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Sunday, December 31, 2006
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Happy Holidays
Christmas Eve, we went to Pell City, Alabama to visit June. We got to see Jerry briefly, but Kim was a no-show.
Christmas Day, we spent family at my mother's flat. Huge meal. Everyone took home left-overs. My brother's family brought my neice's boyfriend with them because his mother, a nurse, was working all day (and most of the night). Seemed like a nice lad who fit in very well with the family. I can see why my brother and sister-in-law like him. He's very much like my brother and nephew in personality. For some reason, my Mother found it necessary to open three bottles of wine, most of which was still untouched when we left. Part of the reason was, after she opened the Merlot, the cork was dry and my first glass tasted awful and smelled very strong of vinegar and what I percieved as cork-taint. Then, after I rinsed and dried my glass thoroughly she opened the Cabernet Sauvignon for me. When I set out the other glasses, I smelled the same thing. Everything had this soapy, vinegar-smelling film to it so I rinsed everything down as quickly as possible while she was freshening up. Everyone's wine was fine after that. I said nothing about the glasses. The rest of the Merlot went untouched (and it still may have been off - remember that dry cork). We finished of the Cab and she opened a bottle of Pinot Noir for good measure before everyone left.
Yesterday, we had the traditional exchanging of some gifts. We now have a very nice coffee maker again, upgraded from previous models I've owned with a programable time, clock, and thermal carafe (so coffee doesn't have to cook down to something bitter just to stay hot). Now I can shop for any whole bean coffee I choose and make the occassional cinnamon coffee without being a slave to one manufacturer's pods that we can only get from one source locally.
In the evening we went to the airport to meet a friend of Monster's who lives in Chicago now. He's gone from retail sales to realestate and is doing quite well at it. He owns half of a very nice modern duplex in the heart of the city. He is also a man with very little free time so when there was a chance for a two-hour spot to visit between flights to visit, everyone jumped at it. As always, there was a lot of catching up to do between the guys and not enough time. There were some cool photos on the iPod to share, updating on the Blackberry to do, and new photos and MPEGs to make.
Today, it's back to work. I expect this will be another nearly non-existant work week. Only three days to punch the clock and clients probably won't be keeping us busy until after New Year's day when everyone returns to work.
Friday, December 22, 2006
The Silver Grill is closing today
The CitySearch profile has this to say about the Silver Grill:
The Scene
Southern accents are fading fast in Midtown, but not at this vintage diner. Family-run since 1945, it charms with "no shirt, no shoes, no service" earnestness. A curious mix of longtime regulars and manicured Midtown boys settle into the cozy and clean double-wide. Behind a long counter, serving tins full of Southern specialties simmer as veteran waitresses hurriedly dish them onto plates.
The Food
Daily specials of diner standards overshadow the regular menu of sandwiches and single items. Heavily battered fried chicken is the natural favorite, but it doesn't outdo tender country-fried steak. A generous slab of meat loaf with tomato sauce is also excellent when available. Vegetable choices vary by day--hope for buttery corn-on-the-cob and seasoned collards. Sweet potato souffle, loaded with brown sugar and molten marshmallow, doubles as dessert. Homemade cobblers and cakes also keep the sweet-tea buzz alive.
Monday, December 18, 2006
We still have so much stuff - furniture and tools - in the living room, it will be a mad dash to get everything cleared out and seating arrangements made. It's going to be fun. I still need to bake cookies and buy eggnog or decide on a recipe I like. The punch bowl awaits. I've got a new yule log/fireplace DVD too, since I'm sure it'll be to warm for a real fire. Well, maybe a few tiny fires on columns of wax.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
The Dining Room is finished

The painting and plastering and lighting of the front dining room is finally done. I am sitting at the table like an adult again, addressing greeting cards.
Tomorrow: TV Wars. Heroes (Monster's favorite new show) vs Alton Brown (School of Hard Nogs episode). I predict that Monster will win, as he is the TV and Movie King, a title I do not care for. So, what will I do tomorrow night after work? Who knows? Finish my shopping... maybe do some wrapping... go out looking for trouble...
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Wine vs Crime
By the way, this website just launched. It's like a youtube for
databases. VERY geeeeeekeeeee!
