Costa, Anne Cox, Jerry Cullum, Jeff Dahlgren, Terri Dilling, Ruth Dusseault, Laura Dyer, Tae Earl-Jackson, Heather Elder, David Rossi Elliot, Emer, Sarah Emerson, William Etheridge, Julia Fenton, Tom Ferguson, Nancy Floyd, John Folsom, Edie G, Angus Galloway, Jane Garver, Debra Gavant, Lynn Gay, Mike Germon, John Glover, Rory Golden, Kojo Griffin, Ayed Halim, Anna Hamer, Ting Ying Han, Jody Harris, Tim Haugh, Jess Hinshaw, EK Huckaby, David Huff, Andy I, Janet Jenkins, Eric Jennings, Kim Jones, Jennifer Julian, Cecelia Kane, Mark Karelson, Dana Kemp, Susan Ker-Seymer, Drew Kitchens, Kati Kulscar, Judy Kuniasky, Nick Kuwick, R Land, Sarah Lawrence, Mark Leibert, Anya Liftig, George Long, Sean Ludwig, Eric Mack, Karen Mackay, Kelly McKernan, Joy McKinney, Harold McNaron, Corrina Sephora Mensoff, Michi, Hormuz Minina, Mandie Turner Mitchell, Johana Moscoso, Billy Newman, Jessica Orlowski, Erin Palovick, Esteban Patino, Wynne Ragland, Allison Rentz, Darius Robinson, William Rossoto, Mario Schambon, Steve Seaburg, Maxwell Sebastian, Teresa Sims, Avantika Singh, Madeline St Romain, Whitney Stansell, Marcy Starz, Karen Tauches, Brett Thompson, John Trobaugh, Joe Tsambiras, Lisa Tuttle, Clark Vreeland, Heather Stevens Weese, Howard Wershil, Aaron Whitehouse, Steve Willams, Stan Woodard, Cynthia Zarrilli, Tom Zarrilli.
Live entertainment provided by: KalimbaMan Kevin Spears with special guest Mario Schambon, Marimba Lumina Enlightenment with Klimchak, The Jazz Invaders quartet featuring Greg Hammontree, Dan Gilormo, Justin Chesarek and Colin Agnew and after party mix and dancing with DJ Black Sunshine.
Live Auction @ 9:15 p.m. with Dennis Coburn and Tom Zarrilli includes prizes and special art service items: Botanical Gardens passes, a guided tour of the Moore in America exhibit, a Shocking Real-Life Writing Seminar with Hollis Gillespie, High Museum of Art family memberships, free event at the Roberts-Mozley Home courtesy of the Cultural Arts Council of Douglasville/Douglas County, rain barrel painting by Priscilla Smith, annual memberships to WonderRoot, art installation services from SOLO Installation and Design, artists portfolio websites from Portfolio Atlas, graphic design services by Lyn Hillman, interior design services from Jamie England, recordings from Dust-to-Digital, yoga classes from Bikram Decatur, original clothing from Kortni Potter of Dramagirl Designs, thematic portraits by DornBrothers, costumes from Costumes Etc., pet supplies from Park Pet Supply, chamber music session from The Vauxhall Garden Variety Players, a guided historical tour of Ponce De Leon with Tom Zarrilli, a gift card for Agave and much more!
Special thanks to Karen Tauches for the art auction design. Please visit our generous sponsors: Six Feet Under, Decatur Atlanta Printing, Dukes Vodka, Cabbagetown Market, Stella Trattoria, Pabst Blue Ribbon, and Joe's Catering.
Friday, August 07, 2009
Craig Ferguson explains everything
it's complicated
Oh, and adding to my anxiety, I found a typo on the resume I've been sending out while looking for a new full-time job.
And my credit card had been suspended for "suspicious activity" because of my computer and software purchases. No representative from my credit card company phoned to check with me first - the company just killed my card for no reason. I was still well within my limits on my account. I never got to speak to a human being when I phoned about the credit card. Now, I have to go back and try to make sure all my transactions are good and my stuff is still coming to me. Stuff I need to work.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Normal Watches - Social Networking
What They Say:
Check email. Watch some YouTube. Update Twitter status. Make some Facebook friends. AIM your crush. This watch is for those who are highly networked and proud of it.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
shrub killer
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
message from Eyedrum
Subject: Eyedrum events: July 22-31
Date: Jul 21, 2009 12:17 AM
We want to alert anyone who has not yet heard: Faced with a heavy rent burden and ever-increasing operating expenses, Eyedrum's board of directors held an emergency meeting Sunday, July 11, to consider the survival of the longtime art and music organization.
