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Thursday, December 30, 2010
some rouge and powder
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Christmas Holiday 2010
Spent Christmas eve with friends I love dearly. It was a group dinner out at Harmony Vegetarian Chinese restaurant, followed by a long night hanging out in what can best be described as an Irish wake for a dog. They had to to put down the second of their two old dogs. They lost the first one a few months ago. I brought the traditional Crowe Family holiday snacks to share after dinner. Stayed late drinking crying and talking. It was a hard night but I was glad I was there.
Today, we started out to visit Mr. Monster's mother in Alabama but kept driving into progressively heavy snow fall and decided to abort the trip for today. He did not want to face the drive back later in the day. He said he didn't mind driving on snow or ice as much as having too many other idiot drivers he'd have to look out for. We'll try again on Tuesday or Wednesday to visit his mom. This was sending me into serious cabin fever and loneliness because nothing we had planned for today was happening. Fortunately, Fun Lisa came to El Rancho and rescued me from a growing state of ennui. Tonight, I'm drinking hot cider and he's watching his new Avatar Blueray DVD, camped out on the couch.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
First, I suggest that maybe I could move back into my condo, which would be A LOT less expensive for me. My tenant's lease is up in March and I could certainly move back in then if she does not want to stay there. Then, after quitting his job, he can move in with his mother, who desperately needs his help now that she has alzheimers disease.
He did not like that option.
I then suggested something I do every ten years when things go sour. We cut our cost of living to the bare minimum. I've had to do this at age 30, age 40, and now at age 50 it seems like a good idea to do again. We can certainly live without cable. We only need internet access - that's all. He has his cell phone privately and I have my own cell phone account. He eats lunch out every day - he should be taking lunch from home. I do not eat lunch out - I brown bag snacks or eat lunch at home. We don't go out much but we can certainly stop going out altogether unless it's free or we're working to make money at something. We could also live somewhere much less expensive. We could also get one or two room mates if we could move some things out of the downstairs.
We still don't know what to do, but I did suggest that holiday season is the worst time to think about budgets and saving money and he agreed with that. We will re-visit this after New Years Day.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Moar Kittehs!
I save them for my screensaver.
I still have to check them out now and then. They still make me chuckle. I put my favorite
My Favorite Holiday Flick
Several simultaneous stories of several types of love taking place in the holiday season. Great cast.
Grown up, funny, romantic, real enough.
My Three 2010 Must-Do's
find a job
I can live without a lot of things but work, money to put a roof over my head, clothes on my back and food in the fridge is a must-have.
Art and Computer classes
So my brain won't turn into mush and to be more attractive to employers.
Good Sex on a regular basis
This is important both for my emotional and physical well-being.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
still cold
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
home. health. money.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
last of this holiday
Stopped on the way at the Grassy Knoll and visited for a while with Mrs. Lounge. Got to pat the furry beasties and chatted about books, food, family and animals.
Finally got home, unpacked the car, covered the herb planter to try to protect the plants from tonight's freezing low temperatures and picked the last few green tomatoes of the season and peppers off the plants. I'll fry what I have tomorrow night, along with other things, for dinner.
Friday, November 26, 2010
post Thanksgiving with family
Rachael's boyfriend Bobby (a keeper, IMHO) joined us for the meal and customary music played by my brother afterwards. My favorite selections were Charlie Brown theme music. Lots of gossip about people I do not know or hardly know. Thankfully, little or no conversation on sports, which I have no knowledge or interest in.
I tried to encourage Brenda to continue practicing and learning violin, an instrument she got about a year ago. She told me that she has been learning how to play it from lessons on her computer.
One thing that came up in conversation was that a good gift for my mother might the a Garmon navigation device. Mother says she just wants someone to assemble and show her how to use her steam vac for the holidays. Brenda could really use a copy of Acrobat Pro software for her PC. Andy could use more kitchen tools. Gifts for Rachael and Adam will require more creativity since they did not mention anything in particular they liked or needed.
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thankful for large soft black dogs, soft plush cats, perfectly cooked turkey, pumpkin pie, brussel sprouts, stuffing with oysters, bad jokes, good company, 'taters, and a lovely autumn day.
Turkey Time
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
It Gets Better: Hal Duncan, Glasgow, Scotland
Hal Duncan, one Scottish sodomite who doesn't mince his fucking words.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
pretty good day
We went to the I.C.E. show at Ambient Studios, where I exchanged the too big T-shirt Monstermustdie purchased yesterday while Gilli, Becky, Russ, and Brandon looked around at the many crafty booths in the show.
