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Monday, February 09, 2015

System is down

It is hard to break out of a powerful funk some times, rather than savoring it as long as possible.  I came back to North Carolina sad to leave Atlanta.

I dealt with one angry person raging against the machine last night keeping the entire household up until 1:00 a.m. Someone had hacked MonsterMustDie's website and he and Fun Lisa were working remotely to try to fix the problem, which probably elimated what was left of his online followers & customers. That, and he could not log onto his email from his computer because now iCloud did not recognize his password from that machine.  Then he could not remember any of his passwords for any of his accounts to reset them - and he still has accounts that list his email address as the outdated one (closed account) so the option of having sites email his login and password was not available.

... Fortunately, I was not the one who had to wake up for work at 6:00 a.m. this morning. One advantage to being unemployed is sleeping in every day. 

By lunch today, Fun Lisa had the site back up and functioning as it should. 

Even the cat was angry when we got home yesterday. She wanted nothing to do with us and was overly aggressive when we came near. I think the cat sitter might have been playing too rough with her of some other dysfunction was caused by the lack of our presence. Today, she spent most of the late morning and afternoon under the covers on the bed. However, she is now sitting and purring in my lap as I type this.

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