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Sunday, June 06, 2010

a Sunday

We did not go to MonsterBash at the Starlight Drive-In today and invited a few friends over instead to hang out on the porch with food and drinks and conversation.
Had a mishap feeding and giving Doris Kat her medication tonight when MonsterMustDie went ahead and gave her meds and did not tell me. I did not know until after I had already dosed her myself and was heading downstairs to feed her and noticed how much food
was in her bowl already. So she got twice her dosage of steroids today.

So far tonight, Doris seems to be okay, though now she is quite awake and very affectionate at a time she is usually down for the night.
MonsterMustDie has called it a night and is in bed. I am finished cleaning up the kitchen and have also captured an freed large beetles
and one huge spider tonight. Doors are locked. Lights are out.

Doris is just fine and showed no signs of being double-dosed other than not coughing once on Monday. Just as active and hungry as ever. We decided not to dose her at all on Monday.

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