Afterwards, met Pyynk and Kel and Fez for brunch at SunInMyBelly in Kirkwood - GREAT food - very good service. I had the Tuscan sandwich with a side Caesar salad.
Got home and did mostly nothing the rest of the day. Monstermustdie is feeling icky and has spent most of the day in front of the TV on the couch, watching Pirates Of The Carribean and Narnia movies. After an hour at home checking email and FB and trying not to disturb the housemate, I was bored and went outside and puttered around until it was too dark to see anything. Now I'm back indoors, pacing between the computer and the bedroom, wondering how I can sleep tonight.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
things to be thankful for
Enough rain to start new grass seed I scattered around in empty patches
Good friends
Doc Martin shoes
A car that runs well
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
worked. working. not working.
That morning, my revenant job emailed and wanted me to come in - for less than an hour if possible.
Then, someone that I had dropped a resume off with previously phoned and asked me to work and I committed to come in late in the afternoon after the interview. I ended up working with pay for 3.5 hours there. :)
The interview went well - until they told me training began in two hours - at 3pm til closing. I explained that I had other commitments for the day - without going into any detail what - and asked if training could be another day. They quickly got up, shook my hand, and said goodbye. :(
Monday, November 15, 2010
ugh - my head!
Last week, oh, by the way, our friends Cindi and John got married. They have been together for 17+ years. No changes going on other than the need of affordable health insurance. Turns out it was MUCH cheaper to get married and on a combined policy - offered only to married couples. Congratulations to them on both the marriage and the health insurance. It was just a quick trip to the courthouse to do it - no wait necessary. I thought the only place you could get a quick wedding was Las Vegas or Tennessee but that is no longer true.
Saturday, November 06, 2010
to serve
I grew up in a church that served the community around it. There were morning and evening services to accommodate everyone's schedule. There were community dinners mid-week. The church van went to nearby retirement homes to bring elderly people who could not drive to services, if they wanted to go. They had a FREE daycare during worship services and other events. They had a small library that had all sorts of books in it. It was still a fairly small church by today's standards.
Today, it seems like everyone goes to giant mega-churches where the ministers make 6-figure salaries and there are no community services at all. Daycare is not free. Membership is not free. I can only wonder why anyone bothers be be involved in groups like that. I suppose it's still cheaper than joining a country club is you're only there to network, but the romantic in me still thinks that is not the purpose of a church or the definition of community.
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
sometimes, it rains.
His mother's diagnosis has been changed from "dementia" to full-blown Alzheimers and now he and his cousin are going with his mom to handle whatever paperwork is necessary for power of attorney with her bank, house, etc. She is already to the stage where someone must check in on her daily to see she's eating, taking medications, and that the house and fridge are clean.
All this and she's still driving a car...
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Camera Service Update
Subject Check Status SO# XXXXX
10/29/2010 03:08 PM
We apologize for the delay on the repair of your equipment
Your equipment is currently going thorugh the Quality Assurance department, to make sure we return the equipment to you within manufacturer standards.
We will get back to you with the tracking information as soon as it becomes available.
Kind regards,
R. M.
Reference #: XXXXX
Thanks for using Nikon products!
Nikon Inc. (USA) Support / Service
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
leftovers, or lack thereof
Monday, October 25, 2010
A Good Weekend Gathering
This brilliant idea from Neil Gaiman's blog:
... I propose that, on Hallowe'en or during the week of Hallowe'en, we give each other scary books. Give children scary books they'll like and can handle. Give adults scary books they'll enjoy. ... new books or old or second-hand, beloved books or unknown. Give someone a scary book for Hallowe'en. Make their flesh creep...
We had a great time at the Pumpkin Carving yesterday. I only wish I'd had the additional lights set up already on the back porch like I'd planned to. Of course, not having my camera back from Nikon yet is still killing me. I have a few possible photography jobs lined up that friends have, quite thankfully, agreed to help me with until I can get my own equipment back. Also, I never got around to putting out the sandwich fixin's, still in the fridge, that MonsterMustDie had bought for the gathering. I'm putting the cold cuts, cheese, and bread in the freezer for next week unless we both decide to have sandwich lunches all week. The chili that the GothFather brought was great - so good, in fact, that there was none left at the end of the night for MonsterMustDie to try.
Fortunately there were friends making photos and videos to share of the night.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
work again
condo, work, dreams
Worked yesterday nearly 8 hours. Found out the pressman's wife works in network communications. She was off work for a couple of days and stopped in to bring him lunch and sodas, which he shared with me. The drink was a life saver that day because there are no more clean or disposable cups at work, despite having a water cooler there. I had somehow managed to remember to bring a snack but nothing to drink.
