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What Should Your New Year's Resolution Be? Quiz
Last night a friend, a single father, phoned to tell me his new job of nearly three months has laid him off just before the Christmas Holiday - when the entire staff takes vacation - after working just enough weeks no longer be eligible for any unemployment.
Last week, another friend who'd been unemployed many many months found a job - in Alpharetta. She lives east of L5P, but any job is good to have with full health benefits,etc.
This morning, I made it to an 8 a.m. interview south of the airport (I had to be in Buckhead by 9 a.m.) only to be blown off by my interviewer, who wouldn't be available until "oh, sometime after 8:30 or 8:35".
... why can't we all just be gainfully employed someplace that'll be able to pay our rent or mortgages and less than 90 minutes on the road every day? With health insurance?
Can't we all just stay gainfully employed?
Can't we all have jobs that keep us out of shelters and hospitals?
Trying to get my ironing done and talk myself into getting up earlier in the morning.
Wondering how I'm going to be spending Christmas.
Looking forward to New Year's Eve with Eva and Athena.
Looking forward to New Year's Day with Audrey and Nick.
High point of the day was making the guy at the Smoothie place smile from ear to ear when I handed him a printed out email announcing the Mission of Burma show coming up in February.
Second to that, I got a chuckle from the punk rock sock monkey pic someone sent me. Very cute - and something I could do something similar to for my own home decor.
Word of Advice: It's far better, even if you're running terribly late, to just take MARTA downtown. The Jury parking lot is nearly impossible to find and quite a distance away and virtually unavailable during sports events. And even if you get there on time, there's a very long line to get through the metal detectors and bag searches before entering the court.
Immediately afterwards, I went to Jae and Bill's house and hung out with them and their son, who was ready for bed until I arrived. We laughed and chated while watching changing place on the Home channel. (They have basic cable now!) We got a lot of enjoyment discussing the methods they used with Bill, who knows building, and Jae who is in the mindspace of someone redecorating a new home. We tried to guess at in advance who was going to like their "new" home. We critiqued color schemes and cringed at cherubs attached to mirror frames. Time crept up and surprised us.
I ended the night by going to the Railroad Earth studios. There was still a dying fire in the pit in back but most of the guests were gone. I hung out in the studio with Neil, Scott and George while they played and tried to get me into it. I had brainlock and just wanted to enjoy hanging around in a friendly creative environment surrounded by very nice people. They allowed me to do whatever I wanted. I ended up staying for breakfast and eating leftovers for breakfast.
Yesterday I finally broke down and got a decent haircut after letting my looks go for too long. While it's nice to be able to see and be seen again, it's never cheap to get a good cut & style anywhere. It stung a bit in the wallet.
My cell phone died today. It had been on it's last days for a while. Beyond old batteries that could be replaced, it appears that the tiny electrical socket on it is shot as well. I'm very dependent on my cell phone for work, etc. so there is no choice but to buy a new one ASAP.
My mind is also burdened with financial woes in antipation of the holiday season. I love to gift shop. I was raised in a shopping mall culture. It is the center of all traditions and ceremonies in my clan. Will my lack of shopping this year leave me shunned?
I'm also unhappy with my lack of workspace tonight. Bad lighting and no place to feel free to make a mess. I dream of having a shed of my own. A place where I don't always have to cover every surface with old shower curtains to avoid harm or stains. A place where I can leave projects out indefinitely, even when I have guests in my home.
I admit I'm also going through classic post-Halloween blahs too. My favorite holiday is past and if it doesn't get any warmer soon, I'm going into my winter cocoon that I won't be emerging from until the warming. With the possible exception of New Year's Eve, of course.
Oh, and I'm a bit mad at myself for missing Tilbrook at the RedLight Cafe last night.
Play list, Etc:
The Q that the show was about to begin was the William Tell Overture being played over the sound system.
(guitar - blonde Fender Telecaster)
I Hope You're Happy Now
Doll Revolution (using a theremin at the keyboard, that EC also played with his guitar neck.
You Little Fool
Party Girl
(guitar change to a battered looking teal Fender Jaguar)
15 Petals
I Want To Be Loved
(guitar change - brown guitar Tiesco?)
Spooky Girlfriend
(Elevator story - coming down from the penthouse suite where they like to hang out at the bar in an elevator with a huge stack of Luis Vitton luggage. Sixteen 8 ft. bodyguards stepped in, surrounding a tiny Latina. When she saw him, an expression of quiet fury changed to the sweetest smile. If it weren't for all that luggage...)
end of Spooky Girlfriend
(guitar change - red Fender gutar with "Costello" pearl inlay across neck)
(Philadelphia story including "cafe riske" next to Denny's on the corner of Love and across the street from CNN)
I Can't Stand Up for falling down
Man Out Of Time
(guitar change to a Gibson Accoustic with "Elvis" in sticker on front)
Indoor Fireworks
(the beloved entertainer bows to the audience)
Sweet Dreams About You
Girls Talk
Deep Dark Truthful Mirror - breaking to-
You Really Got A Hold On Me - continuing to -
Deep Dark Truthful Mirror at halucination lyric
First Encore:
(yet another Fender - "Elvis Costello" pearl inlay across neck)
Beyond Belief
Watching The Detectives
(back to the red "Costello" guitar midway through song)
Peace, Love and Understanding
When I was Cruel
(was that a taped female voice? No - I think it was a sample played from the keyboard)
My Funny Valentine was worked into the middle of When I was Cruel without missing a beat.