The options are few. They include a significant decrease in rent, bringing on other Atlanta-based arts organizations to sublet part of the 6,000-square-foot space, a move to a smaller space, or an end to the award-winning venue altogether.
Having just celebrated 10 years in October 2008, the demise of Atlanta's longest-running alternative art and music space would be a huge loss to the Atlanta community. Eyedrum consistently has been a nurturing ground for creativity and progressive thinking in that time.
The board is now in negotiation with its landlord, Braden Fellman, and will reconvene soon to discuss any developments on rent reduction, and to consider proposals from other arts organizations. Arts organizations and investors who are interested in partnering with Eyedrum should contact Vice Chairman Allen Welty Green at
Any donations received through Eyedrum's website ( will be directed toward operating expenses. And while such donations are greatly appreciated, the urgency and severity of Eyedrum's financial burden cannot be overstated. Without a hefty reduction in overhead costs, a major move - physically or in terms of the organization's identity - is unavoidable.
Supporters possessed of more time than money are reminded that Eyedrum always welcomes the energy of new volunteers.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
EYEDRUM facing end to 10-year run
Sent: Jul 15, 2009 9:30 AM
Subject: EYEDRUM facing end to 10-year run
Good morning,
I am sad to announce that Eyedrum Art & Music Gallery may soon be shuttered. Please read the text below. Reply with any questions or concerns.
Thank you,
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Eyedrum May Soon Call It Quits
Financial straits snare Atlanta's longest-running all-volunteer nonprofit arts space
ATLANTA - Facing a heavy rent burden and ever-increasing operating expenses, Eyedrum's board of directors held an emergency meeting Sunday, July 11, to consider the survival of the longtime art and music organization.
The options are few. They include a significant decrease in rent, bringing on other Atlanta-based arts organizations to sublet part of the 6,0000-square-foot space, a move to a smaller space, or an end to the award-winning venue altogether.
Having just celebrated 10 years in October 2008, the demise of Atlanta's longest-running alternative art and music space would be a huge loss to the Atlanta community. Eyedrum consistently has been a nurturing ground for creativity and progressive thinking in that time.
The Eyedrum music archive, the gallery's greatest asset next to the people involved, features more than 1,000 shows recorded live over the past 10 years. It is one of the few venues that features - built-out by members of the all-volunteer board - three visual art gallery spaces, and a performance space with a professional-quality sound system with multi-track recording capability.
Eyedrum secured a $30,000 Warhol Foundation curatorial grant in 2006, and is a 10-year Best of Atlanta winner in both music and art categories (Creative Loafing).
These accomplishments were achieved all while operating debt-free - yet another point of achievement considering the nontraditional nature of the organization, and limited grant and sponsorship funding.
The board plans to attempt a negotiation with its landlord, Braden Fellman, later this week, and will reconvene no later than July 26 to discuss any developments on rent reduction, and to consider proposals from other arts organizations. Arts organizations and investors who are interested in partnering with Eyedrum should contact Vice Chairman Allen Welty Green at
Any donations received through Eyedrum's website ( will be directed toward operating expenses. And while such donations are greatly appreciated, the urgency and severity of Eyedrum's financial burden cannot be overstated. Without a hefty reduction in overhead costs, a major move - physically or in terms of the organization's identity - is unavoidable.
Started in 1998, Eyedrum is a nonprofit organization developing an interdisciplinary approach to the arts by incorporating a wide range of contemporary art, music and new media in its gallery space. The gallery is operated entirely by volunteers, and supported through memberships and donations. It has been recognized internationally as well as locally by Atlanta's Office of Cultural Affairs and within the community at large for its advancement of innovation.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
voice from the past
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Solar panels, measured and designed remotely using satellite images - Springwise
Monday, July 06, 2009
Independence Day Weekend
Friday, we had a day trip in my car to hunt for treasures in Chattanooga. Came back empty handed, except for some boiled peanuts and fresh peaches in the cooler. Still, a day out of town taking in the summer.