Uneven sleep last night, ending with a long dream that included 1. working at an office being punked by John Stewart and the Daily Show, 2, Springtime, living in a luxury high rise apartment with a window overlooking a swimming pool and dogwoods blooming outside and trying to take a polaroid photo of myself in front of the window, 3. A weekend AJC with a large (quarter page?) ad for Iggy Pop concert in to Atlanta, making it look like he was headlining at an arena, 4. Me looking fabulous with a good haircut.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
sounds of silence
Online, I'm getting a serious stress-induced headache reading emails from the latest battle taking place among unit owners at my condo. This time the war is over parking lot space and even my tenant, who does not own a car or drive, has been dragged into it.
No work today. I submitted some letters and resumes to a few more companies I found this morning. I had an appointment to attend two seminars today and tomorrow for a potential sales job with AT&T, but had a very bad gut feeling about it. Sales jobs have historically cost me money and/or not made any income for me in the past. An intervention by two people very close to me convinced me that NOT following that job lead was the right thing to do (or not to do) today. I can do a lot of things but I have no personality or social skills for sales. *sigh*
What to do? The house is clean. Nothing to maintain or repair (except the camera off in the oblivion of the service center in New York).
Maybe this is a good day to bake. The cooler weather always make the kitchen more inviting. I bought a skull-shaped cake pan that I haven't yet removed from the box. I was holding onto it as a potential gift for someone else, in the proverbial "gift closet" but maybe I'd feel better if I made some skull shaped pumpkin bread with it.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
This is the email I got from Nikon in reference to my phone calls yesterday.
Hello Ms. Perry,
Thank you for contacting Nikon Technical Support.
We are currently waiting for a part we need in order to finish the repair of your equipment.
This part is expected to arrive on October 12th, 2010.
Any other information you might need, don't hesitate on contacting us via your account at our website, or at our toll free number 1-800-NIKON-UX (1-800-645-6689).
Nikon Team.
Thanks for using Nikon products!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Still no camera. I phoned the service facility to give them what for and it looks like my camera is still at Nikon repair in Melville NY, on hold for parts. This the camera they received on September 9. They can't give me any estimate on when the parts will arrive from Japan or how long it will take for the work to be done after that.
Meanwhile, paying bills and checking my credit card charges, I found out I've been having two monthly service charges at $12 each that are from FTD florist for something I NEVER signed up for. My credit card provider has said they have contacted FTD to put an end to this business service account and refund my money for the last four months, so that's one thing fixed. The charges were under the title of "rewards" and "shopper discounts" so I had assumed they were monthly fees for using my credit card.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Still waiting
Nikon Service has had my camera since Sept. 2 and I still can't find out when I'm getting it back. Nearly three weeks now without a camera and every time I phone Nikon, I get a different story from everyone I speak to.
The Photography Gods do not love me this month.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Drivin n Cryin still looking for their stolen gear
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Attention Macon GA!
PLEASE READ!! ATTENTION MACON, GA!! We had our trailer, with all the gear, stolen last night from the La Quinta motel at X-169 in Macon, GA. Please contact Ken Green at 404-309-3057 with ANY information. And PLEASE repost this message!!
Thursday, September 09, 2010
in the still of the night
The lack of sleep is much less of a bother when I can be doing other things with myself.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
dispensing with her belongings
Sunday, August 22, 2010
road trip today
Saturday, August 21, 2010
It is still raining this morning, though not with last night's intensity. I still need to walk through the house and finish re-setting all of the clocks and timers.
It's been a crazy, stressful week of loss, discomfort, and family concerns. We are without use of our kitchen sink and dishwasher until Monday at the earliest. That's when a plumber is supposed to replace a section of the large old cast iron pipe that has rusted through, leaving our crawlspace wet, nasty, stinky, and propagating vermin.
Sunday, we need to travel to visit MonsterMustDie's mother to check on how she's managing. Family and friends have phoned and emailed him about her condition deteriorating mentally. Seems her memory is completely shot now and it is up to his cousin, her neice, and her friends to come in and clean out her fridge, get her to pay bills, etc. Medications are piled up in her cabinet without being taken. I don't know what the condition of the house is like.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
saying goodbye to Doris
Today is Doris last day. She took a turn for the worse yesterday and we both believe she's had enough. The lung cancer has taken most of the life out of her at this point. I can't talk about her without getting weepy. Best kitty ever. We have greatly enjoyed having her around and will miss her terribly.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
"ensure" for cats
She has created a new schedule for herself now. She spends all day sleeping on the sofa and refuses to wake up or move from her perch until her normal evening feeding time at 6pm. She hops down just long enough to have the CatMilk brought to her, laps it all up, and then goes back to the sofa. Around 9pm, she goes to John's office and curls up there most of the night. In the early morning hours, she goes downstairs to use the litter box and stays downstairs until we get up in the morning, at which point she comes up for a dish of liquid food. Then she returns to the sofa for the rest of the day until around 6pm.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
inevitability of life
Friday, August 06, 2010
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
She pooped.
