It started snowing around 5:00PM yesterday before I left work at my retail job. I wasn't scheduled for that day but they called me in and, since I'm close by, I agreed to fill in for a while. When I worked on Thursday we hardly had any customers while the grocery store next door was slammed with people cleaning out the produce and dairy shelves. In retrospect, I should have passed on working because I was so sick with the cold I caught at the movie theatre last week.
We woke up this morning to about 6 inches on the ground of the fluffy white stuff and it has continued to fall all day. Now, the skies are clearing and it is stunning bright outside agains deep blue skies. Phillipe and Liz stopped by to visit and wax his snow board before playing down the street. I am scheduled to work again early tomorrow morning but I really hope they decide to keep the store closed for a day. I plan to phone in to be certain I need to be there before making MonsterMustDie drive me to work while I am still sick and snotty.
My visit to meet Jennifer and her family in Florida last week was good. All of my anxiety over the trip was gone afte the first day there. She has a very large family - I'm gonna need a chart to keep up with who's who. Looking forward to visiting again and getting to know everyone better.
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