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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

taste of spring

The forecast today promises sun and slightly warmer weather. For me, that makes it a good afternoon to work on removing more of the rampant English ivy from trees around the house. Still to early to do much serious gardening but we're close... very close.

I think I need to plant more cosmos this year. Cosmos are good flowers for cutting because they have long stems and rabbits like to eat them before anything else. We enjoy seeing bunnies in the yard enough that it's worth allowing them a few things out of the garden. There are too many cats in the neighborhood for foraging rabbits to be a big problem.

Other flowers that have done well without being eaten by rabbits are blackeyed susans, zinias, and marigolds. The tea roses are always around, as are tiny fragrant gardenias. I need to find out what the long stemmed yellow flowers are that look like dandelion blooms but are not dandelions. They are very long stemmed and hardy and I picture keeping cobalt blue bottles holding a few around on the dining table or in the window(s).

Slowly, I am learning by experience what I can actually grow around here. I know I can keep some beans and flowers in the front yard and keep herbs happier in the shadier back yard. Dill died last year in front but thrived in back. Tomatoes, I still have a lot to learn about and I might not have enough sun here to grow them even in pots. Squash and pumpkins are easy to grow here but I will only be able to take advantage of the blossoms because borers get to the fruit long before it's ripe and I don't want to use insecticide dust on anything.

For me, the best part of the garden is having fresh herbs immediately outside - thyme, basil, peppers, dill, parsley, oregano, sage, and mint. I love cilantro too but that's another challenge for me. Also thinking about trying chives this year as well.

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