In the good, I got a few extra hours of work in yesterday at my retail job. They called me in when someone else called out. Also, MonsterMustDie got approved for the raise that he had requested this week, which takes a bit of the pressure off. We are still trying to come up with ways to make an extra $500 a month so I can stay on health insurance.
In the bad, we found out MonsterMustDie's best friend's brain surgery last month was not entirely successful. Rather than being cleared completely of the tumor he had, his doctors have given him a five-year extension on his life, as they say the tumor was malignant and they could not possibly remove every last bit of it without killing him. He and his wife are selling their homes in Birmingham, AL and Asheville, NC to consolidate everything in a new place just 20-minutes outside of Asheville, where their son is in college. Just as MonsterMustDie is trying to reconnect with this couple, time is running out.
I am hoping I can get a lot more work in at my part-time job. I am still looking for full-time work or at least something with better pay and more regular hours. I am still trying to come up with something to do independently that would generate income as well. In a perfect world, I could have my own business.
In other news, here are a few photos from my trip to Florida to visit friends in Cape Coral last month.
In Cape Coral, Florida, for Gabrielle's 15th birthday.

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