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Monday, April 04, 2011

desperately needing a change

I feel like I need to increase my skills both to make myself more attractive to employers and to raise my own self esteem, which is insufferably low now. I am not talking about a complete change of career but more enhancements to my existing experience and skills.

Last Thursday, I met with someone at Creative Circus and got nothing but a very expensive quote on single classes and lab fees and, since they are on break, no one knowledgeable about the classes I'm interested in to speak to. They kept trying to sell me completely useless and basic foundation classes.

Today, I spent most of the late morning and early afternoon making calls and sending resumes by fax or email.

Tomorrow's plan is to talk to an actual human at SCAD about some interactive communications classes - accredited courses that I might be able to apply in the future to a new bachelors degree. They have a degree program at SCAD and there was some mention of how a lot of my old college courses from many years back might still be applicable to a new degree. Mostly, I want to take classes that I need here and now without spending all my remaining savings.

I mentioned the discussions on classes to the housemate, who predictably told me I did not need to take any courses that did not immediately make money for me. This translates to me as his having a very negative attitude about me taking any classes. He seems to think I can do anything I want to without any more preparation than a software manual.

Did I mention that I learn best by doing and that reading puts me to sleep and manuals can not be read like novels from cover to cover?

It makes me feel both angry and defeated at every discussion. I hate not working a regular job and I miss my (much less expensive) tiny midtown condo more every day now.

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