MonsterMustDie had a cold last week. Two weeks ago GT had a killer cold that left him face down on his desk at work. I’ve been fighting off a cold on the verge all week.
Thursday, I had a dermatologist appointment in the late afternoon around 3:40pm. We have been working longer hours this week until 6:30pm rather than 5:00pm with a half hour shorter lunch break to make up for plans to have our part of the office vacated for a commercial video shoot on Friday. I had a group of photos with complicated shapes and shadows I was madly editing to make up for a really bad set that didn’t quite cover nearly a quarter of the image and numerous cock-ups with the product staging. I was planning to leave at 3pm and probably come back after my appointment to continue alterations on images that had no disclosed deadline on the database. Just before I left the office, they announced that the studio and digital department would be closing at 3pm for the day instead. GT told me to go ahead and upload all of the images for the client. I explained how the last few were not done and looked really bad, even though I had already built all of the components to rebuild the images but, no matter, he told me to go ahead and blindly upload what I had to them. Ugh! I let my department manager know what was up and he simply said if GT told me to do it, send it that way. I am fully expecting some very bad responses by Monday.
The doctor's appointment went fine, BTW. Just a little aesthetic thingie he took off my back.
By Friday morning the cold came into full bloom. There was nothing I could do for the first two hours after waking up other than try to sit upright, crusty eyes closed, with what felt like a migrain headache. On top of that, the other symptoms made me feel nauseated. I called off work at the dress shop in the evening and spent the rest of the day wishing I was not awake. I drank a lot of water and slept in the guest room with the humidifier running. I'm sleeping upright-ish with a lot of pillows behind me.
Saturday was a lot better in the morning. Woke up snotty but mobile. Spent most of the day chilling on the sofa. MonsterMustDie and I have spent this weekend watching the first few episodes of Umbrella Academy. I'm living on soup and cold remedies.
Today, the worse thing is the constant cough. My head feels like it will explode every time I cough and I'm doing the best I can to avoid coughing too much. Staying well-hydrated and upright helps a lot.
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