Mom is continuing to recover from surgery at home and healing as she should - no complications so far. She's got food coming from friends and both of my uncles. Her best friend has been coming over to walk the dogs and change her bandages. Thankfully, she's being taken care of by folks who live close by and have time on their hands to be there.
All she wants for Thanksgiving is sleep and the freedom of spending the day in her jammies. No doubt my Uncle Ron will bring her leftovers from his wife's family gathering. My brother will be having his traditional gathering with his wifes's family.
I can't get Mr. Grumpy to commit to doing anything on Thanksgiving yet and by the time he's ready to, it will no doubt be too late. I am NOT going anywhere without giving hosts warning enough to plan for two more people and without contributing something. We have offers for joining in on Thanksgiving dinners with friends but I think he'd rather stay home and watch DVD's. I think he has lingering trauma from last year's holiday. Not that he'd admit that. I don't blame him. It was really hard on all of us last year.
We certainly have a lot to be thankful for this year - our continuing health and recovery. The health and recovery of those around us. And now employment with insurance benefits!
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Tuesday, November 25, 2008
on being thankful
Monday, November 24, 2008
post-weekend update
Good news: My mother came home on Saturday with the help of my Uncle Ron, her oldest brother. My brother brought home made soup to her that evening. Her best friend came by Sunday to walk the dogs and change her bandages for her. Both of my uncles have now brought a ton of food for her so she can rest as much as possible without going out or preparing anything to eat. She feels much better and says she is healing well.
Bad news: Over the weekend, I've developed what feels like an awful UTI.
Good news: Phoned the doctor on call, who in turned phoned in an antibiotics prescription for me at my local pharmacy, and the drugs seem to be working since I'm already feeling much better. Slept most of yesterday, after starting the drugs.
Need to drink a lot more water.
MonsterMustDie is arguing with me about my preference for bottled water when I feel bad. I swear I feel noticeably better when I avoid ever filtered tap water. He says it's all the same as tap water. I think not all bottled water is created equal. I have no idea what the element is that causes me so much trouble with tap water. Maybe it's chlorine. Maybe it's something specific to Georgia source water.
Bad news: Over the weekend, I've developed what feels like an awful UTI.
Good news: Phoned the doctor on call, who in turned phoned in an antibiotics prescription for me at my local pharmacy, and the drugs seem to be working since I'm already feeling much better. Slept most of yesterday, after starting the drugs.
Need to drink a lot more water.
MonsterMustDie is arguing with me about my preference for bottled water when I feel bad. I swear I feel noticeably better when I avoid ever filtered tap water. He says it's all the same as tap water. I think not all bottled water is created equal. I have no idea what the element is that causes me so much trouble with tap water. Maybe it's chlorine. Maybe it's something specific to Georgia source water.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Next year, I think we should really gather funds together and plan a not-so-far-away vacation for the holiday weekends somewhere exotic, like Helen, Georgia, in a lodge-like hotel with a big fireplace that we can sip cocoa and read or make witty conversation in front of.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Advice about parties
"The host did all the work to give you this great party, your job as a guest is to make sure it's fun."
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Seasonal Conflicts
What will I be doing for Thankgiving and Xmas? I have no idea.
Years ago, when the older generation gave up hosting the various holiday gatherings, the younger generation of my family let it drop like the garter at a wedding. No takers. Which is fine except that now, every year, I can't make holiday plans until the last minute because I worry about my mother spending the holidays alone. She sometimes gets an invitation from my uncle or my brother to join in in-laws family gatherings. She will not commit on her own plans until the last minute. This also prevents me from making reservations at a nice restaurant, joining friends holidays, etc. in advance. Monster's family gatherings depress him and all of them live at least a four-hour trip away so he'd rather not make plans in that direction.
Last year all holiday plans were made null by Monster having a stroke on Thanksgiving. He is almost completely recovered now, with hardly any sign of the events that nearly ended his time here.
Now, my mother is having elective back surgery on Thursday and she's not given me information on any useful details. Details like when her surgery is scheduled, at what hospital, who or what entity she has for after care, if any. I believe she likes to test me. I work at a job that is a 45 minute to hour drive away from her, for a company too small for ample vacation time or sick leave. I could schedule time off at my own cost if I knew well in advance so they could schedule the work to accommodate for my absence.
