Yesterday was spent pacing around the house and snacking. I couldn't make myself go out into the cold, dreich weather outside to escape the house for a while. There was nothing I really needed and nowhere to go so I couldn't find enough motivation to step out. The weather is 10-day forecast is mostly the same.
One thing I hope accomplish soon, now that holidays are past, is to get a plumber to fix whatever is dysfunctional in the kitchen at Casa WereMonster. The new sink drains at a snail's pace. We still can't use the new disposal unit and the new dishwasher has to be closely monitored because water backs up into the sink. Monstermustdie is useless for overseeing work on the house other than being there to let people in and calling me when it's time to pay for it. Thankfully, things are very casual and close by where I'm working at the moment.
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