Independence day was on a Thursday this year and July is a very slow time for all businesses in High Point so we were able to take a long 4-day weekend trip to Atlanta. This kinda makes up for the insane round trip we made for J Paul's memorial service. July 4th weekend turned out to be an excellent time to visit with most people still home that week and lots of things happening, like the EAV fireworks and the closing party for the Animalia art show at a gallery on Clifton Road in the Candler Park neighborhood.We were fortunate enough to stay with Cindi and John in their beautiful home in our old neighborhood of Northcrest.
We headed out of Casa WereMonster on Thursday morning and made it into East Atlanta to hang out with at Nick and Audrey's house with Chaz and Sandra, drinking wine and snacking until it was time to walk down the street to see fireworks.
Friday was spent running around with Mr.Bunny and the Soogs while MonsterMustDie shopped for treasures in midtown and Chamblee. I took another long look at a necklace that I can't seem to forget about or purchase at one favorite shop. I was gleefully spending so much money there that I really should have bought myself the necklace. I am kicking myself now for not just going for it. If I've liked it this long, that means I will no doubt enjoy having it forever (or a very long time, at least).
Saturday afternoon was spent visiting my family and meeting my first great-niece, Kate, in Marietta. We had lunch a local food court behind Marietta square. My brother and I recorded a podcast for my neice. After the family visit, we went to Candler Park where I saw many old friends at the art show and short film screening.
Sunday was a casual drive back to North Carolina.
We had snacks, drinks, and sparklers on the back patio before heading into EAV downtown for an impressive fireworks display.

Friday was spent recovering from the trip and the night before while running around town with friends, including tacos for breakfast and lunch snacks at HopStix. I had the duck appetiser, which was delicious.
I have been a little obsessed with this very heavy necklace for a while. I keep having to visit it every time I'm in Atlanta. I probably should have purchased it this time.
We spent most of Saturday visiting my family and meeting my new great neice, Kate, before going to the closing of the Animalia art show in Candler Park, where I saw many old friends, including Bill, Mike, and Megan.
We drove home into an intense summer storm.