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Monday, September 15, 2014

Regional Delicacies

Interesting because I never know what is specific to the south in relation to products like food, drinks, etc. An old friend phoned me last week to ask if I knew how to make pimento cheese because no one in New Jersey or New York sells it or knows what it is. He also asked if my mother had a favorite recipe for it. 

We are moving away from Atlanta next month (during my favorite season of Halloween *sigh*) and I wonder if what I will miss other than people and what I need to stock up on before I leave, even though so many things appear to be universal, at least on a national or regional level. 

I've never missed anything Southern while in places like New York or Paris France, but I've never set up a house or gone grocery shopping there either. 

I know you can't find peanut butter in France, but I can live without that - or substitute tahini. 

I have, however, done grocery shopping in Los Angeles and know there are regional equivalents to most things, although I think Atlanta has better restaurants. 

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