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Monday, December 14, 2015

very bad news about CasaWereMonster finance

I was planning to go to a MeetUp tonight but MonsterMustDie is having an apocalyptic day. So, he'll probably be drinking and I'll be monitoring him for irrational behavior.

He just lost his independent business and a $15000.00 sale to a website poacher, who might have snagged his domain illegally before the next ISP host payment on it was due. He's been involved in the possible sale of his little place on the internet,, which he has been the proprietor of since the 1990s. There were several snags while dealing with the exchange of money and the domain with his ISP,, that have caused the entire process of a couple of days to two+ weeks now. Looks like his account was sold by LunarPages to another host, much like banks sell accounts, I suppose. The account is due this week or next. He's not sure when because he did not get an alert about it. There was also trouble logging in because the new hosting company has his old, outdated email address and account information.

All this and he was planning to use any money from the sell of on unavoidable expenses on the house - a new heater to replace the dinosaur downstairs, landscaping to replace or repair the desintegrating stone wall on the side of the house, etc.

Meanwhile, I am still out of work.

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