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Tuesday, December 27, 2011
leaking roof. wet bedroom.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Christmas 2011 at the Perry house
By the time we got home in the early evening, I had an awful headache and my back and legs were worn out from sitting so long in the car. Friends in the neighborhood had invited us over for eats and drinks but he went without me while I drank lots of water and laid down in a dark soft place for a while. After loosening garments and relaxing for a while, I felt well enough to walk up the street to join everyone for what turned out to be a very nice visit and chat. It was just what I needed to do after the day's ordeal.
We exchanged gifts while watching Sunday Morning and had toast made with the Cuisinart toaster I gave MonsterMustDie for Xmas. It seems like not much of a gift but this is a man who loves toast, checks out toasters nearly every time we are shopping together, and has not had a toaster the entire time we have lived together. He did not like my old chrome toaster, which I left at the condo for tenants to use. Now, he finally has his own toaster.
It's raining all day today and I've already got cabin fever. Dying to get out and do something but there is nowhere for me to go and nobody to do anything with. Puttering around the office while MonsterMustDie watches Christmas Story and other animated movies.
Tonight, it's dinner with my family at my brother's house. Photos to come of his family's new English Bulldog.
The newest family member is Otis, Brenda and Andy's new English Bulldog pup.
Tomorrow, back to my job search and finishing a couple of small projects, probably after going by Binders or Sam Flax.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
The problem with QR codes
Sunday, December 11, 2011
The Living Bridge
Wednesday, December 07, 2011
still searching
I had a reasonably good interview this morning but still no job. They say that I should hear something by the end of the day tomorrow. The rest of today, however, is disappointing. It is raining and cold outside and I am stuck at home without gas or cash.
Several interviews I have gone to recently have turned around from my expectations of employment to the would-be employers asking me for business. The only thing everyone wants is a successful sales person. I am, quite unfortunately, not a salesman or a retailer.
So today I sit at home with no gas or cash. It's not so bad, but the weather today prevents me from doing anything outdoors and the job search has gone cold today. My friends are all working or stuck at home themselves today.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
cold and damp
Monday, November 28, 2011
spending and not earning
I found a couple of items for xmas gifts for my niece and nephew while shopping online.
I feel a need to be out and active tomorrow.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
last warm day before colder weather
Friday, November 25, 2011
Post-Thankgiving Friday
Today was the trip to Pell City, Alabama to visit MonsterMustDie's mother, with stops at various antique malls on the way. He made one find that might pay for the gas there and back today. His mother was in good spirits and seemed well, despite the Alzheimer's disease that is slowly causing her disintegration. We went out to lunch, looked at old photos, and went over the relics in his mother's house including a childhood toy chimp, in great condition, dressed in a red jumper that was his as an infant.
Today, I have a worrisome sensitive tooth that I hope is nothing more than a bit of tenderness brought on possibly by grinding my teeth at night. I've got a call in to my dentist, just in case. Hoping it disappears by morning, especially because I am joining friends for a chick-night gathering for the Holiday Lights at the Botanical gardens.
Thanksgiving Holiday
Monday, November 21, 2011
Thanksgiving Holiday
Thursday = a Hagley Thanksgiving
Friday - Holiday in Pell City, Alabama
Saturday = chick night with good friends at the Botanical Gardens Holiday Lights
Sunday = will my brother have a post Thanksgiving gathering for the Perry Family? Stay tuned.
Next - prepping the house and pantry for our annual Winter Solstice Party, one of my favorite events of the year.
I get very little sympathy around here.
Someone suggested I look for a job at Slanket, Tempur-Pedic, or Lazy Boy.
Well, Lazy Boy has not even sent me a response to my resume and cover letter. Slanket and Tempur-Pedic immediately told me they are not hiring.
Begin forwarded message:
From: Jeff
Date: November 8, 2011 5:52:06 PM EST
Subject: Re: Slanket Contact Us Form
Thanks. Sorry but we aren't hiring right now.
On 11/8/2011 3:42 PM, wrote:
I am looking for any job.
On Nov 8, 2011, at 2:43 PM, Jeff wrote:
Hi Jules-
Thanks for your email. Unfortunately we are not hiring anyone at this time.
