Friday was our fifth wedding anniversary and I was off work at the dress shop so we got out of High Point and into Greensboro for most of the day. We had lunch at Sticks and Stones Pizza, where MonsterMustDie had his favorite, the Bar Lights charcuterie plate, for his meal. I had a small Evergreen salad, which is my favorite there. It was actually a very pleasant day. No TV. No High Point. No house. just driving around in my air-conditioned car.
I found out Monday that my niece gave birth to her second daughter on Saturday.
Sunday was my birthday. I worked at the dress shop in the afternoon. I had talked to a couple of friends about the four of us getting together for dinner after work but MonsterMustDie did not want to leave High Point. He also said, as he does every time I invite him to go with me, that he didn't want to be away from home for hours because he had things to do. He wanted to order pizza at the closest restaurant to us - which is still packed with college students and Market people all week. I passed on that and went to bed early. I was beat anyway from being on my feet all day. I know he can't change is behavior, which he is increasingly out of control of and is probably early stage Alzheimer's disease, but it still has me being frustrated and angry constantly. He feels like I'm unappreciative of him when I express my unhappiness and that makes him angry. It's the gorilla in the room we can't deal with.
On Monday, I visited friends in Greensboro and I ended the day having dinner with Karen at a nearby seafood restaurant. It was a late dinner and the restaurant was very empty. We had one side of the dining room to ourselves. I had the grilled salmon and she had a combo platter of shellfish.
Yesterday was just hanging out at the house, catching up with filing and office work. MonsterMustDie was working his two-day job so I spent a large part of the day watching shows I like on TV and listening to music in the house. I also put what few Halloween/Autumn decor I picked up this year into a bin and stashed it in the attic.
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