Thanks Chaz.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Atlanta SantaCon 2006
Atlanta SantaCon
topic posted Yesterday, 9:34 PM by Chwdog
Ok kids.. My Bullhorn is decorated... somewhat. My SantaSuit is dirty and lookin for more... Yep, its SantaCon time!!!
Dec 16th
4:42pm It all starts
Centennial Park, Atlanta GA
Pics in the park, from there, we get on MARTA and follow Chw....
There is a leading force in the chaos of Santacon in Atlanta, and sadly enough, we named him chw......
Within a few days of the event, I will post a little more detailed info, but to get involved, takes exactly that!!!
Participants ONLY!!! Come one, come all. Wipe your christmas cheer ALL OVER ATLANTA!
Its going to be great, We have our route, We have our friends, we even have our carols, plus we have a hotel picked out to stay in, join the list for info on how to shack up with us!
IF YOU ATTEND, YOU MUST GO TO TO GET YOUR CAROLS... LEARN THEM ALL!!! We will be singing all night... mostly DIRTY carols!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
snow crash soundtrack
Listening to various NPR bits online, including pieces of David Sedaris on the Santaland Diaries and the recent Tom Waits interview.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Grudges are never good to keep - generates too much negativity - kinda like a black whole where all the energy you could be using on better things disappears. This is such a complicated thing. Are they sorry? Are they even aware that they've hurt you? I'm not saying just forgive and forget. You can forgive and not forget and maybe in a way that's actually fairer to the offender, to know their nature and not expect too much of them. You can choose not to forget but still treat someone decently. You don't have to like everyone but you should probably be polite at all times - prevents escalation of tensions and maintains civility.
There are people I have officially forgiven but will never trust again.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Went to the post office to ship packages, pay bills, took a very nice piece of furniture to a friend's shop to sell, and bought a new, smaller rug for the living room to be delivered from Chicago. Now the day is long over and tomorrow is totally empty. These long weekends are unbearably lonely and boring.
Friday, November 24, 2006
post Thanksgiving
Yesterday we went with Lisa and David to her parent's house to have Thanksgiving dinner with her family. It was a great meal. Lisa got praise for her bourbon pecan pie, which everyone in her family said was the best they'd ever had. Monster was delighted to look at the collection of turned wood objects at the house. I brought flowers and, feeling unsure, two different kinds of bread purchased at The Bread Garden - a nice country bread that was used for dinner and a loaf of olive bread, which I was sent home with because it was uncut and they said they had too many leftovers anyway. Lisa give Monster a slice of the excellent pecan pie to bring home. The evening was spent watching Love Actually on TV, after which I retired to the bedroom, leaving Monster to watch cartoons until he fell asleep on the couch.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Thanksgiving Eve
- 1. Buy flowers and maybe some fresh baked goods to take to Thanksgiving Dinner with Lisa's family.
2. Pick up blanket and rug from drycleaners.
3. Check post office box.

One of the guys at work brought a coconut cake that his wife baked last night from a 100-year-old family recipe.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Tending to the sick and bedridden
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Willy Terry
If you've seen the man who walks around the corner of Briarcliff and Ponce in the white bike shorts, then you definitely want to watch this video.
Thanksgiving links
Archer Farms Heat & Serve Holiday Meals
William Sonoma has tips.
Atlanta City Search Thanksgiving Planner
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Murray is in town

Had a lovely evening. Maurice phoned and invited me and Monster impromptu to join him and Terry at Papa Deaux on Jimmy Carter Blvd. for dinner. He's in town for the convention/tradeshow and was willing to finally meet Monster. We had a great time talking about old times. Maurice showed everyone at the table a few of his magic tricks and his "mentalist" abilities.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Alternate You are 31% experimental, 45% feral, 40% spiritual, and 20% square! |
Congratulations! You're Alternate. The Alternate is, at first glance, the most mainstream of hippies. You are probably more into protecting disempowered people and the environment than expanding your mind or achieving a higher state of being, but you aren't so into nature that you choose to live in a tree. You even shower at times, and some people may not notice the passionate hippie lurking beneath the seemingly conservative exterior. The hippie world needs you because you earth the other hippies, and form a bridge between them and the rest of society. If you believe that opposites attract, you probably find yourself around Full-blown hippies. If you are more inclined to enjoy the company of those with similar attitudes, then other Alternates, as well as the Faerie-child, Treehugger, and Raver are for you. The other categories are Neopagan, Mystic, Feral and of course, the Non-hippie |
Link: The what kind of hippie are you Test written by pragmaticdreams on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test |
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Picnic at Oakland Cemetary was great fun. Everyone brought very generous amounts of food and drink and, like good narfs, cleaned up after themselves before leaving. There where children and giant puppets (Katrina the fancy lady) and Goths all around. I am forever thankful to Moonbird for making gatherings like this happen and including me in them.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Halloween Night

We stayed home on Halloween night, cooking dinner and waiting for Trick-or-Treaters. The house was decorated. The jack-o-lanterns in the yard were lit. There is now left-over chocolate except for just a couple of peanutbutter cups, which Monster claims.