On 11/8/2011 12:14 PM:
I am always interested in adding to my skill set and working in new areas. I have some retail experience from working in a camera shop & studio and gift shops when I was in college. I am willing to do anything.
I am a graphic artist building on 20 years experience in both traditional and digital production and have worked in every aspect of print media short of running a press.
Begin forwarded message:
From: TempurCareers
Date: November 8, 2011 11:05:34 AM EST
Subject: Resume Receipt
Thank you for your interest in Tempur-Pedic International! We received your resume and will evaluate it for openings that match your qualifications. Your resume will be kept active for six months, during which time it will be reviewed against available positions. Unfortunately, we cannot respond individually to all inquiries. Individuals selected for interviews will be contacted by telephone or email. We appreciate your interest in Tempur-Pedic and wish you the best of luck in your job search.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
eye delicate flower
Afterwards, we went to the Euclid Avenue Yacht Club to hang out for a bit. Got to witness the chase that ensued after someone's iPhone was snatched at the bar. The phone snatching had become a very regular thing in Little Five Points. Guys will walk up and grab it out of your hands and run off. It was one of the first very cold nights of the season and the EAYC was especially smokey. I made it home, checked email, and had a little cup of hot sake before calling it a night.
Saturday morning, I woke up with a headache and itchy eyes. My eyes were red and felt like there was a foreign object in them all morning. I put in eyedrops, showered, and got on with what was going to be an easy day but by the afternoon, I had what looked like a large blister in the white of my left eye. I have never had anything like that before. I found the business card of the doctor I was referred to when I was at an Urgent Care clinic months ago and went in to have my eyes looked at. The doctor said it was most likely an allergic reaction. He said my eyes are extremely irritated and inflamed. Then he prescribed two types of drops to use several times during the day for a week. I guess my smoke sensitivity went from bad to awful.
No more nights at the EAYC for me.
Then, as if the medical visit had not sucked up enough unexpected time out of my day, I spent the next two hours going from pharmacy to pharmacy to find the medicated eye drops he prescribed before asking a pharmacist to phone the office and see if another medication would do. They changed the prescription over the phone to something in stock there and I put in my first dose before heading out immediately, at that point, to the lantern parade site in the Old Fourth Ward park. I still managed to arrive before the parade started. The lotus lanterns were already in the water. Photographed the parade. Met up with Kim & Harris and Bridget & Nelson. Said hello to Mr Epsten, who was playing violin in the Opa Orcherstra. Then I did what I could to help with breakdown and clean up before heading over to Chez Ayer for Cam & Joy's home-made chili, chicken soup from Thomas, sweet cornbread with honey butter and other healing comfort foods. My headache finally began to lessen as I was eating hot chili. I stayed until everyone went outside to hang out by the fire - I did not want to be around smoke again this week. Joy sent a large container of chili home with me. I don't see them as much as I'd like to.
Lantern Parade at Old Fourth Ward Park
Lantern Parade at Old Fourth Ward Park
Monday, November 07, 2011
no sympathy. no prisoners.
Yet, this is the message the keeps being repeated by EVERYONE I know under 45 years old. We might as well just shoot ourselves in the head and get it over with. Over 50 years old? Your expiration date is up.
Status Update
Dear Occupy Atlanta,
Your original intentions may have been all well and good in the beginning. Plus I know that jobs are scarce and things are tough. But the rest of us are a little busy working, paying off bills/loans while you guys play hide and seek, tag, and go camping in areas that are paid for with our tax dollars. Crying and whining for someone to pay your bills and give you a job pitching a fit for what you want hasn't worked since kindergarten. When you get dragged of in handcuffs, you resemble a toddler having a fit in a toy store.
Grow up. Work your ass off like the rest of us. And get off my lawn.
Saturday, November 05, 2011
Kiera and Abraham’s wedding

Thursday, November 03, 2011
looking for signs of life
The bright spot of the day was dinner in good company with the GilliMonster and Kisa_Bastet at Moshe in Dunwoody. The food was good. The service, not so much, but there were only two guys working - one waiting tables and one in the kitchen. I had to send my first glass of wine back because it was apparently already half way to being vinegar but he apologized and opened a new bottle for a fresh pour, which was good. The girls liked their salad sampler plates and fresh pita bread. I had the mediterranean tilapia, which was zingy with lots of lemon, capers, and garlic.
