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Monday, July 25, 2016


All day Thursday,  I fought back a mild nausea and lack of energy. By Friday, I was too ill to work. I was still fighting the sickness in the morning, planning to work as usual. I got up, showered, and swung by job #1 to pick up a paycheck on my way to job #2. As soon as I got out of the  car and the heat hit me, the nausea kicked in harder than ever. I barely made it into the store to pick up my check and back to my car again. I tried to phone work before leaving the parking lot but after two tries and now answer, I gave up. I drove home and spent the next hour in the bathroom. I had MonsterMustDie phone job #2 to let them know I was not going to be there. He finally got through to let them know and I spent the rest of the day in bed trying to sleep myself to wellness.

I spent Saturday trying to recover and avoiding solid food. I am still on the Ensure diet. MonsterMustDie made pasta for dinner last night, which I was able to keep down. I went to bed early and woke up this morning with aching back and neck. My esophagus hurts too, probably from being violently ill.

I hope today is my last sick day and that I can feel back to normal tomorrow.

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