Tomorrow is Joel and Kelly's going away party. They are moving to Savannah, where Kelly has a great new job.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
This I wish would disappear
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Last night, as I was carving jack-o-lanterns with David and Lisamin, T phoned from E.Atl to find out where I was. He thought I was going to meet him in town where he was going to take out Red Fly again. I thought perhaps those with real costumes were going out together and run amuck, details of which I wasn't entirely provided with and, since I decided to carve pumpkins and be at home with Monster, was information I had not asked about. He thought Saturday night was Halloween spooky video night at the East Side Lounge. Video night at the East Side Lounge is actually Monday, starting around 10PM.
Anyway, we had fun making the jack-o-lanterns, which now adorn the yard here and I'm sure T found some fun and mischief to get into.

Everyone was up to their elbows in pumpkin goo.

Saturday, October 28, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Halloween Parade
Thursday, October 12, 2006
prom night
Monster can hardly sleep the night before and on the second Thursday of the month, he gets up and dressed at 4AM and drives to the Scott Antique show to be there as the trucks are unloading. He lays out his freshy washed and ironed clothes the night before so he has one less thing to think about in the early morning haze. And he gives himself a haircut/trim and the best shave of the month. All this so he can make a proper presentation for his public - the dealers at the shows.
So he's off hunting for treasures again this weekend. I hope he finds wonderful stuff to sell.
It won't be quite the same next month, when there will be one less place to check on because the Lakewood Fleamarket will be gone. Dealers got their 30-day notice last month, so I'm curious about whether the fleamarket will go out with a bang (LOTS of incredible merchandise) or a whimper (mostly empty).
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
You are Supergirl
| Lean, muscular and feminine. Honest and a defender of the innocent. |
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz
Atlanta SantaCon
Atlanta SantaCon
Ok, the date is set in stone. I have had enough resposes to state that Dec 16th is the date for the Atlanta SantaCon. I have my suit ready, do you have yours???? Hope ya do, cause if you dont, your missin out!!!! More details to come as it gets planned but much like last year, we will be planning as we walk. Come join the 2nd annual SantaCon in Atl!! We have a yahoo group setup for communication @ Come join us and be apart of the fun we had last year, and help add on to the fun this year! Hope to see yall there!!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Your Brain is 73% Female, 27% Male |
Your brain leans female You think with your heart, not your head Sweet and considerate, you are a giver But you're tough enough not to let anyone take advantage of you! |
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Boss #1 is still at the office this afternoon and is being especially pleasant to be around. Bringing jobs in and joking. We also got a new copy of Adobe CS this week, which will make my work here even easier and faster.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
condo update
Next is Monster finishing the walls and ceiling this week and the last part will be the hardwood floors next week. We are showing the condo already, even though it's not finished yet, and hoping for a good tenant.
Monday, October 02, 2006
How was your day, dear?
The Irritant got hysterically bent out of shape when I said I would get to a new request as soon as I changed and saved a file, rather than drop half an hour's worth of work and short-term memory and rip open a mystery file that just came in for a job that didn't exist yet. While I was trying to save and close out of a job, he went tattling to Boss #1 on how I wasn't obeying quickly enough to the demands of my (apparently) my new lord and master (His Virile Excellency). Boss #1, quite thankfully, sided with me in the (meaningless) incident. He apologized for the "slight misunderstanding, if there was one" with Boss # 1 in the room and after Boss #1 left, he quickly added "I thought (Boss #1) wanted to make money, but I guess I'm wrong." (Sometimes I wish I had a tape recorder.)