I went for a walk around the neighborhood when I first arrived home but didn't sleep well after eating so late with little activity afterwards. It was a fitful night that I kept getting up, but didn't have much to do that would not wake up a sleeping room mate. So I'd get up, have a glass of water, decide not to turn on the computer, and go back to bed for another hour.
Tonight's plan is dinner out with friends again and now I am thinking I need to find something to do afterwards. Pondering what possibilities there might be after 9p.m.
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Halloween
Monday, October 24, 2011
"Cookie Monster" Offers Best Explanation Yet for Occupy Wall Street
Yes, there always going to be rich and poor. But we used to live in country where rich owned factory and make 30 times what factory worker make. Now we live in country where rich make money by lying about value of derivative bonds and make 3000 times what factory worker would make if factories hadn't all moved to China.
Capitalism great system. We won Cold War because people behind Iron Curtain look over wall, and see how much more plentiful and delicious cookies are in West, and how we have choice of different bakeries, not just state-owned one. It great system. It got us out of Depression, won WWII, built middle class, built country's infrastructure from highways to Hoover Dam to Oreo factory to electrifying rural South. It system that reward hard work and fair play, and everyone do fair share and everyone benefit. Rich get richer, poor get richer, everyone happy. It great system.
Then after Reagan, Republicans decide to make number one priority destroying that system. Now we have system where richest Americans ones who find ways to game system -- your friends on Wall Street -- and poorest Americans ones who thought working hard would get them American dream, when in fact it get them pink slip when job outsourced to 10-year-old in Mumbai slum. And corporations have more influence over government than people (or monsters).
It not about rich people having more money. It about how they got money. It about how they take opportunity away from rest of us, for sake of having more money. It how they willing to take risks that destroy economy -- knowing full well that what could and would happen -- putting millions out of work, while creating nothing of value, and all the while crowing that they John Galt, creating wealth for everyone.
That what the soul-searching about. When Liberals run country for 30 years following New Deal, American economy double in size, and wages double along with it. That fair. When Conservatives run country for 30 years following Reagan, American economy double again, and wages stay flat. What happen to our share of money? All of it go to richest 1%. That not "there always going to be rich people". That unfair system. That why we upset. That what Occupy Sesame Street about.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Fun at Netherworld.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
first cold day of the year
Today, as usual, was unbearably quiet bit I did meet with friends tonight for dinner at a new Persian restaurant on Roswell Road that I had not gone to before. Having learned my lesson from last night, I ordered an appetizer with nothing more than water to drink and had more than enough to eat without completely draining my wallet. I should know it is always worth the cost of dinner and hanging out to be with friends, chatting and listening and learning new things. Dinner has been the high point of every day this week.
Monday, October 17, 2011
My Birthday
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Bagged cat
eats, hot sauce, spooky movies, coyote
Saturday, October 15, 2011
The longest weekend
Last night, I skipped the Vampire Ball at the Shelter, one of the few events I try to make it to there.
When I make plans with friends, the housemate doesn't like the travel involved and does not want to be left out because it's my birthday weekend. He wants to spend this special weekend with me, even at the cost of me having anything that might contribute to my emotional well being. The plans for a friend's party out of town tonight are cancelled. The movie I wanted to see, he at first said absolutely not. So, I suggested dinner out with some neighbors, if we could find anyone to eat out with. The only couple that took us up to it have plans to to the same movie tonight. He has since changed his decision on the movie and, in order to have dinner companions, will to Silver Scream with us tonight after making sure I am aware how much he will not enjoy it because it is one of the worst movies Vincent Price ever made, in his opinion.
Tomorrow afternoon, I am having brunch with my mother. By myself. He will not be joining us so he can work on his eBay auctions, even though he knows I depend on him to go with me to spend time with her. So now it'll just be me and my mother spending quality time together with me trying not to say anything, with no way to be invisible.
Tomorrow night is the season premier of Walking Dead, which I'd like to spend at a gathering for a friend who is getting his Andy Wahol 15 minutes + on this episode. I dread to see what comes of those plans next.