Years ago, when the older generation gave up hosting the various holiday gatherings, the younger generation of my family let it drop like the garter at a wedding. No takers. Which is fine except that now, every year, I can't make holiday plans until the last minute because I worry about my mother spending the holidays alone. She sometimes gets an invitation from my uncle or my brother to join in in-laws family gatherings. She will not commit on her own plans until the last minute. This also prevents me from making reservations at a nice restaurant, joining friends holidays, etc. in advance. Monster's family gatherings depress him and all of them live at least a four-hour trip away so he'd rather not make plans in that direction.
Last year all holiday plans were made null by Monster having a stroke on Thanksgiving. He is almost completely recovered now, with hardly any sign of the events that nearly ended his time here.
Now, my mother is having elective back surgery on Thursday and she's not given me information on any useful details. Details like when her surgery is scheduled, at what hospital, who or what entity she has for after care, if any. I believe she likes to test me. I work at a job that is a 45 minute to hour drive away from her, for a company too small for ample vacation time or sick leave. I could schedule time off at my own cost if I knew well in advance so they could schedule the work to accommodate for my absence.
dysfunctional family,
Sunday, November 16, 2008
this weekend
Friday, we went to the opening of Art Not Ads art show benefit for the Grady School of the Arts. Several of the Grateful Gluttons were there and one of our own, Joey LaCascia, had artwork in the show. Afterwards, we hung out with Thomas, Chantelle, Debra, and Courtney at The Standard until I could not take the smoke any more.
Saturday, got a visit from Dixiegrrl and hubby, traveling from Athens GA to see Rancho de Weremonster for the first time. Went to dinner at Little Cuba in our neighborhood for a meal to please a gluten-free grrl and came back to the house for more of the home tour, photo albums, etc. along with home-made gluten-free brownies she made for us.
Today, MonsterMustDie join me at the GothFather's brunch. Oddly, our meals were good but we both had some heartburn afterwards. I wonder if anyone else at our table had similar issues today. We swung by Richard's Variety Store and Trader Joe's before heading back home. I spent the rest of the daylight raking and bagging leaves while the house Monster worked on his eBay sales.
Looking forward to all the future Holiday parties and gatherings lining the calendar now until NYE. What will we do after the first of January? Probably sleep. A lot. And maybe try to lose some post-holiday pounds. We'll be like bears hibernating.
Saturday, got a visit from Dixiegrrl and hubby, traveling from Athens GA to see Rancho de Weremonster for the first time. Went to dinner at Little Cuba in our neighborhood for a meal to please a gluten-free grrl and came back to the house for more of the home tour, photo albums, etc. along with home-made gluten-free brownies she made for us.
Today, MonsterMustDie join me at the GothFather's brunch. Oddly, our meals were good but we both had some heartburn afterwards. I wonder if anyone else at our table had similar issues today. We swung by Richard's Variety Store and Trader Joe's before heading back home. I spent the rest of the daylight raking and bagging leaves while the house Monster worked on his eBay sales.
Looking forward to all the future Holiday parties and gatherings lining the calendar now until NYE. What will we do after the first of January? Probably sleep. A lot. And maybe try to lose some post-holiday pounds. We'll be like bears hibernating.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Atlanta SantaCon 2008
This just in:
Atlanta Santacon - Vortex L5P - 6pm, 12-20-2008
A message from Santa himself -
*Atlanta SantaCon is December 20th starting at 6pm at the Vortex in Little 5 Points*
That's right kids, it's that
time again. SantaCon is coming!!! I've seen the pics from the last few years and have to say, Yall do it right!!!! Just to remind everyone, I have listed the rules for SantaCon again. There is no Santa in charge to call. If you can't show up for the start, get the phone number of someone who can help you catch up later.
1. AGAIN! Santa does not make children cry. Really - If you see kids, give them nice toys, candy, or something pleasant. Parents and Tourists are a different matter altogether -- adjust based on their attitude.
2. Santa dresses for all occasions. It's December. Smart Santas wear
multiple costume layers. Dress to maximize merriment whether singing
Christmas carols in the snow, or swinging from a stripper pole.
3. Santa doesn't whine! We will be outside alot and commuting mainly
on foot - bring enough "snacks" to keep your pie-hole filled until we
get indoors.
4. Bring gifts -- NAUGHTY gifts to give grown ups; NICE stuff to give
kids. Throwing coal at people is discouraged no matter who they are.
