It's still raining every day here in North Carolina. A lot of the mulch has washed away from the back yard. I knew we would be tired of this wet weather when I saw the storm map and the 10-day forecast last week but I also know we will miss some of this rain by the time everything is dried out in the Summer months. Nothing ever feels completely dry now and clear, sunny days seem distant.
I had a nice long conversation with Cindi, who called to check in about my condo in Atlanta. She's an old friend, former neighbor, and my real estate agent in charge of my condo now. So we talked about my renter and whether I would be willing to let his girlfriend and her dog move in with him and how much I should add to the rent to cover possible damage created by pets if that happens. I don't want to lose the tenant I have so if we can keep everyone happy while not sacrificing the space that still feels like home to me, I'll be happy.
She has a new cat now that an old cat does not seem to be adjusting to very well - or he could just be showing signs of his advanced years now because he is a 17-year-old cat. Their new cat is a young tortoiseshell who has a lot more energy than the old guy.
Her husband, like mine, is out of work now but he's quite tech-savvy so both of us believe he will find more work soon that he can do remotely.
Both of our households have been doing a lot of gardening while we are sheltering in place during this time of quarantine but while that's not much an option this week while the rain is coming down every day. I had purchased a new additional raised bed planter, a 4'x4' two-part stacking kit, but the Amazon seller only sent half of my order and refunded me for half the price. Now MonsterMustDie needs to make it work somehow. This, I swear, was the last thing I will spend my rapidly-disappearing money on for the yard.
MonsterMustDie went out grocery-shopping and treasure-hunting earlier
today. He's been out treasure-hunting several times a week now that all
the antique malls are open. He's even had a couple of small sales at the
antique mall here, where he has a booth. Most of his sales are still
online only. The antiques market is a very strange thing to me. So much
of it seems to be like gambling on what collectors might want. It's all
unnecessary spending for consumers so there is no judging things by
necessity or usability. It's all trends. On top of that, a lot of it is
dealers buying things from each other to resell. Total folly in my mind,
hoping to score a wild prize. Still, he's now supporting our household
with it.
I had a telephone job interview this afternoon for a position selling insurance, which feels like something I am completely unsuited for because I do not have a salesman personality. I might still try it if I can talk myself into it but the very thought of it is filling me with anxiety. It would be something I believe I would only have to do remotely, by phone, but there are classes to get licensed for it which I am totally unwilling to pay for if they expect me to do that and the job is commission-only with no benefits. It's just a step better than no prospects whatsoever, which is what I have now.
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