Friday, October 14, 2011
with the festival season starting and friends near
Monday, October 10, 2011
monday morning
Dreamed there had been a children's television show in the past that featured Steve Jobs and his family.
Dreamed of old photographs discovered in notebooks containing poems, negatives, slides, and letters.
Believing banks will not loan you more than you can pay back and that all things are priced fairly is as bad as believing that the FDA would not let companies sell anything that is unhealthy for you.
Weighing on my mind:
Figuring out how to afford health insurance for myself.
Getting the landlord to send someone to the house to take care of the ant nest in the roof over the main bathroom and cldeaning the roof and gutters on the house and shed.
Thursday, October 06, 2011
remembering Steve Jobs
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
Steve Jobs is dead
R.I.P. Steve.
Thanks for everything.
Saturday, October 01, 2011
Good morning, October.
He is very sore in the jaw today but he's looking much better. There is still little or no swelling in his face, which is a very lucky thing. He felt good enough to go out treasure hunting this morning and brought back a few cool things - vintage miniature power tool toys that are just like tiny versions of the big boy tools and a groovy Tiki ceramic bowl manufactured for Trader Vic's that has a soft triangular shape held up by three standing figures similar to the salt & pepper shakers.
Now he's back down on the sofa for a day of Gamera movies.
Friday, September 30, 2011
It's good to keep things that still work.
quiet recovery
Trying to be quiet at home while waiting until time to give the old Dutch man a pain pill.
Hungry, too. I don't want to cook and fill the house with food smells while someone is here that is not supposed to have have solid food for a couple of days. Can someone please bring me sushi or pizza?
I took MonsterMustDie in this morning for what turned out to be the extraction of two teeth. The wisdom tooth he had put off dealing with for so long had ruined the tooth next to it as well. The oral surgeon told me that he might not miss the missing molar and so he might not need to ever worry about replacing it. The wisdom tooth was sideways and set deep into the bone of the jaw but I was told the surgery went quite well.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
The Blu Ray DVD CD player is Borked
Why didn't we just buy a new DVD player? We determined that the repair cost less than a new player of the same quality and would not throw more stuff into a landfill somewhere. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Now, we can only hope that the authorized repair center will stand by their work and take the player back again and/or refund the money spend to repair it.
What this means in the long run: No more movie nights for a long time. Maybe this will be incentive to curtail our spending on DVDs for a while too.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Brunch with Friends
On board with the Krewe again
Saturday, September 17, 2011
nice try
They called themselves a pub but only served typical nasty fried prepackaged foods you might see in dive bars. Several of the sparse people there looked at the menu - myself included - with the hopes of finding something to eat and ordered nothing. It was that bad. Also, as a graphic designer, I have to say it was one of the ugliest menus I've ever seen, probably produced at a next-door copy center. Bad photos of boring food that would have sold much better if you did not see what you might get. Poor layout and bad typesetting on a single thinly laminated sheet. It would have been okay for an IHOP or WaffleHouse but not a Pub, like the name stated, in a middle-class suburb.
Seems they also wanted to be a Sports Bar as well, from the big screen behind the stage that was never entirely off. The large No Signal message onscreen while the musicians played. The football game played between sets.
Things were going badly for the home team.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Chicken advocate forced to give up fowl |
Really, Cobb County! What's wrong with a few yard birds?
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
some progress today
Sunday, September 11, 2011
The Toothache
Driving, Searching
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
at tense lull
The interview this afternoon has been put off by the client until tomorrow morning so I can sleep on that all night now. I hope to spend tomorrow afternoon having lunch with friends in Snellville - an hour away from the location of the interview. My housemate will be going out to dinner with coworkers and visiting business associates, so I will have the entire day and evening to myself.
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
The thumb is nearly healed now. I'm keeping a bandage on it and I am still on antibiotics but it just looks like it was badly blistered now from the dead skin that's left.
It was a sadly quiet holiday weekend for me. It was good to see Dr. Palmer and hangout with him for a while on Saturday. We did lunch at Six Feet Under, where he could enjoy seafood and sweet iced tea - two things in short supply in Wisconsin. I hope H. can make it to Atlanta with him next time he might travel here. We talked about MCP and politics, the economy, and how everyone's methods of dance are changing as they get older. Better to go for a few things of good quality rather than diving into (often painful) excess.
