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Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Chaz has a message for Jeep.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
R.I.P. baby bunny
Trusting rabbits are not long for this world.
This was a rabbit that was not afraid of anything or anyone. I could watch it eating clover or grooming its ears just five feet away from where I was standing.
I was weeding near the mailbox today and found the tiny rabbit in the grass at the curb. By its location, I'd guess it was hit by a car. I kinda knew this rabbit would not survive long but I thought it would have been death by cat instead of car.
This was a rabbit that was not afraid of anything or anyone. I could watch it eating clover or grooming its ears just five feet away from where I was standing.
I was weeding near the mailbox today and found the tiny rabbit in the grass at the curb. By its location, I'd guess it was hit by a car. I kinda knew this rabbit would not survive long but I thought it would have been death by cat instead of car.
R.I.P. baby bunny
Trusting rabbits are not long for this world.
I was weeding near the mailbox today and found the tiny rabbit in the grass at the curb. By its location, I'd guess it was hit by a car. I did not think this rabbit would make it but I thought it would have been death by cat instead of car.
I was weeding near the mailbox today and found the tiny rabbit in the grass at the curb. By its location, I'd guess it was hit by a car. I did not think this rabbit would make it but I thought it would have been death by cat instead of car.
Monday, June 21, 2010
hmmm... I think I have a new business idea.
I am stuck at home with the electrician here today and we're out of coffee!
I wish I could just order hot coffee to be delivered to my door today. If children can have ice cream trucks going through the neighborhood, why can't there be coffee and espresso carts outside for adults? It would be great to have hot coffee to go just cruising slo mo around the hood. Or maybe lattecicles on hot summer days when I still have to remain conscious. Oh yeah, the neighborhood Java Wagon. I can see it now, especially in a suburb like this with lots of home businesses and stay-at-home parents.
I wish I could just order hot coffee to be delivered to my door today. If children can have ice cream trucks going through the neighborhood, why can't there be coffee and espresso carts outside for adults? It would be great to have hot coffee to go just cruising slo mo around the hood. Or maybe lattecicles on hot summer days when I still have to remain conscious. Oh yeah, the neighborhood Java Wagon. I can see it now, especially in a suburb like this with lots of home businesses and stay-at-home parents.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Summer has arrived.
It is already oppressively hot this morning. Weather forecast has it being this way all week, into next week. The air outside feels heavy - that is the best way to describe it. I also managed, despite slathering on sunscreen, to get sunburned this weekend walking around the Art-B-Que in Decatur, which adds even more to that summery feeling. Time to go underground and become a creature of the night again. Not that I mind - I like creatures of the night! I am fine as long as I have AC during the day. I think the best days for outdoor activities are behind us until the return of autumn.
hot weather,
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
taking in the last of spring
Sunday, we had been planning to make it to Monster Bash this year but decided not to go after MonsterMustDie had an accident at work that has left him too lame for much standing around or walking for the next few weeks. Instead we had an impromtu gathering of friends on the back porch for grilled food and refreshments. Everyone decided to bring a little something even though we didn't ask anyone to, so we had lots of good eats and drinks. There are still some leftover chocolate mint cupcakes from Urban Cannibals in EAV and fresh grilled asparagus in the fridge, as well as my home made guacamole and tzatziki sauce (which I put on my spicey sausage/dogs). We're planning on cooking and eating leftovers tonight. We have a bad habit of letting leftovers and extra veggies go to waste in this house and I'm planning on avoiding that this week, saving money by using what we already have.
I know the money we save tonight and tomorrow will no doubt be spent on the Restaurant Crawl this week anyway, but I do what I can.
Another thing someone brought to the house on Sunday was an enormous, very fragrant, magnolia blossom that has been in a coffee cup of water since then and still smells great, though by this morning its petals are starting to brown. Lots of sweet things blooming outside between the magnolias in neighbors yards and several roses and gardenias here at Rancho de WereMonster. Top that with the fact that I made lavender lemonade on Sunday that I still have a bit left of and it's amazing no one here is complaining to me about their allergies in this very floral environment. Makes me feel all girly. :)
I know the money we save tonight and tomorrow will no doubt be spent on the Restaurant Crawl this week anyway, but I do what I can.
Another thing someone brought to the house on Sunday was an enormous, very fragrant, magnolia blossom that has been in a coffee cup of water since then and still smells great, though by this morning its petals are starting to brown. Lots of sweet things blooming outside between the magnolias in neighbors yards and several roses and gardenias here at Rancho de WereMonster. Top that with the fact that I made lavender lemonade on Sunday that I still have a bit left of and it's amazing no one here is complaining to me about their allergies in this very floral environment. Makes me feel all girly. :)
Sunday, June 06, 2010
a Sunday
We did not go to MonsterBash at the Starlight Drive-In today and invited a few friends over instead to hang out on the porch with food and drinks and conversation.
Had a mishap feeding and giving Doris Kat her medication tonight when MonsterMustDie went ahead and gave her meds and did not tell me. I did not know until after I had already dosed her myself and was heading downstairs to feed her and noticed how much food
was in her bowl already. So she got twice her dosage of steroids today.
So far tonight, Doris seems to be okay, though now she is quite awake and very affectionate at a time she is usually down for the night.
MonsterMustDie has called it a night and is in bed. I am finished cleaning up the kitchen and have also captured an freed large beetles
and one huge spider tonight. Doors are locked. Lights are out.
Doris is just fine and showed no signs of being double-dosed other than not coughing once on Monday. Just as active and hungry as ever. We decided not to dose her at all on Monday.
Had a mishap feeding and giving Doris Kat her medication tonight when MonsterMustDie went ahead and gave her meds and did not tell me. I did not know until after I had already dosed her myself and was heading downstairs to feed her and noticed how much food
was in her bowl already. So she got twice her dosage of steroids today.
So far tonight, Doris seems to be okay, though now she is quite awake and very affectionate at a time she is usually down for the night.
MonsterMustDie has called it a night and is in bed. I am finished cleaning up the kitchen and have also captured an freed large beetles
and one huge spider tonight. Doors are locked. Lights are out.
Doris is just fine and showed no signs of being double-dosed other than not coughing once on Monday. Just as active and hungry as ever. We decided not to dose her at all on Monday.
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
many of my friends and family are unofficially unemployed
The economy is still so hard on so many, it’s important to distinguish between entrepreneurial zeal and self-employed desperation.
- Robert B. Reich
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