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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

not the best day I've had

I started the day going to my doctor for a blood test. Kinda a personal mortality check.
Then I worked for a grand total of only four hours at my redundant job - one I'm still very grateful to have for the health insurance to pay for things like blood tests and doctor visits, but not paying enough to live on or even buy groceries some weeks.
Found out today that a friend of mine had died. I found this out from the local Yahoo news, not from any of our mutual friends. A boxer, I guess she died as well as any of us would want to, in the ring doing what she loved, in her prime.
I got home and found my cat lethargic and with one paralyzed pupil. Took her to the vet (nothing wakes her up like being placed in the carrier and taken to the doc) and found out she is indeed now blind in one eye. This happened in the few hours I was at work today. They are still trying to figure out what's gone wrong with her. Her blood pressure is normal. High blood pressure, I'm told, is a very common cause of cats going blind. Her's is normal. There is no sign of rupture in the eye. They took blood tests, gave me a week's worth of antibiotics for her and I'll take her back in a couple of days for a re-check.
And now, I have to put BioFreeze (R) on the old dutch man, whose back is aching. Lets cross our fingers that it's not his kidneys.

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