This first tease of Autumn has me looking forward to holiday festivals, better clothing and the joy of cooking when it is cool again.
Try to remain calm.
While I certainly appreciate his thinking of me for the work, I now start to have anxiety attacks at the thought of interviewing. Seems like when I get a job offer, that's my first reaction. I'm trying to remain calm. The interview is late in the day so I have all of tomorrow to worry about it.
Thursday, September 01, 2011
anxious spirits
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Dog Days
"Dog Days" (Latin: diēs caniculārēs) are the hottest, most sultry days of summer in late August. Dog Days can also define a time period or event that is very hot or stagnant, or marked by dull lack of progress. The name comes from the ancient belief that Sirius, also called the Dog Star, in close proximity to the sun was responsible for the hot weather.
Dog Days were popularly believed to be an evil time "when the seas boiled, wine turned sour, Quinto raged in anger, dogs grew mad, and all creatures became languid, causing to man burning fevers, hysterics, and phrensies" according to Brady’s Clavis Calendarium, 1813.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Good and Bad
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
watching the vacationers
The platter of fresh pears I have in the kitchen is half its size now after I've eaten and shared them at work all week. I should have made a photo of the original arrangement I made with them. I hope I am able to bring home more of them next weekend. They are quiet good, hard and crisp and sweet.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
busy again
Monday, June 13, 2011
not much of a Monday
Dinner was noodles and paste.
All of the electronics here have been flowing in and out of functioning today. The CD and DVD player keeps stalling and then refusing to see the disk in it. The internet connection keeps going down repeatedly. The only way I've found to fix either problem is to shut everything down and reboot by not only turning the devices off, but their respective power strips as well for a minute before starting things up again. I would almost suppost the router is dying but that does not explain the dysfunction with the TV and DVD player today - both music CDs and Blu-Ray DVDs repeatedly refuse to play or be ejected.
Tomorrow afternoon, the plan is to hang out with Kisa Bastet and look at kitties. Probably working on photo editing and website ideas as well. And, of course, getting back to the task of going back to school for a new, higher degree in for a larger set of skills and a piece of paper that looks better on my resume. Working toward a new Bachelors or Masters degree will be a very slow process since I don't really have the money for more than one or two classes at a time and I doubt I qualify for any sort of public funds - but, at least, I will doing something new.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
48 Hour Film - done
Tuesday, June 07, 2011
Lately, he's been going a bit crazy buying things on top of things that he plans to sell, repair, etc. This includes things to put in my office - some things I was planning to buy eventually for myself and some things I did not ask for or think I needed because I have other things already - which is throwing my life in disarray at the moment as well. I have been trying to wrap my head around reconfiguring my office for new furniture while having absolutely no idea were we will put what I have already. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed tonight and a bit paranoid about his recent spending. My old clunky computer desk that I had from my condo and the large glass table that he got me to buy at IKEA just a couple of years ago are now going to be replaced buy an industrial cart and two smaller metal tables/desks that he bought at CB2. The plan is to put the desks together for an L shaped work space that will suit the room better. The office furniture and tools he bought for me are designed to set me up as a freelance business of some sort.
Monday, June 06, 2011
hot Sunday
Friday evening at dusk, I made a few photos of a local parking lot carnival on Buford Highway. I especially liked the cotton candy booth name "Sugar Shack". A few families braved the heat to bring their children to ride the Farris Wheel, Merry-Go-Round, and other flying, whirling rides.
Saturday, MonsterMustDie was in Alabama visiting his mother and treasure hunting. I got an unexpected call from Sandy, who was in my neighborhood for a morning yoga and potluck social for her equestrian group. She phoned on her way there, late, while I was entrenched in sorting the photos from Friday - not soon enough for me to tear myself away from the computer in time for the yoga class that was ten minutes away but I did make it up to socialize with everyone at the post-yoga potluck lunch. I got to hear a lot about their plans to ride in a side-saddle group for the Independence Day parade in Marietta (period costumes in July 4th heat. Yikes!) and see a lot of cellphone photos of horses (the modern day equivalent of wallet photos). Rather than an unfurling flap of 2x3 pictures of children or grandchildren from wallets, everyone was sharing photos of their horses, dogs, and cats. After the horsey group event was over, Sandy and I spent the rest of the day hanging out together - first at Rancho de WereMonster. Then we had an intermission for showers, post office boxes, etc. and I joined her at the Grassy Knoll for shopping, hanging out with furry beasts, dinner from Delia's, and TV watching until I realized what time it was and went home. I could not count on them to kick me out that day.
