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Friday, January 12, 2024

dealing with doctors

MonsterMustDie had his second meeting with his doctor. I brought my notebook to write thing's down. 

I was not going to try to shake his doctor's hand or even speak to him at all after last visit's limp handshake until he came up to me and held out his hand to me. I reached out and got another limp hand from the doctor and no eye contact. He might as well have asked me to pull his finger, as how stupid it made me feel to try to shake his hand. 

The good news from last week's PET scan is the cancer has not spread outside the prostate. 

Then, his doctor gave us two options, speaking rapidly,  that he could do surgery, which has a small chance of permanent incontinence but can also be followed with radiation if necessary or do radiation, which might not work and is very difficult or impossible to follow with surgery. Then he wanted to schedule surgery while MonsterMustDie was still trying to understand what he said.  Instead,  he opted to have a consultation with the radiologist before making a decision.  We go back in four weeks.  

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