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Thursday, February 02, 2012


I am kicking myself for wasting time that I should be spending my job search. Not being very productive today. Talking in squeaks. Voiceless with a cold. I can't get motivated to send letters and resumes out today. Feeling poor and woebegone while waiting to file my income taxes. I also need to put myself in a news blackout, since everything I see and hear gets me down. It makes me feel like my job search is hopeless and that I will eventually die homeless, in the street, bereft of family or friends. It's a downward spiral that begins when I hear or read about anything social, economic, political or environmental.

On a more positive view, the warm moist weather outside is causing a bit of Spring fever in me as well. I want to rake leaves and plant seeds now. Ladybugs have been swarming the house for weeks now and I have no idea where they are coming from. I've never seen them is such numbers here before but they are inside and outside the house. I can look out the window and see them flying around the bushes and look at the doors and windows and see them coming inside the house. Mostly, they seem to be coming into MonsterMustDie's office. Every corner around his desk is littered with ladybugs.

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