(guitar change)
Blood And Chocolate - Uncomplicated
Second Encore:
song that was featured in The Big Lebowski
Mood Swing
(guitar change to pretty sunburst Gibson)
Suspicious Minds
Third Encore:
No Action
"1-2-3-4-" Radio Radio
You Belong To Me
(Beatles cover) Slow Down
Pump It Up!
(followed finally by band member intros)
the band was dressed entirely in black, setting up a simple look for a show that highlighted the songs.
simple lighting as in most Costello shows.
EXCELLENT vocal training and ability - strong and clear to the end.
Thought I would leave the VHS tape I had in Chaz & Sandy's mailbox after I got back into town. Almost got away silently with the dropoff when the dogs started up as I went back down the step to the car. Oops. Didn't mean to set off the alarms.
Saturday was the Grateful Gluttons Day Of The Dead Murder Mystery Party.
My sphere is Soldier (Unity in Strength and Action), and my class is Defender (Peaceful, yet Potent). I am a Shield Bearer. To be a Shield Bearer is to have great faith in your friends. Though your friends may not turn to you for guidance, they will turn to you when they need something more important... when they need somebody to stick up for them, especially in situations when they might feel vulnerable. You are very much valued by your comrades. |
Today began with a post-parade brunch in the morning. Then some of us going to to Oakland Cemetary for quite a while going over all of the old grave sites and structures and looking at the cemetary plants and trees as well. We followed that with a long hang at Six Feet Under, a seafood restaurant across the street from the cemetary. We sat on the rooftop overlooking the cemetary while a light mist came down. Good company. Good conversations. Beautiful people. Some had traveled from other states to participate in the Halloween Parade with the Grateful Gluttons.
My downstairs neighbor wrote:
Thanks again to each of you that subbmited notoarized statements.
(crazy boy) and (his mother) were in court this morning. After hearing my plea for help and showing the many statements from residents, the judge ordered him held on a $10,000 bond, jail for 30 days and is ordering a psychiatric examination. His mother testified that he has not had problems before and that he has not been on medication prior to now. I was ordered to return to court in the morning for his bond hearing...
Note: Only the judge saw the statements that you provided - and - the judge did not order him held because of the threat - only that he may be a danger to the residents
Ted is going to court Thursday. I need to come up with something to print out and hand to him as a statement to bring with him, since I won't be making it to court because of work. I wish I'd kept more complete records than this web journal of the events of the last year. However, I'm glad I at least have this record of life in my building.
Afterwards, I went to EyeDrum for Clark's art opening and performance. He's hung several large paintings in the gallery - all of different stages of Clark and styles of painting. He performed with the blues band during the reception. Nate came out and introduced a CD he and his father had made that's now on sale at Eyedrum.
It was really cool today. This was the first morning of the season that I saw my breath fog as I made it out to the car.
Saturday I went to a post-rehearsal party party at Cam and Joy's house. Good people. Beautiful house and garden. The moonflowers were in full bloom and Tommy had started the fire in the backyard pit. I didn't feel like eating then, but Joy sent me home with a big container of collard greens and some cornbread for later.
Instead, the kindly one filled my belly with sushi and sake at Ru San's.
Then I came home to catch up on email.
Now I must sleep.
Laundry and other facts of life now going on today.
Hello all,
I just wanted to let each of you know that I have filed a warrant for crazy downstairs boy to appear in court on Oct 24. Yesterday I was in the parking lot getting something out of my jeep. He came out of his unit, picked up a brick that my next door neighbor normally uses, came over to me and told me that he was going to kill me. Then he put the brick back, and returned to his unit. A few minutes later he came back and told me that I startled him and wanted to know if I was ok and asked me if I was worried about his mother ??..??Needless to say I was a bit shocked.
So I carry an ax to and from my car now - and I'm considering purchasing a hand gun.
I fear someone's going to end up a victim in order for the police to finally cart him off and it could be any one of us coming home or leaving at the wrong time. The authorities have no interest in him now as he's not crossed the line from threats into action yet. And city noise violations only apply to sound that is disturbing those outside the building - like the apartments next door. Only once or twice have I actually heard someone from the building beside ours yelling at him to please shut up. But "you can't argue with a sick mind".
Speaking of men who have dealt with stress, I miss Bryon Finkle. I wonder what he's up to now.
No word from Murray yesterday or today. He should be going home today.
Now I'm just planning the weekend and trying to stay motivated for next week. Tomorrow is the Party On The Pink Porch and Sunday will be the day of recovery. The weather was beautiful today. Dry and still just a bit overcast and cooler. Autumn is teasing me and coaxes me into better spirits.
Got a phone call at 2 a.m. this morning from Murray. He's in the hospital now from a heart attack. He phoned 911 when he started having the first symptoms yesterday. Doctors said he was about to have another, massive coronary.