Sunday was a meeting and brainstorming session for the upcoming 48 Hour Film contest next week. Over a home made taco dinner, we discussed the various loose story lines and screen plays and necessary props, locations, and people for each one. We need to scramble this week to have as many resources lined up as possible starting on Friday. Where and how does one secure a location for a battle scene without causing trouble? Who do we know with specific skills, who would have time and be willing to join in on the projects? What is the best way to quickly assemble unusual objects? Always a fun, insane challenge.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Busy (at last)
Sunday was a day of extruded meat products and heat. We went to Tunes From The Tombs at Oakland Cemetery to see friends play and lunch was Pallookaville corn dogs. We also had the pleasure of seeing Kurt, who was there from Athens, GA for the festival. Good music but punishingly hot. There were tents over the musicians but not place to hide from the sun for those attending except for a few trees. Sunday was one of the hottest days this far into summer, so I got a bit over-heated and dehydrated there. We chilled out with Sandy and the furry creatures at The Grassy Knoll for a couple of hours. On our way home, based on Chaz and Sandra's recommendation, we picked up dinner to go at Delia's Chicken Sausage stand. What we had was good, but they neglected to include any of their cheese sauce with the potato wedges (with cheese sauce included) that we ordered. This was a sadness because the beer-cheese sauce was one of the reasons we wanted to try Delia's food.
Once home this week, I got a great freelance gig for the week in midtown at a place I love. Wish me luck. They kept me on board all week. I go back on Tuesday. I had to check in at the revenant job only one night last week for a few hours. This new job is desperately needed and tremendously appreciated. Now, I just have to learn their corporate procedures and culture.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
I am spending the morning following up possible work leads and trying to establish new connections. I am also trying to remember to drink more water and hoping that I do not have a UTI while I am away from home. I have started having hot flashes and night sweats that wake me up, lying in wet sheets so I have to lie on top of covers until I start freezing from the sweat evaporating. Then I go back under the sheets until I wake up sweating again. I am getting better at just sleeping through it but last night I kept waking up worrying about work and money. I have no unemployment benefits and no health insurance and an emptying bank account. I still have rent and bills to pay.
I am hopeful that this trip will do me a world of good just to be busy. My hands seem tied here and I feel like a caged beast in an empty cell. This is mostly a symptom of the lack of activity.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

And this is a photo of Spike from his visit to Atlanta last March.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
outdoors encroaching fantasies
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
cleaning up the mess
Monday, April 18, 2011
guest appearances in dreams
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
objects of fantasy
Monday, April 11, 2011
Hot Sunday
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
after an energized night
Upon inspecting the yard this morning, there is very little storm damage - just lots of pine cones, sweetgum balls, and twigs everywhere. The back corner of the fence was taken out by the roots of the tree that fell. The rest of the tree is resting against the remaining back fence. I suspect that the lot behind the house is county property and that the county will choose to do nothing but let the tree eventually take down the rest of the fence over time.
The power (and our phones and internet access) was still out this morning after MonsterMustDie left for work. I took a bath with the remaining hot water in the house and went to a neighborhood cafe to check email and have my morning caffeine. This afternoon, there was a crew cutting a large ditch across our street from one neighbor's yard and through another. I am wondering if power will be restored when I get home today.

Monday, April 04, 2011
desperately needing a change
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
spring in search of rebirth
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
welcoming the rain

The first tomatoes and peppers are planted now and the rain has come just in time to help everything have a good start. Now, I just want to plant some arrugula and MonsterMustDie wants some eggplants.
Friday, March 11, 2011
News: Worrying can add years to your life.
Can Worrying Add Years to Your Life?
Maybe all the sleep I've lost worrying about money, etc. is not so bad.