Potentially quite a positive change:
Saturday afternoon, we started clearing out the garage at el rancho for potential studio and workshop space. There is a trip to the thrift or a yard sale necessary in the near future.
put in a post on some our stuff we'd like someone to take off our hands. At one point, someone lost their grip on a box we were hoisting up that fell back on my face, giving me a tiny but quite visible by day abrasion from my eye to chin. Quite fetching.
Quite fun:
Saturday night, we met
, and other friends for a good dinner at 5 Seasons at the Prado, followed by the new Transformers movie.
Like a horror film:
The mosquitos have been out in incredible swarms all weekend and, I swear, between them and all the spiders in the garage, we both have a lot of horrible itchy bites to heal over the next week. I've been coughing all weekend from the dust inhaled as well. Really should have worn a mask, if I'd had one - or even a bandana would have helped a lot.
I spent all of Sunday being unexplainably tired and drowsy. Really couldn't stay conscious all day. Every time my eyes shut, dreams would come. I napped off and on most of the day, turned in early, and woke up this morning only as MonsterMustDie was leaving for work.
Mystery solved:
Today, Mother Natured called and told me why I was so phenomenally depleted on Sunday.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
I'm saving up for a imac
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Regal Walnut Moth, Citheronia regalis
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
My life would make a great comedy movie
Life is a constant rolling sitcom for both the awkward and the tragic. At best, pain + time equals comedy. And my own awkardness reminds me to chill out and not take myself too seriously.
As someone said "You have to laugh or it's not funny."
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Fathers Day again
Although we did not have THE close father-daughter relationship I read about sometimes, and he often said the opposite of what I was expecting or needed to hear, I still quite often feel the absence of him. I miss being able to ask for his advice, good or bad but always honest, on important matters.
In the reverse, even these three years after his death, I feel frustrated and even a bit angry at things he set in place that still affect me and limit me. My brother and I were both kept on a short leash, which was both protective but very limiting.
Sometimes I miss my fathers infuriating, but loving way of running things as "Don't even try. I've already taken care of everything. You'll just screw up. ".
I wonder if my brother's adjustment is much easier than mine, as I suspect it is, or if we are in a much more similar boat than I think.
He has a good education and I have always longed for a better education.
He is married to his perfect life partner with a large home and a family but he's never taken a step outside of the ties we grew up with and he has no very close friendships that I know of despite that fact. I have no family of my own and I will always struggle with my own finances - due more to my near-complete inability to make money more than poor management, but I have good friends who I adore and share infinite things with. I think I may enjoy the small things in life much more than he does as well.
He has so many good things in life but he always seems to have a pained look on his face.
... or maybe he just looks that way when he's around me...
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Facebook Manners and You
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
very useful advice
Monday, June 08, 2009
This week, it's his turn.
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Ready, Aim, Fire! Um
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Dead Snow
Friday, May 29, 2009
There is nothing wrong with you.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
It's been a soggy week
Meanwhile, I'm taking advantage of wet weather and planting new grass seed whenever I can. It's become a patchwork project around the house, weeding ivy sprouts and scattering grass seed, then covering the seed with straw. I'm sure there are much better ways to do this but I am not very garden and landscape savvy yet.
I've filled my calendar with a lot of social activity this week. Nearly every evening has been spent at a seminar or dinner with friends. That keeps the nearly non-existent amount of work and money I have from making me insane. Activity makes me happy. My professional and creative life are very unsatisfying now. I could really use something to give me a personal sense of accomplishment and worth.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Everything Is Alive
pulled from blogosphere - stem cell research
-Joshua Turner
I think stem cell research is important. (You out there reading this in internet-land do not have to think as I do. You can actively want to ban it if you like.) But having learned that,
*"The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) launched a new
"Oppose Destructive Stem Cell Research" campaign today, equipping citizens
to contact Congress and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to oppose
embryonic stem cell research ." -- WASHINGTON, May 6
and that
". ..of the 6000 plus comments that NIH
has received concerning the draft guidelines, 99% were from people who
opposed embryonic stem cell research."-Carecure Forum
and given that I do not believe that 99% of the people out there believe that stem-cell research should be banned, I thought, well, my opinion is at least as valid as that of any Conference of Bishops. And I bet I can reach at least 6,000 people...
So, look over the document. If you have an opinion on stem cell research, and would like it expressed, go to:
and let them know what it is.
