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Monday, February 21, 2011


MonsterMustDie came home from work in a horrible mood tonight. Even now, he seems inconsolable. Worries about money (which I am making worse with my joblessness) and his own frets that his job is ultimately going nowhere have him so depressed tonight that he is not even speaking to me.

I feel certain that there is something he is not telling me. He mentions everyone, other than him, making money or coming into money. I think he has a great job but he's used to getting significant raises and bonuses every year at jobs he's had previously and can not accept or comprehend the fact that this job has given him neither. It is still a good job IMHO. He works with friends for a company with products he is very fond of and will promote in any conversation on design.

He cancelled renewing his toy website,, tonight. the site has not sold anything in two years and it is his labor of love that has been going nowhere. I had to agree that cancelling that site is the right thing to do. He is mourning it, among other things.

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