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
I don't expect to hear back from last week's job interview until next week because my interviewer is out of town for now. Fingers crossed that something good will come of that.
Monday, March 07, 2011
Doom. Doom. Doom.
I would literally lie in bed at night worrying about my future and the horrors of the world at least as early as age 9 or 10. Pretty sure I started my time-honored tradition of fretting before then. I can remember being horrified by visits to nursing homes when I was a child and seeing how the elderly lived in awful squalid conditions, often in constant pain. I never wanted to grow old - not that old, anyway. By age 10 I was quite aware I had no fear of death. My fear was of old age and being incapacitated. True horror lied in the fear of captivity though age and disability. When I was 10, I also became aware that I did not have a good relationship with my family. I saw bits on TV about genetic disorders like Huntington's Disease, which does not show up until patients are in their 30's and worried about the deep dark murky gene pool of mystery I came from. By age 12, I realized I was always going to have a below-average home life and I would then lie in bed and fret that my family relationships had already doomed me to be screwed up for life and there was nothing I could effectively do about it. I read too many stories about troubled children and teenagers who always came to a very bad end. By age 15, I worried I was born, even conceived, doomed. Religion represented a form of thought control more draconian than the all-knowing Big Brother of 1984. True creativity and individualism was not approved by God. Nor was dressing in a way your family did not like or hanging out with the unattractive.
Yeah, I've always been the beautifully morose creature I am today.
My arm continues to heal but I'm still on antibiotics. My last doses were yesterday and I hope my body goes back to normal after this medication is out of my system. Between stress over work & money, lack of sleep, my monthly "gift from Mother Nature" and the antibiotics, I have been feeling very diminished this week. Saturday night, I was looking forward to my date with my pillow during dinner to celebrate Uglyfish and EpitomeGirl's birthdays. Sunday, I was only slightly more functional at Ferne's homewarming.
Tuesday, March 01, 2011
Good and Bad
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Since this is a man who is always too busy or too tired to do anything, my prediction is that there will be no gardening this year. It would be reasonable to assume that means I will need to find more things to do away from home in order to retain my sanity.
I have had enough of sedentary activities like spending all day at the computer sending out resumes or going over online tutorials.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Health insurance woes
I have a health insurance bill, due March 11, for $568.67. This is a bill that was supposed to be paid by my revenant employer for the meager hours of work he still gives me from time to time. He does not pay me enough to cover this monthly bill - or my rent. The checks are always suspiciously low even when I spend more time there sometimes and I assumed this was just the cost of the insurance bill being taken from the check. There are no copiers there to make backups of my time cards or billing per job tickets so all payments to me or the pressman who comes in occassionally are on a basis of trust. Not sure what I should do about it other than pay this bill out of my savings and cancel the insurance.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
Last night, I enjoyed dinner out with the girls.
This morning, I woke up with a nasty bite of some sort on my finger. Spider, maybe? Usually, spider bites go down and disappear almost as quickly as they pop up but, hours later now, it looks a bit worse - more swollen. I think I'll take a Benadryl in a few minutes in the hope that will make the swelling go away. Fortunately, the bite is not very sore but the swelling and hard bump in the center of it is a concern.
The current agenda is empty. The spider bite has put me off doing any yard work today. I think I'll try to avoid exposing myself to more potential irritants for the next 24 hours.
Friday, February 04, 2011
in for the night
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
The best laid plans don't work.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
unfit weather for a weremonkey
For visiting companies to pass out my resume, I need to psyche myself into feeling attractive, which is hard with cold temperatures leaving me so uncomfortable, crazy static-charged fine hair that refuses to be managed, and itchy winter skin. I feel like I am not selling myself as well as I could be.
Maybe a trip to the mall and a salon would help that... if I could talk myself into it.
I'm also trying to cut back on my habit of buying things online that I am ultimately dissatisfied with and actually shop for things in the touchy, feely, meaty, physical realm where I can try things on or flip through pages of actual books before I waste too much on shipping back and forth. This is harder with clothes than it seems, because it is sooo easy to search for exactly what I have an interest in and see a nice photo of how it is supposed to fit on a model but too often the item I buy is a lot flimsier or larger or lower cut (constantly having to be pulled up) than I think it will be. Online and catalog shopping also leads to a lot of “shopping blackouts” of the sort that I lose track of how much I have order. Really not a smart thing for the unemployed. Buying things is a pick-me-up. The women of my family traditionally have just one hobby - shopping - and I am groomed for this from the roots up.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Where is the mail?
