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Monday, September 30, 2013

screaming silence

This monday is so quiet  

the phone has not rung once and no email has come in other than spam bots.

I guess it's time to go out into the world for the day.

Plans for this evening include cleaning the condo, starting with the kitchen and bathroom, which are still a mess, although all of the personal possessions have been removed from it. I won't last long after MonsterMustDie comes by to help after work. We always end up arguing about everything having to do with it so I usually take off pretty soon after he's there. My main plan is to stock up on garbage bags and cleaning supplies and leave more messages with the roofers, who are avoiding me at this point, and the condo association management, who always avoid me. MonsterMustDie insists that I should not touch the place until I have some sort of certification that the roof is repaired completely and they guarantee no more leaks. I don't know how anyone can do that or what the f**k he is talking about or expecting out of me. Makes me anxious just writing about it.

Meanwhile, utility bills are coming in for it and no one will be living there for a long time. Mr. Jones, on MonsterMustDie's prompting, still has the key to the mailbox. They still want the deposit money to send Elena's family in Bulgaria. I don't know if anyone has been able to successfully turn off cable and telephone services. It is quickly becoming a money pit that my hands are tied on.

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