Days like this, I really don't want to go back to work in the morning.
Meanwhile, the house we rent and live in and the condo I own continue to suck more money out of my savings and more time that Monster could be using to make money. Today, Monster had to skip work to wait most of the day into the afternoon for a plumber to fix a broken pipe that forced us to go all weekend with the water to the house turned off.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Your Power Color Is Lime Green |
At Your Highest: You are adventurous, witty, and a visionary. At Your Lowest: You feel misunderstood, like you don't fit in. In Love: You have a tough exterior, but can be very dedicated. How You're Attractive: Your self-awareness and confidence lights up a room. Your Eternal Question: "What else do I need in my life?" |
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
New refridgerator = $400.00
Hardwood Floor repair and refinishing = 800.00
Bathroom pipe snapped in two = 750.00
Electrical work = 500.00
Monster paid for the painting and cleaning materials and supplies.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Monster and I started the day going to the condo, where I was supposed to help him set in the frame and sheet rock for the new closet doors to fit in the bedroom. We ended up getting in a huge fight over everything, like we always do when discussing anything and everything related to the condo. He asks my opinion and then either ignores what I say like he doesn't hear me or tells me that I'm wrong. I told him that, while I appreciate him taking time to make repairs, paint walls, and oversee service people coming to the condo; I don't think we should have these discussions or go there together again. He can just surprise me rather than fight about it every time. Then he thought I didn't appreciate him. Then I try to explain that by telling him to take over without me, I am saying that I trust him completely.
I Just Don't Want To Fight Anymore.
There is no way to be around or discuss the condo or anything in it without fighting.
Just when I'm ready to jump off a bridge, I decided to get out and meet friends for brunch. Going to brunch with friends was an excellent choice. I got to see very pleasant, clever people and hear about what they've been doing and planning while having good eats (which included a nice slab of tuna) and look at wedding photos and hear about someone elses' home renovation that was actually working out quite well despite AC failure and fire.
Came back home and watched foodTV and cartoons.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
The price just keeps going up.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Please send Home Depot gift certificates.
The nasty, stained moist carpet and pad have been removed from the bed room and Moonlight will be up to refinish the hardwood floors in the living room and bedroom in a couple of weeks, as soon as Monster is finished repainting everything and replacing all of the cracked outlet covers and broken fixtures, as well as replacing the broken doorson the bedroom closet.
I spent six hundred dollars at Home Depot today alone buying, among other things, a new refridgerator. And we still haven't scheduled an electrician to come by yet to fix the fuse box. I was able to chisel the thick crust of glass and what looks like burned chili and ramen off the stove but I haven't been able to inspect and tackle the oven and cabinetry until after I have light in the kitchen again (fuse box problem) again.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
in vino veritas
Friday, September 08, 2006
You Are Creepy |
Serial killers would run away from you in a flash. |
The Movie Of Your Life Is A Black Comedy |
In your life, things are so twisted that you just have to laugh. You may end up insane, but you'll have fun on the way to the asylum. Your best movie matches: Being John Malkovich, The Royal Tenenbaums, American Psycho |
You Are From Uranus |
You shine with brilliant creativity, and you're more than a little eccentric. You love everything unusual and shocking. You're one far-out chick or dude. Anything unconventional excites you - and you have genius potential. Just don't let your rebel side get the best of you, or else you'll alienate everyone. Your original thinking and funky attitude is all you need to be you. |
Friday, August 25, 2006
Halloween planning, eyes burning
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
The Perfect B Movie
The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra does not seem so much like a spoof of the genre now. This is just as cheesy, with idiotic dialog, cartoonish monster costumes, and lots of slightly dressed dizzy girls and heroic men of science. But it also has some great stuff like The Del-Aires playing a rocking soundtrack and leather jacket wearing bikers kicking sand in the face of boys at the beach party just before launching into a silly acrobatic choreograph fight scene.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
veiled threat?
Friday, he was in my office doing nothing but taking up space and makes the comment about how work "sure has been spurty here lately". And it was just the way he said it. Made the words sound vulgar somehow. And proceeds to spend as much time in my office too physically close and extremely annoying.
I left early, again, like I've done nearly every day this week. There's not enough to keep my busy all day anyway, and after everyone else leaves, it's just me and him there.
