The Jehova's witnesses just came to the house and I am not answering the door for them any more. Last time they came while I was in busy and opened my front door to put a copy of their newsletter inside the house. That is very uncool. Usually, I have the door locked but it was one of those days when I was running in and out a lot.
Last night, we celebrated Mister Pyynk's birthday at Thinking Man's Tavern with the biggest crowd yet. If our group gets much bigger it might be a good idea to rent Thinking Man's for the evening. It was standing room only for a while. We were fortunate enough to be some of the first people there, even before the birthday boy, and had good seats and rock star parking in front.
EpitomeGirl gave me some very good advice that I will try to remember in the future.
I just finished a freelance project for a friend that I truly enjoyed working on.
Thursday was one of mood swings and general family dysfunction for both of us. MonsterMustDie's mother, who has Alzheimer's, was taken advantage of by a phone scammer who got her checking account and bank I.D. from her so accounts had to be changed and calls had to made ASAP to the bank the next morning to square things away. This would have been a bit easier if Monster had not decided to leave the folder of info given to him at the bank with his mother in Alabama, despite my advice to take it home with him. Ugh!
Then my mother was having a manic day and evening and decided to phone and share her dark side with me. I could not deal with her on the phone because I kept trying to calm her down and be positive - this is not what she wanted to hear - and it took me an hour to end the conversation politely. At the end of her call, my brain was fried and my nerves were blown.
Last night, we celebrated Mister Pyynk's birthday at Thinking Man's Tavern with the biggest crowd yet. If our group gets much bigger it might be a good idea to rent Thinking Man's for the evening. It was standing room only for a while. We were fortunate enough to be some of the first people there, even before the birthday boy, and had good seats and rock star parking in front.
EpitomeGirl gave me some very good advice that I will try to remember in the future.
I just finished a freelance project for a friend that I truly enjoyed working on.
Thursday was one of mood swings and general family dysfunction for both of us. MonsterMustDie's mother, who has Alzheimer's, was taken advantage of by a phone scammer who got her checking account and bank I.D. from her so accounts had to be changed and calls had to made ASAP to the bank the next morning to square things away. This would have been a bit easier if Monster had not decided to leave the folder of info given to him at the bank with his mother in Alabama, despite my advice to take it home with him. Ugh!
Then my mother was having a manic day and evening and decided to phone and share her dark side with me. I could not deal with her on the phone because I kept trying to calm her down and be positive - this is not what she wanted to hear - and it took me an hour to end the conversation politely. At the end of her call, my brain was fried and my nerves were blown.
I also just found out this week that a friend of mine has some very serious health issues at hand. She does not want to dwell on it or talk about it and I don't blame her. She's dealing with it and just wanted us to be aware of what is going on with her now. I think we need lunch together and a mani-pedi-massage day.
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