I really want to be starting seeds, fertilizing, clearing planting areas, etc. but I am now, for this year, waiting on the house mate to decide what to do since he believes I did it all wrong last year and the year before. I am aching for activity now and this is just making me more discontent.
Since this is a man who is always too busy or too tired to do anything, my prediction is that there will be no gardening this year. It would be reasonable to assume that means I will need to find more things to do away from home in order to retain my sanity.
I have had enough of sedentary activities like spending all day at the computer sending out resumes or going over online tutorials.
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Thursday, February 24, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Health insurance woes
Today's WTF moment:
I have a health insurance bill, due March 11, for $568.67. This is a bill that was supposed to be paid by my revenant employer for the meager hours of work he still gives me from time to time. He does not pay me enough to cover this monthly bill - or my rent. The checks are always suspiciously low even when I spend more time there sometimes and I assumed this was just the cost of the insurance bill being taken from the check. There are no copiers there to make backups of my time cards or billing per job tickets so all payments to me or the pressman who comes in occassionally are on a basis of trust. Not sure what I should do about it other than pay this bill out of my savings and cancel the insurance.
I have a health insurance bill, due March 11, for $568.67. This is a bill that was supposed to be paid by my revenant employer for the meager hours of work he still gives me from time to time. He does not pay me enough to cover this monthly bill - or my rent. The checks are always suspiciously low even when I spend more time there sometimes and I assumed this was just the cost of the insurance bill being taken from the check. There are no copiers there to make backups of my time cards or billing per job tickets so all payments to me or the pressman who comes in occassionally are on a basis of trust. Not sure what I should do about it other than pay this bill out of my savings and cancel the insurance.
I went online to eHealthInsurance.com and found significantly less expensive options from two very large, well known insurance companies. I filled out a partial application form and saved it to their site. Then I phoned the insurance rep for the business and asked what gives with me getting a huge insurance bill like that. I faxed the bill to him to review. He said the bill should have gone to the printing company but for some reason, they could not send it to that address so I needed to bring it to them. The revenant employer told me to bring the bill in to them - they have some work for me today - and they would take care of it.
health insurance,
Monday, February 21, 2011
MonsterMustDie came home from work in a horrible mood tonight. Even now, he seems inconsolable. Worries about money (which I am making worse with my joblessness) and his own frets that his job is ultimately going nowhere have him so depressed tonight that he is not even speaking to me.
I feel certain that there is something he is not telling me. He mentions everyone, other than him, making money or coming into money. I think he has a great job but he's used to getting significant raises and bonuses every year at jobs he's had previously and can not accept or comprehend the fact that this job has given him neither. It is still a good job IMHO. He works with friends for a company with products he is very fond of and will promote in any conversation on design.
He cancelled renewing his toy website, Go-Boom.com, tonight. the site has not sold anything in two years and it is his labor of love that has been going nowhere. I had to agree that cancelling that site is the right thing to do. He is mourning it, among other things.
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
My youngest uncle is still in ICU from his bypass surgery. He's having to deal continuing atrial fibrillation and nausea, which his doctors are planning to treat with drugs. The quintuple bypass ended up being a quadruple bypass surgery. One artery was completely gone. Fortunately, his youngest daughter continues to do a good job of updating us on his condition. She is my go-to source for information. Her life in Peru is on hold for the moment, while she continues to stay here to remain at her parents' side during all of this.
Last night, I enjoyed dinner out with the girls.
This morning, I woke up with a nasty bite of some sort on my finger. Spider, maybe? Usually, spider bites go down and disappear almost as quickly as they pop up but, hours later now, it looks a bit worse - more swollen. I think I'll take a Benadryl in a few minutes in the hope that will make the swelling go away. Fortunately, the bite is not very sore but the swelling and hard bump in the center of it is a concern.
The current agenda is empty. The spider bite has put me off doing any yard work today. I think I'll try to avoid exposing myself to more potential irritants for the next 24 hours.
Last night, I enjoyed dinner out with the girls.
This morning, I woke up with a nasty bite of some sort on my finger. Spider, maybe? Usually, spider bites go down and disappear almost as quickly as they pop up but, hours later now, it looks a bit worse - more swollen. I think I'll take a Benadryl in a few minutes in the hope that will make the swelling go away. Fortunately, the bite is not very sore but the swelling and hard bump in the center of it is a concern.
The current agenda is empty. The spider bite has put me off doing any yard work today. I think I'll try to avoid exposing myself to more potential irritants for the next 24 hours.
Friday, February 04, 2011
in for the night
Just got back from seeing Tron in 3D with Fun Lisa and MonsterMustDie. Had the unexpected pleasure of seeing my friend David at the cinema as we were leaving. Now, I feel like going out clubbing or doing things tonight but it is too cold and wet to want to venture out - and I’ve got no joiners, anyway, here. MonsterMustDie does not care to go out and Fun Lisa is already headed back to Suwannee.
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
The best laid plans don't work.
MonsterMustDie did my Federal tax return for me and EZ-filed it last night. That done, we were planning on him doing my State tax return tonight.
They sent an email back to me today saying certain things don't match up with my info - one of them being my birthdate, which is entered correctly in every instance. Don't know what, if anything, I can or should do about that. I hope someone at H&R Block figures it out or that it is just a computer glitch on their side.
My mother is acting crazier than usual this month. After last week, I had stated to friends that I was planning to be incommunicado with all family until after I find a full-time job, which gives me validation with certain people and allows enough time for my mother to, hopefully, find some equilibrium again on her own. When she goes crazy, she likes to take me with her.
My plans for avoiding family conflicts have now been obliterated by my uncle being scheduled for heart surgery this thursday. If it weren't for younger family members posting on FaceBook, I would never have a clear picture of what is actually going on. I got a hysterical call from my mother while I was at the bank yesterday that did not contain many facts. Fortunately, my youngest cousin has kept me up-to-date.
Today's plans include a visit to the revenant job for an hour or more, followed by more of my job search from home. At this point, I don't know why he still calls me in occasionally and why I bother to show up.
dysfunctional family,
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