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Dangerous Tasty
Saturday, January 15, 2011
I'll be back tomorrow for another all-day class. I hope to catch up on my sleep tonight in order to be conscious for most of it.
My housemate has mad ice driving skills. My car was stuck in ice on Thursday during the only outing I've made all week but I had one good neighbor give me a lift home and, later, he took John to the car where I had to leave it and John was able to get it moving and back home.
I still have money in the bank. Not as much as there was in the past but I haven't had to close or change accounts. Two things keeping me afloat are rent checks from my condo tenant and checks from a law firm handling mesothelioma lawsuits - which is like getting money from my father. He's still taking care of me even though he's been gone for years now. I received the last check a few months ago and it has been paying my rent and groceries, etc.
And now...
Warning: this is a rant post.
Probably just a passing mood that will be resolved by morning, but I feel a need to vent.
I have photo classes in Cobb County on Saturday (today) and Sunday. Everything was still icey outside at sundown. I went to bed early to be fresh for early morning drive. Woke up a few minutes after midnight unable to sleep due to anxiety. My mind can't stop worrying about the drive on Saturday and Sunday. There is no way for me to cancel the classes, so I must go or lose my money and this is one of the first professional workshops I have signed up for in a long time. I feel like Nikon has screwed me again.
Then, worrying about money, I could not stop thinking about my condo and the maintenance of the building on a larger scale with serious waste water issues from collapsed old sewer pipes that the city says it is not responsible because it is on private property (ours and the building behind us) and the insurance company is not responsible for because the damage extends beyond the building in midtown. These are not immediate issues but are looming for the entire block at Piedmont and S. Prado. So I worry that I am screwed for life over that issue eventually.
Then, of course, I started worrying about my job situation and how I can't file for unemployment because my boss does not have to admit I have no job at a company I might go in to one day a week for a few hours. Not that I could get unemployment at this point, as few hours as I've worked in as long a period of time. I hope that a new job comes my way in the next week when things thaw out after MLK Day. I saw a management position a few days ago advertised at $7.00 an hour, which makes me feel hopeless. News crews doing bits on helping the homeless needing coats and blankets while sleeping under bridges makes me feel terminal.
I worry that I made a bad decision years ago moving out to the condo. That move has cost me thousands of dollars from replacing things broken or lost in moving, buying things I did not need before and in repairing the condo after each tenant, with the first tenant being the absolute worse. The property is both a treasure and an albatross. Part of me wishes to be free of it and part of me is very happy to own a place in the city that is located so close to everything. I miss being in midtown although I enjoy living in a house with a yard. If I owned a house, there would be a much bigger garden and a studio of my own. I also fear that, because of my father's creative financing (he was a CPA) and the fact that he co-signed with me for it, the condo might be unsellable. Many things in my family were moved on paper to be partially owned by Perry Investments, a company I've been told in the past no longer exists, which is why my mother still has their old Cadillac in her garage next to the car she drives - she can't sell it. Because there were so many things dealing with my condo that my father had to co-sign for - including refund checks from the mortgage company - I'm nearly certain the same thing is lurking in my own finances.
After my father died, my retirement account disappeared. Having power of attorney already to handle my finances, he and my brother had moved my retirement account account from one mutual fund to another and then off the map entirely. It's gone. There is no finding it.
The year my father died, my sister-in-law let me know that my brother (father's partner in the dead investment company and CPA firm) no longer wanted to do any family taxes. That year, he did my taxes on the easy form and that was the last time he did it. He still takes care of my mother's taxes and finances but that is all he is willing to do. After years of having a very controlling/protective family make all financial decisions for me, I know nothing about taxes, investments, etc. So I let MonsterMustDie do the easy form for me and so far that has been working okay.
This is also why I need a full-time job without the complications of freelancing or working on contract. I'm really not educated for dealing with the IRS and I was raised with a great fear and dread of the tax man. I want to keep our relationship simple and without surprises.