Monster thinks there's no threat to him and that he's just being a jerk. Boss #1 doesn't see why this makes me uncomfortable, like I'm a wimp to let it bother me.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
the art department. Use your own computer for surfing and stay off of mine!!!".
When I got to work this morning, the sound was still off.
Someone had opened Internet Explorer on my machine but there was nothing other than the home page I created in the History file.
Monday, August 14, 2006
more porn on my machine this morning
Friday, August 11, 2006
The Prestige
and again
Thursday, August 10, 2006
My boss still isn't here today.
Boss #2 doesn't even come in every day and Boss #1 will often come in late and leave before 3:00PM.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Someone's been sitting in my chair.
Will this ever end???
Thursday, July 27, 2006
one of those days
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
I love the look of this
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
However, the previous published graphics and logo files are irrelevant to him.
That and the fact that he insisted on my logging into the network from my machine while he watched my hands, not the screen, have been the top annoyance today, beating out having only three working jobs to occupy my time for about five minutes each.
cold cereal for lunch
Found this on Apartment Therapy.
Egg-less Caesar Dressing
1 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/2 corn oil, or other mild oil such as canola or safflower
1/4 cup lemon juice
7 anchovy filets
3 cloves garlic
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
2 tablespoons sherry vinegar
1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoons kosher salt
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
In a blender, puree all ingredients until emulsified and refrigerate. Toss liberally with romaine lettuce, croutons and additional Parmesan.
Monday, July 24, 2006
disappearing WO's
Saturday, July 15, 2006
The tomatoes are ready
Castleberry Hills Art Stroll

We went with the Hatchers to Castleberry Hills for the art stroll. Saw some great things as well as mediocre while walking through all of the galleries and studios there.
I made an angry phone call to my next door neighbor, who the renter was traveling with.
After Monster's return and dealing with the woman, the guys finished the job, which I hope was the source of the leak and will put everything to rest.
I want to remove this renter, repair, clean up, and remodel the condo, and find a better quality renter for the place. I'm over having bachelors in my place. I'd love to have a nice, professional single woman living there.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
In other news, this made me smile.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
1. all tickets on the website must be purchased for will-call delivery only. You don't have the actually delivery options they list, like USPS or UPS,etc.
2. they charge $9.00 for a parking pass, but having to pick up the tickets and pass at will-call makes the pass useless.
3. there is no place to choose United States as your country of origin. We had to choose the outlying islands as your location.
tied in knots
We got the new toilet installed. yeah!
And now we have the old gray toilet sitting on our patio, probably becoming a mosquito nursery until we figure out how to get rid of it. I think I'm going to put biocide pellets in it tomorrow.
Went to see the new Pirates movie tonight. Great fun. I needed some escape.
Tom Waits tickets go on sale at 10:00 AM!
The bad news:
It's been a very rough week for me. Now I'm having a glass of red wine trying to encourage sleep to come and my gut to unknot. There's more trouble in my condo with water and nasty downstairs neighbors and useless management companies.... the usual. That and my job desintegrating into nothing as they seem to be letting the business die off - I've only been working half days lately. And my car needs new struts. The back end is bottoming out, so there's another big expense coming at me.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
tiny screams of dying brain cells
It's another slow day at work again. I can feel brain cells dying while I'm trying to stay awake. At the same time, I'd rather be employed in a boring job than no job at all.
What I really want is a job closer to home that actually stimulates/challenges me a bit or at least keeps me busy. Preferably one with health insurance, paid vacation time, and 401k.
Monday, June 26, 2006
Sunday, June 25, 2006
finally, it rained.
I had to empty every object out of the cabinets and countertop below, dry it, put it aside, and stuff towels into the cabinets when we came home last night. This morning, I pulled out the towels and made sure everything was reasonably clean and dry. I still haven't put things where they were before. I'll probably box it all until the roof is cleared of branches, which might have caused the water to pool and an old leak to reform, and the next rain proves whether it's okay to put things back or not.
Last night was fun - the first of this year's Halloween parade gatherings to begin the process for this year's parade. More giant puppets will be involved, I think. Maybe we'll have an actual float on a trailor again this year. Those questions are still up in the air but the theme is decided now. It's going to be great fun.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Wedding of the century

My cousin Dan and Joy had their wedding yesterday. Huge event with family and friends.