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Jayne County at Manuel's Tavern this Friday
Yes, Manuel's Tavern. Friday, May 8th. 9pm. $15.
The "(You Could Tell I Was No) DebuTAUNT Ball"
with a live full-band performance from Jayne County.
It's a benefit for PAWS Atlanta. Don't miss this!!"
Tickets on sale now at Libertine in Little Five Points.
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
running away from home
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Avoid Toxic People
Posted by David Pescovitz, May 4, 2009 11:37 AM | permalink
There is a test to determine whether someone is toxic or nourishing in your relationship with them. Here is the test: You have spent some time with this person, either you have a drink or go for dinner or you go to a ball game. It doesn’t matter very much but at the end of that time you observe whether you are more energised or less energised. Whether you are tired or whether you are exhilarated. If you are more tired then you have been poisoned. If you have more energy you have been nourished.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
Grass is cut. Driveway and walk is reasonably clean and clear.
I still need to to do some wrapping of birthday and bridal shower gifts when I get home today. Kisa will not be Skyping the party this time but Gilli will be the virtual guest of the evening.
At most of the latest parties, friends out-of-town have been skyping in as virtual guests.
My latest idea, if I have time, good weather, and materials, is to make backdrops for webcam conversations. I'm thinking of painting large pieces of corrugated cardboard and coming up with a way to stand them up in back of the conversators (new word I think I just came up with).
I still need to to do some wrapping of birthday and bridal shower gifts when I get home today. Kisa will not be Skyping the party this time but Gilli will be the virtual guest of the evening.
At most of the latest parties, friends out-of-town have been skyping in as virtual guests.
My latest idea, if I have time, good weather, and materials, is to make backdrops for webcam conversations. I'm thinking of painting large pieces of corrugated cardboard and coming up with a way to stand them up in back of the conversators (new word I think I just came up with).
Monday, April 13, 2009
Looking back
So many people, certain they were about to become huge stars, refused to let their performances be recorded or even written about. Oddly enough, this was very counter-intuitive. Without an existing contract or publisher, all it did was prevent anyone from hearing about them or for them to have any record of those days now. There were some bands and performance artists who had girlfriend "managers" how would be very nasty to anyone with a camera or taking notes. Not that that happened with your performances. But it happened with a lot.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Last night Chaz and Sandra come here. We cooked orzo, asparagus, and grilled sausages for dinner and they brought a nice Merlot and home-made blackberry cobbler. A simple meal with very good company. I greatly enjoyed sitting around catching up with them over dinner. I hope we can do that again soon.
Now it's Easter morning and MonsterMustDie is doing yardwork in back. I'm staying warm and puttering around indoors but I'm sure I'll get cabin fever soon and make a trip in town and/or to The Mall. I hope my grapevines and flowers survive the weed-eater. I hope the meager grass we have growing here survives his tendency to cut down to the root. This, along with the cold weather, is why I choose not to be out witnessing his choices in the yard.
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
For what? This is not a good way to start things.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Jason Webley
I think it's odd that he isn't making it to Atlanta in this tour but he's performing in Alabama.
Monday, April 06, 2009
Sunday, April 05, 2009
raining again
Visited mother today and worked on her computer, cleaning out the hard drive and updating software. Still need to defrag the but ran out of time today.
Got home before dark to cut the top off some water containers and place them over some of the new plants in the garden before monday and tuesday night's freeze or near-freezing temperatures.
And now, the rain comes again.
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
the big silence
Boss was gone when I got here.
The lone pressman left shortly after I came in, saying he was feeling ill.
The new plate material I was going to load into the imagesetter today is the wrong stock.
Email is silent.
This big empty space after what seemed like a very long weekend.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Spring Cleaning
Those are things that would leave my closet less cluttered and that, truth be known, I'd hardly miss. Okay, I'd miss one old coat because it's really warm and soft and there is no other with those two qualities in one piece.
There are also still a ton of old electronics and cables I need to let go. A few that I will retain with the hope of one day reclaiming beloved old media that exist only in extinct formats, like my cassette player I found at a yard sale. I still need a VHS player for a lot of old tapes that are completely irreplaceable. But my old scanner and computer accessories all need to go. Entire boxes of cables need to leave my possession. Not even a thrift store will take them, no doubt.