YES THAT INCLUDES POLITICIANS. But giving out coal is always ok?.
5. Watching Santa get drunk and obnoxious is fun. Babysitting Santa
while they vomit in an alley is not. Don't be that Santa.
6. Pay for your Beer and tip the bar staff, we want to be able to this
again. Bribery gets you everywhere! Also pay for your beer or drink as
soon as you get it. Other Santa?s get tired of waiting on Santa?s to
clear their tab before being able to move on. This entire adventure
should be a cash only. Credit Cards only take longer.
7. No Santa?s left behind. Don't go leaving one or two Santas in the
process. Santa doesn't like that. Pick a few people you know and keep an
eye out for them when it's time to move to the next location. If you
don't see them, speak up so everyone waits. Every Santa should have at
least 2-3 other Santas they look out for and that look out for them.
We don't want to leave someone in the bathroom and have them wandering
around looking for us. Santa is safer in numbers. What one Santa
couldn't get away with without getting questioned, 50 can. Stick
together Santa?s!
8. Memorize these answers to important questions that may arise:
* Who's in charge? "Santa"
* What organization are you with? "Santa"
* What are you protesting? "Nothing, Santa's having a party" (note: WE
ARE NOT PROTESTERS!! We'd need a permit for that - and something
serious to complain about...)
* How did you get here? "A sleigh and eight tiny reindeer"
* Where are you going next? "I'm only allowed to tell you if you wear
this hat and buy me a beer."
9. Dress the hell up! You don't have to dress as Santa proper. That's
BORING! Variations of Santa-ness are deeply appreciated, both by those
we bring joy to - as well as the other Santarchists! Variants of elves
or reindeer or what-have-you are fine as well!
10. "No blows below the belt. Keep it clean."
11. Please realize that this indeed is an event to have a hell of a
lot of fun, and of course, with the assistance of liquor. It's not,
however, an event to get shit-faced to the point that Santa?s end up
insulting, fighting, degrading, or being assholes to people that run
the places that we visit - or to the regular patrons that are there.
Remember, we're LUCKY that they let THIS many jackasses into their
places of business - and we'd like to keep coming back. Also, there is
no "bail fund" for incarcerated Santii - so you'll be on your own with
that, suckahs.
12. Santas that drink should make sure that they are also Santa?s
that can drive home, or make arrangements so that they don't need to.
This is a no-brainer, but alas, I feel it needs to be said. I don't
want any casualties. We need as many soldiers for "return tours", so
to speak. With mass transit being what it is in Atlanta, we suggest
bringing a designated driver and of course carpooling as much as
possible. The more Santii in each vehicle, the fewer individuals need
to remain dry.
Santa Do's and Don'ts
* DO address every Santa as Santa, in the first, second, and third
person, singular and plural.
* DO have something ready to hand out, even if it's just candy canes.
* DO many thorough soaks of your cleaning product containers before
storing liquor in them. (If you haven't already done so, it may be too
late to start now.) Santa's that want should bring flasks cleverly
disguised as pine-sol or windex bottles.
* DO be ready for new adventure at a moment's notice. Santa is like a
shark, and must keep moving in order to thrive.
* DO uphold the hallowed tradition of Never Washing the Suit.
* Let us not forget the sacred "four fucks":
- DON'T Fuck with Kids. I'm serious; this is supposed to be fun.
Holidays are unpleasant enough for kids these days. If we can't
brighten it at least we can be one less worry for them. If you see
kids, give them nice toys, candy, or something pleasant. Feel free to
hassle their parents though. Remember: The kids of today are the
weirdos of tomorrow.
- DON'T Fuck with Security. If they ask you to leave a store, get the
hell out and be nice about it, or other Santa's will take shit for it.
Besides, they might call the cops and then we have to deal with the
next fuck?.
- DON'T Fuck with Cops. If the cops tell you to do something, DO IT.
If you want to get busted, do it when you and I aren't dressed the same.
- DON'T Fuck with Santa and don't fuck with me or I'll puke on your
suit, you damned impostor.
* DON'T quote a web address!
* DON'T point out someone!
* DON'T give out a name (except Santa!)
* DON'T supply an e-mail address!
* DON'T hand out a phone number!
I'm sure this will be updated again, so keep checking back and Santa
will post more about this event as it gets closer.