Kinda funny. The officiant was a very articulate, highly educated minister who spoke with a great deal of charm. Just when I thought we might not get the usual fire and brimstone sermon on the mount that is typical of Southern Baptist weddings, he included a very serious bit of warning having to do with marriage being a covenant with God rather than a legal contract - that included how it would be better to be drawn and quartered than to break one's vows.
Great reception with the caterer presenting a spread that included lots of seafood - sushi, sashimi, oysters on the halfshell, and the obligatory shrimp coctail. Of course, there were many more options but that was where I was centered. While others enjoyed the whole tenderloin roast and chicken, I was feasting on fruits of the sea. Later followed by a very good glass of Sterling Cab. The event ended with fireworks over the lake at the country club. I would love to see a photo of what I saw then - Dan and Joy in silhouette taking in the fireworks, held in eachothers arms. One thing I had not seen before was a table with a man hand-rolling cigars for guests. Even my brother was puffing on a wedding cigar, watching the fireworks. Almost like a Bergman film.
I got to see and speak with relatives and friends from near and far. So many people that we unfortunately only see at weddings and funerals and the occassional christening. I prefer seeing everyone at weddings, when there are no inhibitions or sorrow and everyone is, by nature of the event, positive and future-minded. When we were ready to leave, my mother wasn't waiting for me near the door as I expected her to be. I found her dancing with my cousin Heather's husband in front of the band, which is huge because this was the first time she'd been able to dance in years - all thanks to her new bionic knees. There was a great moment when Joy's brother got out in the center of the floor dancing just like Michael Jackson to Billie Jean - legend has it that he learned that trick when he was around 14 years old and has done it by request ever since. It was great fun watching that and then he pulled this sister, the bride, onto the floor to dance with him. Too funny.
And now I wish my cousins a perfect honeymoon with no sunburn or other maladies to occur. The worrier in me immediately sees peril in two very blonde individuals on a beach.

Monday, May 29, 2006
Friday, May 26, 2006
Diem Good Eats
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
watching Some Like It Hot tonight
Monday, May 15, 2006
Mother's Day
The service is still extraordinary but the food has kinda lost it. It's overpriced for what you get and not as good as it used to be. Mother's fried oysters were not quite done - raw on the inside and not yet crisp on the outside. My tuna was lost in a sauce that was so strong all I could taste was sugar and licorice.
Last time we'll be there unless it's just for desert and the wait staff or the Grey Goose martinis.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
new spring coat
Friday, May 12, 2006
recurring loops
I've found that recently, what seems to help is stepping out of the normal habits with a mental and physical activity. For me, that has been as simple as working in the garden and yard for a while at the end of each day. Somehow that clears things out all the way down to the dream level in me. I don't know if something like that would work for anyone else, but maybe it would. After doing the same things in the same places redundantly, even my dreams can become frustrating loops. I actually dream better after gardening.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Pretty good day
When I got home, Monster was clean-shaven and grinning. All of the dead wood in the side yard had been moved and stackeed neatly against the side of the house. The misplaced hosta had been transplanted to a better place on one side of the house and the rhododendron had been tranplanted to the other side in a better, roomier space. New pinestraw was spread evenly across all of the area he had worked in.
I told him it looked great and he said "You like it when I bust my ass."
Yes. I do like it when he works around the house an actually finishes a job that he starts.
He looked a lot better too after shaving.
The only complaint (I can't help it - there's always one) was that he dug up the one purple flower I'd saved from the front. When I asked what he was planning to do with it, he started singing "Seasons in the Sun". I've never seen anyone who hates flowers as much as he does. I am planning to rescue it next time he's not home - after it stops raining. I'll either try potting it or planting it in back next to the patio.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Mrs. Cloun, being the supporting friend that she is, helped me look for the elusive perfect dress to wear to my cousin's wedding in June. I'm hard to please this week. Everything seemed like it was the wrong color, too casual for an evening wedding, or too matronly - too many gathers, too fluffy, etc. etc. But I think I have a lot better idea now for what I might wear. I could wear my black suit, but this would be my one good excuse this year to buy myself something wonderful and feminine, despite the fact that I'm not a girlie skirt-wearing type. I would love something simple, classic, slender in jewel colors like red or purple. Or polka dots - there are so many nice black & white polka dot dresses that were either too flimsy at the top, too low in the back or too fluffy and bunched up (whatever that's called).