I feel a need for more dispossession because I'm thinking of how much trouble it will be to move again, eventually (not in the near future) since I'm living in a rental property. I know another move is inevitable.
The we're in now house is nifty and huge, but not on a lot I'd ever consider buying. Eventually, I'm sure it will be sold for more than I can possibly pay, even in this economy. As a non-residing owner, the landlord probably has no interest in sinking the money into this place to make it the prize that it could be.
The huge back yard needs a new fence around it to baffle the highway noise and create some privacy. The end of the street in front, though county property, needs to be cleared of debris so that the runoff will flow where it should and not into the front yard - and it is certainly up to the homeowners to do this since I doubt the county ever would. The house needs an entire new roof. The old AC system needs to be completely removed - there are several generations of ducts clogging the space under the house where things were just thrown in on top of the old. We still can't make heads or tails enough to put in new air filters. The yard needs new landscaping with turf and topsoil added to replace what has washed away. The sidewalk should be replaced eventually because the ground has washed out underneath it. All of these things are possible with the right motivation. I kinda hope they do sell the house to an occupant owner to save it. It is a VERY cool building and to have so much garden and yard space would be great.
Monday, March 16, 2009
just like a toddler
Ms. Doris Katz follows me around everywhere I go in the house. There is a bowl in my office underneath a leak in the roof, filled with nasty brown water that contains onlyGodknowswhat substance that has filtered through roofing materials. So naturally she makes a straight line for the bowl of water and starts to poke her nose in it as I snatch it up from the floor. I took it to the bathroom to empty and clean it before putting it back down.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
fighting over furniture again
Monday, March 09, 2009
Dr. Manhattan cocktail
Saturday, March 07, 2009
45 RPM earrings
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Firefly fans
Hey, Brown Coats,
painful two days
So, I get antibiotics for my UTI. Same medication I've had before with absolutely NO ill effects. Pharmacist, after informing me that he'll have to see if they have it, gives me a generic version of the drug. Then I take my first dose, eat and go to work because my boss was freaking out that I was not there to plate a job he'd been sitting on for a week. I'm in pain all the time. Get to work and the pressman is leaving for the day - at noon - so nothing will be printed before monday, anyway. I go in to plate the job and the client has come up with a last-minute global change on a large part of the files. Make the change and send proofs to the client for approval to finish the project. Client still had not gotten back to me by the time I left.
After two doses of generic antibiotics, the original scalding pain is nearly gone but is replaced by nausea and a horrible headache. The headache is probably caused by a combination of the drugs and my avoiding coffee for a day. Yes, I am a caffeine addict. Not a good time to stop drinking coffee but it can irritate things that are already not feeling so good. Boss is not in office. Pressman leaves early again. Client has still not responded to the last group of changes that I sent, so I finish what I feel confident about and leave early. Got home and spent the rest of the day between the bed and the bathroom, too sick to move. Phoned the doctor's office and could only get voicemail. A nurse phoned me a couple of hours later and said they'd phoned in a new prescription to the pharmacy. Monster picked up my new drugs and some canned soup.
I spent most of the day in bed. Got up in the late afternoon, drank green tea and had some chicken noodle soup and took a pill before going back down. Had a raging headache all night but the nausea was at last gone.
Woke up. Got a smoothie, followed by a cup of coffee and a pill. The coffee worked its magic and the headache is almost gone. I can focus my eyes again for the first time in two days. (I really should not have been driving on friday but I had no choice.)
So far, so good. Fingers crossed that I'll be well for work tomorrow morning.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Learned something new about white blood cells and evidence of them.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Back on Spend Cycle
Started with MonsterMustDie's money spent on repairs to his van. He felt so good about finally getting his car repaired and his personal mobile freedom restored, he decided to take the van to a car wash. Then the hose blew the side view mirror off, shattering to pieces when it hit the pavement.
He had to order a new mirror today from the dealership, which will hopefully be in sometime tomorrow. He's planning to glue it on himself, rather than paying labor costs. Rarely do his money-saving attempts end well. In my mind, I picture the new mirror falling off in the first day or two as he's going down the highway, maybe at the first pothole he hits, and having to go back again to the dealership to purchase another overpriced part.
Then I had a routine dental check up and cleaning last Friday and they found a new cavity so I have another appointment in a couple of weeks for a brand new filling. This seriously upsets me, as if having a cavity is a sign that the end is near and my health is declining because I have a hole in my tooth. Like my body is suddenly breaking down like the old van.