Atlanta Santacon - Vortex L5P - 6pm, 12-20-2008
A message from Santa himself -
*Atlanta SantaCon is December 20th starting at 6pm at the Vortex in Little 5 Points*
That's right kids, it's that
time again. SantaCon is coming!!! I've seen the pics from the last few years and have to say, Yall do it right!!!! Just to remind everyone, I have listed the rules for SantaCon again. There is no Santa in charge to call. If you can't show up for the start, get the phone number of someone who can help you catch up later.
1. AGAIN! Santa does not make children cry. Really - If you see kids, give them nice toys, candy, or something pleasant. Parents and Tourists are a different matter altogether -- adjust based on their attitude.
2. Santa dresses for all occasions. It's December. Smart Santas wear
multiple costume layers. Dress to maximize merriment whether singing
Christmas carols in the snow, or swinging from a stripper pole.
3. Santa doesn't whine! We will be outside alot and commuting mainly
on foot - bring enough "snacks" to keep your pie-hole filled until we
get indoors.
4. Bring gifts -- NAUGHTY gifts to give grown ups; NICE stuff to give
kids. Throwing coal at people is discouraged no matter who they are.
YES THAT INCLUDES POLITICIANS. But giving out coal is always ok?.
5. Watching Santa get drunk and obnoxious is fun. Babysitting Santa
while they vomit in an alley is not. Don't be that Santa.
6. Pay for your Beer and tip the bar staff, we want to be able to this
again. Bribery gets you everywhere! Also pay for your beer or drink as
soon as you get it. Other Santa?s get tired of waiting on Santa?s to
clear their tab before being able to move on. This entire adventure
should be a cash only. Credit Cards only take longer.
7. No Santa?s left behind. Don't go leaving one or two Santas in the
process. Santa doesn't like that. Pick a few people you know and keep an
eye out for them when it's time to move to the next location. If you
don't see them, speak up so everyone waits. Every Santa should have at
least 2-3 other Santas they look out for and that look out for them.
We don't want to leave someone in the bathroom and have them wandering
around looking for us. Santa is safer in numbers. What one Santa
couldn't get away with without getting questioned, 50 can. Stick
together Santa?s!
8. Memorize these answers to important questions that may arise:
* Who's in charge? "Santa"
* What organization are you with? "Santa"
* What are you protesting? "Nothing, Santa's having a party" (note: WE
ARE NOT PROTESTERS!! We'd need a permit for that - and something
serious to complain about...)
* How did you get here? "A sleigh and eight tiny reindeer"
* Where are you going next? "I'm only allowed to tell you if you wear
this hat and buy me a beer."
9. Dress the hell up! You don't have to dress as Santa proper. That's
BORING! Variations of Santa-ness are deeply appreciated, both by those
we bring joy to - as well as the other Santarchists! Variants of elves
or reindeer or what-have-you are fine as well!
10. "No blows below the belt. Keep it clean."
11. Please realize that this indeed is an event to have a hell of a
lot of fun, and of course, with the assistance of liquor. It's not,
however, an event to get shit-faced to the point that Santa?s end up
insulting, fighting, degrading, or being assholes to people that run
the places that we visit - or to the regular patrons that are there.
Remember, we're LUCKY that they let THIS many jackasses into their
places of business - and we'd like to keep coming back. Also, there is
no "bail fund" for incarcerated Santii - so you'll be on your own with
that, suckahs.
12. Santas that drink should make sure that they are also Santa?s
that can drive home, or make arrangements so that they don't need to.
This is a no-brainer, but alas, I feel it needs to be said. I don't
want any casualties. We need as many soldiers for "return tours", so
to speak. With mass transit being what it is in Atlanta, we suggest
bringing a designated driver and of course carpooling as much as
possible. The more Santii in each vehicle, the fewer individuals need
to remain dry.
Santa Do's and Don'ts
* DO address every Santa as Santa, in the first, second, and third
person, singular and plural.
* DO have something ready to hand out, even if it's just candy canes.
* DO many thorough soaks of your cleaning product containers before
storing liquor in them. (If you haven't already done so, it may be too
late to start now.) Santa's that want should bring flasks cleverly
disguised as pine-sol or windex bottles.
* DO be ready for new adventure at a moment's notice. Santa is like a
shark, and must keep moving in order to thrive.
* DO uphold the hallowed tradition of Never Washing the Suit.
* Let us not forget the sacred "four fucks":
- DON'T Fuck with Kids. I'm serious; this is supposed to be fun.