Just two days ago I was talking with my mother about him, saying that I worry how long he's going to be around on this planet. He's got the perfect lifestyle for cardiac arrest or a stroke: high-stress at work followed by more stress at home, a junk food diet that he hasn't changed even after developing diabetes, no real exercise.
I spoke to Larry much later this morning and we both hope some good change comes into Murray's life as a result of this. He needs to stick around for his son and the friends who still really love him despite himself. I want to phone to check up on what his condition is, but I feel that might not be the thing to do since his wife might not be too fond of me.
Police came knocking on my door half an hour ago in referrence to a 911 call from the wild boys downstairs unit, which appears to be abandoned now. The window's been broken from the outside. The inside is trashed. The officer said it looked like no one had taken a bath or cleaned the place in years. I'm wondering if the worst is over now for that unit or if it's just beginning.
I must be positive. I must not think bad thoughts.
You are most like Basil, assaulted by bears! Created by Thren. Which Gashlycrumb Tiny are you? |
Caught a mouse in my place yesterday. The little critter was rounding the corner when I spotted it. I cornered it in the closet it tried to hide in and picked it up by it's tail and carried it outside. Mice apparently don't enjoy being picked up by their tails - it screamed the entire trip outside - but what else could I do? I'm just glad it wasn't something larger in the same family.
Saturday was spent at Joy's birthday party, where I got to see Cam's evil clown motorcycle. The motorcycle's decoration and his costume are a creative work in progress.
Sunday we ate at the Brooklyn Cafe, where I had the vegetable canneloni. While the food was good, it does seem to be a lot better when Mr. P is there.
I'm still playing around with this blogger template. Experimenting with colors and links, etc. The code on the original template is a bit more involved than standard HTML. It would make a lovely birthday present in October if someone would give me a copy of the Blogging book.
Last night was fun, though. Went with Sandy to see Lord Of The Rings
(finally!) at the huge Hollywood 24 movie megaplex. It was a long film
but I swear it went by so quickly I never felt the squirming impatience
that I usually get halfway through a movie. Really great stuff and very
true to the books except where necessary - and then the bits were simply
extrapolated, not changed.
Sunday, went to see the matinee of SpiderMan. Fun action flick - Spidey was one of my favorite comic books when I was a kid. Followed by going shopping at ShoeMakers Warehouse but not finding anything I liked in my size or price range (probably a blessing of sorts).
Spike came by and hung out with me in the evening, watching food TV and sampling the vegan enchiladas I made the night before. Watching all the Cinco de Mayo themed cooking shows, I voiced some regret at not going out for "real" mexican cooking and a margarita as the host of A Cook's Tour drank shots of tequilla. It was 11 p.m. and his consolation was "there's no place to have a margarita on a Sunday in Atlanta anyway" "yes there is- at a restaurant." "Okay. Lets go now if you want a margarita" at which point I wimped out for fear of being out too late when I had to get up early the next morning.
A little rant:
Saturday evening, I got a call from a friend that had a tone
to it just odd enough to set off alarms inside - So, I had to tell him
I was not interested in expanding the perimeters of our friendship (i.e.
I will not , do not want to, have sex or become romantically involved with
him.) That, as expected, got a really nasty accusatory response from him
that soon evolved into him:
1. trying to make me feel as guilty as possible about abandoning him
in his moment of need
2. saying I wanted it all along even if I wasn't aware of it - I was
sending out signals to him.
3. perhaps something is seriously wrong with me for running from love.
4. he is dealing with such huge abandonment issues that he is feeling
And the irony is - none of his words were anything I hadn't heard before
from other men in very emotionally challenging times like just after a
divorce, trying to prove their own heterosexuality or, in his case, the
nearing death of a loved one combined with a mid-life crisis. I feel sorry
for him, but I also know I can't save him and forming a falsehood like
that would only make matters much much worse. I never said I was not his
friend. I told him I would continue to be his friend. He wasn't interested
in hearing that.
How does a person best deal with that?
The maraschino was I ran into another old pal in L5P this weekend and
related this event to him and my hope that it doesn't turn ugly. He told
me he's on the other side of that coin right now as he is in his words,
totally out of his mind right now trying to stop himself from stalking
his ex-wife. Then he showed me the cuts on his hand (this is not a L5P
character- he's a regular yuppie working-class Joe, no criminal record,
etc.) and explained how they came from smashing in her window when she
wouldn't answer the door. Said he got to meet her new boyfriend then.
I think I've bruised my right hip forcing open the sticky laundry room door at home tonight so I could wash my clothes here rather than go to the Laundry Lounge where I might be followed again by the scarey guy who approached me last time I was there. My condo building sucks and I'll be so very happy when I can move out of this place and into a house of my own. A house where I can have my own washer and dryer. A house that I can keep the roof and masonry in proper repair without waiting for anyone's permission. A house where I don't have to deal with the neighbor's pot smoke seeping up throught the floor.
I've made arrangements for a doctor's appointment and consultation on getting a genetics bloodtest to find out if I could actually be Gwen's daughter or not.
Thingies above my ceiling are moving around tonight, but that's actually become somewhat entertaining to me.