Then, on top of my sound not working in my computer, a recent system upgrade has killed my FTP software. I'll try various freeware for a while, but I know it's time to upgrade my professional packages - all of them. The current Adobe CS4 is not offered as an upgrade for my CS2 package. I would have to upgrade to CS3 first and that is not offered any more, either. So, having missed an upgrade, I need to order a complete version of the new CS4 design suite. To be honest, the complete package seems no more expensive than going through two subsequent upgrades from CS2 to CS3, and then from CS3 to CS4 if I'd kept up. The savings in price on the upgrade is roughly only half of what a new complete package costs. Then I need to upgrade Suitcase font software to 2.0 or higher. That's just $50+. Those are my three immediate needs.
Not so urgently needed: I need to buy QuarkXpress 8.2. Then a new scanner, and that should do it until I need to replace the computer.
All this and the condo is sitting empty while MonsterMustDie is cleaning it to his satisfaction. That 795.00 each month lost from our normal budget while we still have to pay rent on a house.
Friday, February 06, 2009
UFO Attack
Thursday, February 05, 2009
limited mobility
I have to pick him up on the northwest side town today after work.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
R.I.P.: Lux Interior of the Cramps
By Judy Berman
Posted on February 04, 2009
lux interior.jpg
Whoa. Is it just me or have there been too many notable rock 'n' roll deaths in the past few months? Well, here's one I really wasn't expecting and am absolutely devastated to hear about. Lux Interior, front man of legendary punk band the Cramps, is dead.
Born Erick Lee Purkhiser on October 21, 1948 in Stow, Ohio, Lux Interior was one of the band's founding members. In 1972, Purkhiser picked up a hitchhiker named Kristy "Poison Ivy" Wallace in Sacramento, CA. They fell in love and moved to New York City, where they formed the Cramps in 1976, along with Bryan Gregory and his sister, Pam. Though the backing line up has changed over the years, Lux Interior and Poison Ivy helmed the band together for over 30 years.
The Cramps have had too many impressive albums and singles to name here. Suffice it to say that they were among the first bands to fuse punk with rockabilly and that their music, style and ferocious performances have had an enormous influence on subsequent generations.
I had the pleasure of seeing the Cramps only once, a few years back, at a horrible, oversold Motherfucker party. Though I could barely see, it seemed that Lux, Poison Ivy and co. were putting on a lively, energetic show. Though he was already 60, I think Lux had a lot more in him, which makes his untimely death even more depressing.
Here's hoping that wherever Lux is now, there are leather pants, tough girls with wild, red hair and killer rockabilly riffs. For the rest of us, The Daily Swarm has collected a few great Cramps videos. I, for one, will be watching with a glass of whiskey in my hand and a face full of tears.
Monday, February 02, 2009
Its equivalent is spending a dollar to save a nickel.
Yeah. There are demons in every dark corner.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Michael Dell gets schooled by Vladimir Putin
Thursday, January 29, 2009
old advice
Good Office Habits:
When you've finished a project and submitted the prints to proofreading, do not close the file or window on your monitor. Leave it up (hours if necessary) until you can find the next job to work on. Five seconds of blank screen will make any manager think you're doing nothing all day and yet the same thing up constantly even after completion gives them a feeling of security.
Always blow your own horn when you've accomplished or finished anything. List every mundane thing you do, even what's really just part of your job and nothing special. I always see articles saying you should list your accomplishments but in the end it just looks like your job description that's being glorified. Yes - you're supposed to find solutions to company problems - every day. That's why you're there but it looks good on paper to management.
Water cooler chat is greatly overrated and sometimes the rumor engine is detrimental to even be aware of. And I don't want to hear co-workers telling me what they're getting away with.
Conversely, sometimes it is helpful to be aware of perspectives both of management and the workforce of each other. There are a lot of times when they might have a completely different attitude if they knew how they appeared to each other in the snippets of time each actually gets to see. Then again, it's not your job to enlighten anyone.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Dead Tired Sleep Mask
Sunday, January 18, 2009
on the mend
Just in time to return to work, we're both feeling better today. Eating soup. MonsterMustDie went treasure hunting in the neighborhood.
Put off meeting with the tenant for the key til tomorrow after work.