I will continue the search another day.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Just what I needed
Then we went to East Atlanta and met Sandy at the cantina to satisfy my margarita carving. Nick was working and came out of the kitchen to visit for a moment. I had a good margarita with a full, oaky underlying flavor and complimenary quesadilla from Nick. Then we headed to the Gravity Pub to check out Bingo night with Chaz. We stayed for three rounds before leaving.
We came home, where Monster urinated for an age that rivaled Austin Powers.
Good company and tequila and music and escape from the norm were just what I needed to calm my anxiety and raise my spirits. Thank you.
Where did my job go?
What is the price of boredom and entropy?
Friday, April 28, 2006
Inman Park Festival
Happy Birthday to Monster
Yesterday, after work, Ann and I went to eat sushi together at the restaurant that seems to be appropriately named "Sushi Bar" up the street. Not bad. Not as cheap or with quite the atmosphere of Ru San's but very conveniently located to home. I'll be back, hopefully with Ann again.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
might be plague.
So far, I'm feeling okay. No signs that he's shared too much with me yet.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Patio Living
Now it's time to relax in the butterfly chairs on the patio in back with a few refreshments and enjoy our place.
Next project: The dining room. But not this week.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Better than I thought today would be.
There was a march of some sort today in Chamblee, a part of town with a lot of Asian and Hispanic immigrants. Police were at every intersection as hundreads of people walked by, many holding United States flags, one or two sporting Mexican flags, walking up Buford highway. I only wish this march had been in Buckhead or Marietta, where a lot of immigrants are employed, but for all I know there were similar marches around the area.
Dinner of pizza with red wine tonight with Monster.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
1604 - Kepler's Star: German astronomer Johannes Kepler observes that an exceptionally bright star had suddenly appeared in the constellation Ophiuchus, which turned out to be the last supernova to have been observed in our own galaxy, the Milky Way.
2005 - Peter Mayhew, better known in his film role as Chewbacca becomes an official U.S. citizen.
2005 - The Chicago White Sox clinch their first American League pennant since 1959, and their first World Series appearance, also since 1959.
1253 - Ivo of Kermartin, French saint (d. 1303)
1915 - Arthur Miller, American playwright (d. 2005)
1972 - Eminem, American rapper
532 - Pope Boniface II
1849 - Frédéric Chopin, Polish-French musician and composer (b. 1810)
1967 - Henry Pu Yi, last Emperor of China (b. 1906)
Friday, April 07, 2006
I have had to start backing up certain job-related emails by forwarding the correspondence to my personal email account just to have a permanent record of what had transpired this week.
We had at least one day when I had no access to my email at work.
I have listened to The Irritant talking customer into smaller orders - like this is somehow what he's supposed to do - make less money for the company and get some clients to choose other providers altogether.
Everyone tells me to ask The Irritant for info when I have questions (like missing information) on a job or client and 90% of the time, not only does he not have a clue, but refuses to speak to clients or check into things I do not have access to.
I hate this place... mostly because of one employee.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
The Fog
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
chairman of the bored
Monday, March 27, 2006
Spring gardening
I've been busy in the back yard working on aggressive management of the english ivy that's everywhere. Mostly, I'm just removing it from the area nearest the patio (trying to reduce the clouds of mosquitos this summer) and cutting it off the trees. There are some very nice wild flowers and forgotten shrubs and ferns growing in back that I hope to leave as is, transplant, or prune back eventually to a healthier shape.
Friday, March 24, 2006
Saturday, March 18, 2006
You're 25% Irish |
You're not Irish. Not even a wee bit. Not even on St. Patrick's Day! |
Friday, March 17, 2006
St. Patrick's Day with options.
Fernbank is having a special Martini's and Imax night with Kingsized performing.
Lee is cooking corned beef, cabbage, & potatoes for a St. Patrick's day birthday party for a friend at her house tonight.
The premier of the new Dr. Who series on SciFi network starts at 9pm tonight.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Today's Story
Met For the Second Time
It started last spring when my daughter signed on to the Internet.
She found it very interesting and kept asking me to try it. At age 50, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to learn what I would need to know. I kept declining.