Holidays are unpleasant enough for kids these days. If we can't
brighten it at least we can be one less worry for them. If you see
kids, give them nice toys, candy, or something pleasant. Feel free to
hassle their parents though. Remember: The kids of today are the
weirdos of tomorrow.
- DON'T Fuck with Security. If they ask you to leave a store, get the
hell out and be nice about it, or other Santa's will take shit for it.
Besides, they might call the cops and then we have to deal with the
next fuck?.
- DON'T Fuck with Cops. If the cops tell you to do something, DO IT.
If you want to get busted, do it when you and I aren't dressed the same.
- DON'T Fuck with Santa and don't fuck with me or I'll puke on your
suit, you damned impostor.
* DON'T quote a web address!
* DON'T point out someone!
* DON'T give out a name (except Santa!)
* DON'T supply an e-mail address!
* DON'T hand out a phone number!
I'm sure this will be updated again, so keep checking back and Santa
will post more about this event as it gets closer.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Keith Olbermann on California's Prop 8
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
What's wrong with gay marriage?
If two people decide to build an entire life together, why does it have to be only a man a woman? Is a relationship only real if offspring are produced? If that's the case, we're totally screwed up.
Voted before work this morning. Long lines but not as bad as they could have been. Campaign workers did what they could to speed the plow, handing forms and pens to those in line. Most people brought books or magazines with them for the wait.
Back at the office, it's another really quiet day. Boss has already left for the day. Tomorrow, hopefully, things should be close to normal again.
I have a bottle of red wine opened and re-sealed last night and plan to roast vegetables and maybe some chicken tonight for dinner. What I cook just depends on what looks good at the market today.
Looking forward to a good meal that someone else cooks tomorrow.
I do not wish to have any TV or Radio tonight. I prefer to just know the facts in the morning. The anxiety of this election drives me crazy.
Back at the office, it's another really quiet day. Boss has already left for the day. Tomorrow, hopefully, things should be close to normal again.
I have a bottle of red wine opened and re-sealed last night and plan to roast vegetables and maybe some chicken tonight for dinner. What I cook just depends on what looks good at the market today.
Looking forward to a good meal that someone else cooks tomorrow.
I do not wish to have any TV or Radio tonight. I prefer to just know the facts in the morning. The anxiety of this election drives me crazy.
Monday, November 03, 2008
this week's agenda
After one big night of fun out with friends and one night of just not wanting to shut down early, I finally got a full night's sleep. I could probably use one good night's sleep, judging by how hard it is to stay alert at work today. This often changes as soon as I get home. You see, work has been very slow for quite a while now and the two days of the week that my office is at nearly a complete stand-still are Monday and Friday. Monday, most clients have too many things to catch up with from the weekend and things they dropped on Friday to deal with outside vendors like us. Fridays, most clients are too focused on just getting out of their own office to deal with us. So today, I'm nodding off at my desk despite having had a full night's sleep.
This is usually a good time to look ahead to the rest of this week. Tonight, I will attempt to get my "ducks in a row" and be set to get out and vote early before work. That means as much prep as possible so I don't have the opportunity to be distracted by too much while I'm trying to make it out the door. After work, I don't even want to watch the election returns. Just let me know what happened the next morning. Unless I am hanging out with friends and turning the news broadcast into a drinking, bingo, or drunken bingo game.
Wednesday, I can celebrate this election being over. Then, I'll be out to on the Buford Highway Restaurant Crawl with friends.
Thursday, sleeping as much as possible.
Friday, open to suggestions.
Saturday, open to suggestions.
Sunday, food making, packing, and going to the Goth Picnic.
This is usually a good time to look ahead to the rest of this week. Tonight, I will attempt to get my "ducks in a row" and be set to get out and vote early before work. That means as much prep as possible so I don't have the opportunity to be distracted by too much while I'm trying to make it out the door. After work, I don't even want to watch the election returns. Just let me know what happened the next morning. Unless I am hanging out with friends and turning the news broadcast into a drinking, bingo, or drunken bingo game.
Wednesday, I can celebrate this election being over. Then, I'll be out to on the Buford Highway Restaurant Crawl with friends.
Thursday, sleeping as much as possible.
Friday, open to suggestions.
Saturday, open to suggestions.
Sunday, food making, packing, and going to the Goth Picnic.
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