Installed system 10.5 on my computer. Watched Dr. Who.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
MonsterMustDie is still horribly ill. He still manages a joke "Don't pet/squeeze too hard cause there's no telling which end things will spew out of". He also has a fever that varies from 100 to 102. I still feel a constant nausea that's mild enough to leave leave me mostly functional but makes it impossible for me to eat anything solid. So we're both on a liquid diet today.
Even the cat seems to feel our pain - she had a couple of coughing spells this morning.
We're all in sorry condition this weekend.
Friday, January 16, 2009
home tonight
Today was my brother's 21st anniversay. I can still remember the winter wedding with red roses. Red brides maids dresses too, much to his mother-in-law's discomfort. Now my 18-year-old niece is in college and my 16-year-old nephew is in love with his first car.
Monday, January 12, 2009
stealth kitty
So now I've tucked things in a bit more and set her back to where she usually sleeps. Every day has a new hiding and sleeping place for her.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Izzard Gives Private Performance to Terror Victim
Friday, January 09, 2009
strange colorful dreams
I kept having vividly colourful dreams. They were all taking place during spring holidays. I was part of a family of women who were kinda like a New York or Buckhead group of Steel Magnolias in a modern version old Vinings. I kept flubbing things up like cake decorating (cakes? it's just a dream). And they would calm me and say it looked fine and repaired parts were no big deal. I kept working on setting up these cakes before tea.
Somehow these brightly colored cakes were sitting on a table underneath a decorative arc made of magenta sugar sand that came collapsing down on top of everything that I was working on.
In the last dream as I woke up, I was shoe shopping with Charo. She was picking out shoes for me to try on with too much bling (gold bits, rhinesones). I was explaining that I was looking for simple black sandals.
Thursday, January 08, 2009
old school
I hope I'll be healthy enough to make it out later this month.
The English Beat w/ Bad Manners
01/24/2009 09:00 PM
The Loft
1374 West Peachtree St
Atlanta, GA 30309
Monday, January 05, 2009
It's also the fourth day in a row I've eaten out with friends for either lunch or dinner. I feel like I'm living quite the social and luxurious life this week. I blame Gillian. Where would I be without her?!
Watching the new Bourdain show tonight, I had to ask monster to kick up the sound to hear the tv over the rain on the roof.
Ms. Cat is much better now that we've precipitously cut her med dose in half. Still sleeping a lot but not comatose, limp kitty that she was this weekend. She's back upstairs now, lounging in the Queen's seat here - the bird chair.
Sunday, January 04, 2009
notes on a foggy weekend
Saturday was incredibly foggy and the city was dead and empty all day long. After my usual morning errands, which included a trip to the green market for some good weekend eats, I hung around the house until I had cabin fever (it doesn't take much to send me clawing at the walls) and meandered down Peachtree. When I got to Lenox Mall, I found out where the entire metro Atlanta population was. It was crowded like Christmas Eve. I told myself I'd do one drive around the lot and, if I didn't see a space, I'd go on. And behold! There was a regular spot open immediately in front of Macy's. I took that as as sign the the Universe wanted me to go shopping and went in. The Mall Starbucks had a wrap-around line so I had to delay my afternoon caffeine fix. Everything is on sale but most of the Winter goods are already gone and they are already beginning to stock for Spring and Summer now. This was not a day I felt like shopping for sundresses and sandals. Still, I found a few thingies to pick up and even at treat for Monster to bring home.
On my way back to The Ranch, I went through a Starbucks drive-thru and ordered a "London Fog" tea latte, which just happened to be served to me by a girl with a British accent named Rose. How perfect was that?
Got back, put dinner in the oven, and got ready to watch "Kronos" on the DVD. Checked on the cat, who was near-comatose on her heated bed. She was so groggy I had trouble waking her up. Once I got her to move enough to prove she was still alive, I took her upstairs to hold her in my lap - just to keep an eye on her - while she slept off the new drugs. Really could not even get her to open her eyes completely and she was limp all over. Monster thinks we should just trust the vet's judgement and give a full pill in the morning but I think the vet also depends on our own assessment of her.
This morning we gave Ms. Doris Cat only half a pill and, if we must make it a whole dose a day for the first week, I prefer to give her the second half in the evening, if at all. Really - she was that far down. Her breathing was so shallow I had to check that she was still warm and rigor mortis had not set in.