Finally, after some encouragement and being reminded of how I had learned to use the computer, I conceded. I have to admit that it was very enjoyable and I found so many interesting things.
Then one day, I typed in the word "adoption" on a search engine. I couldn't believe all the stuff that came up. I became obsessed.
You see, I had a baby boy when I was a teen and I relinquished him to adoption, but I never stopped thinking about him and praying for his well being. I had been waiting since 1985 for my birth son to contact me. He turned 18 that year, and I, along with many other birth moms, was told during the time of relinquishment that when he became 18, he would be able to obtain information on me that would allow him to make contact.
That was wrong, but I didn't find that out until last year. I thought that since my birth son had never contacted me, he was not interested in knowing who I was or in obtaining any identifying information. Most people, that have never been connected to anyone that has been adopted or relinquished a baby, have no idea what the majority of them deal with.
The birth mother always wondering if her child had a good life, if he/she is safe, and the dreaded thoughts of whether he/she is dead. The adoptee, wondering why, wondering who they look like, what nationality they are, and what their medical history is. We are all denied the right to know any of this because of state laws.
By February 1999, I had been searching the Internet for 10 months, contacting the Court and Children and Youth Services and not receiving one shred of hope. I was told that I had no rights and there was nothing I could do.
I was ready to give up.
I prayed and told God that I knew it was out of my control and if it were His will He would make it happen. I would wait on Him.
The following week, with God guiding me to read a post written on the Internet by a birth mom angel, I was given one last thing to do before I quit.
The post didn't have much in it, just that she had a baby girl at St. Vincent's in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and a social worker from CSS had reunited her with her daughter. Something inside me told me to write to this woman and ask her about her reunion with her daughter and how it came about. She wrote and told me to call a number in Philadelphia and ask a social worker if they could help.
Six weeks later, I met my son, Joseph, for the second time in 32 years.
I was the beneficiary of a miracle. I could write so much more about the details, but they are not of importance. What is important is the fact that we should never stop believing in miracles.
May you all be blessed with your own miracle, and if there is anyone out there that is thinking about a lost loved one, don't ever give up that faith, hope or love.
--Author Unknown
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Tim Burton was robbed
Friday, March 03, 2006
Couldn't call it unexpected
I mean there is NOTHING to do, even though I know that there are several new jobs in.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
the old snot faucet
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Friday, we got an impromtu invitation from Aud and Nick. They were both off work and he was cooking. We had a great dinner of duck comfit with lentil salad with fresh strawberry sorbet for desert. Delicious. We hung out at the house with them and the animal menagerie and enjoyed the new copper fire outdoor firepit they got.
Saturday, was the belated baby shower for baby Alex.
Sunday was Lisamin's birthday party and sausage cookout.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
The dead still visit me in dreams.
Monday, February 20, 2006
what condition my condition was in.
I've been sluggish all day with a lingering headache. Monster took me out after work for pasta and Excedrin.
And now that it's time for me to get into bed if I'm going to make it to work in the morning, I'm starting to feel much better.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
You are Sally Bowles from Cabaret! You're the sexy
Brit who headlines at the Kit Kat Club. You
may not be the most talented singer, and your
morals may not be quite intact, but you are
vivacious, eccentric and irresistible.
What musical theatre tart are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Thursday, February 09, 2006
that familiar feeling
After a day of work during a not too busy time of year, the last thing I want to do is go from sitting in front of a computer all day to sitting in front of a television set during most of my last wakeful hours. I have the intense desire for activity and socializing. And yet, these are the cocoon months, winter, where no one should do anything other than stay inside sipping hot steamy beverages in fluffy clothes and fuzzy shoes.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
What i did on my xmas holiday
Then it was back to Georgia to spend the evening with my family at my brother's house. My mother was there, along with my brother's wife and children as we had a light meal of soup and exchanged gifts around one of the three Christmas trees in the house.
This holiday, I have decided to permanently abandon the idea of gifts certificates as gifts. With my family, there is no way anyone appreciates the amount I can afford to give and, like most people, if they see anything they want in the common certificate sources, they probably already have it. Now the quest is to find something more esoteric in a place they wouldn't normally ever shop at. This, I am happy to report, was a very successful plan. All of my smaller, more original and affordable gifts were well received. They seemed to be quite honestly appreciated, which makes me very happy. Back to the joy of gift shopping again.