Good news is that she was so scared, with all the jostling around and prodding at the veterinary office, she finally pooped there on the office floor. We were all relieved that problem is, for the moment, not an issue. She is still not eating tonight. I gave her a bit of soft food that made her gag but she did choke down a few bites.
Tonight, MonsterMustDie and I went out to dinner with a group of good friends to Young Augustine's. Very good meal, as usual. We started with an order of duck fries for the table. I had the enormous plate of fish and chips. Kisa Bastet's hubby had to help me finish the plate - I did not want to take leftover fish home since it probably would not make very good leftovers by the morning. MonsterMustDie ahd the carnita & kimchee tacos. Gilli had the brussel sprouts, which was another generous plate and looked delicious. Kisa had the shrimp-scallion pancakes and her hubby had the pork belly sliders. Kel had the short rib grilled cheese sandwich. Other people's selections are rapidly disappearing from memory now. Time to shut down and call it a night.
Monday, August 02, 2010
Two things are constants now on Halloween: The Marching Skeletons and the bluegrass band, composed of various Grateful Gluttons. This year's new theme is "Tiki Terror!" Perhaps the Tiki Gods are angered by how we are treating the earth, with the gulf oil spill, etc. There will be future discussions on fund raising events and sales to buy materials for float building and costume making.
Speaking of Young Augustine's, we had such a good dinner that we decided we must go back soon with friends who haven't tried it yet, especially so John can have other beer-snobs to share in the joys of the huge selection of drafts and casks. And the fries cooked in duck fat, of course.
I tried to set up up a group dinner there on a Friday night within the next month but things are too busy already. Every weekend is starting to fill up again, starting with the big party at the House of Cats. Then various people are out of town for business. Then the geeks have DragonCon all Labor Day weekend. Then it's holidays from Halloween through New Years and beyond.
So we are going to meet for dinner at Young Augustine's tomorrow evening. It's dinner only, so we're hoping it will not / can not possibly be a late evening - much like the Buford Highway Restaurant Crawl nights, without going to a separate place for desert.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
motherly concern
I do not think I will be returning to my night class next week. Paying too much and not getting enough out of it. I think I might still have better things to do with my time. Or does that make me a quitting quitter?
07/28/10 Update:
She finally pooped this morning - and she seems to be a lot brighter today than she has in a while. She's taking her meds with no problems so I'm a bit relieved for the moment.
more on the ill and bothered
Tonight, is the second of the photo classes I signed up for. As much as I don't want to go now, it's paid for so I guess I should give it one more shot. I feel it's just a lousy waste of time, unfortunately, but maybe tonight will be better.
Eating a quick dinner of dumplings now while MonsterMustDie is watching a Godzilla movie on DVD.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
not the best day I've had
Then I worked for a grand total of only four hours at my redundant job - one I'm still very grateful to have for the health insurance to pay for things like blood tests and doctor visits, but not paying enough to live on or even buy groceries some weeks.
Found out today that a friend of mine had died. I found this out from the local Yahoo news, not from any of our mutual friends. A boxer, I guess she died as well as any of us would want to, in the ring doing what she loved, in her prime.
I got home and found my cat lethargic and with one paralyzed pupil. Took her to the vet (nothing wakes her up like being placed in the carrier and taken to the doc) and found out she is indeed now blind in one eye. This happened in the few hours I was at work today. They are still trying to figure out what's gone wrong with her. Her blood pressure is normal. High blood pressure, I'm told, is a very common cause of cats going blind. Her's is normal. There is no sign of rupture in the eye. They took blood tests, gave me a week's worth of antibiotics for her and I'll take her back in a couple of days for a re-check.
And now, I have to put BioFreeze (R) on the old dutch man, whose back is aching. Lets cross our fingers that it's not his kidneys.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Chaz has a message for Jeep.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
R.I.P. baby bunny
This was a rabbit that was not afraid of anything or anyone. I could watch it eating clover or grooming its ears just five feet away from where I was standing.
I was weeding near the mailbox today and found the tiny rabbit in the grass at the curb. By its location, I'd guess it was hit by a car. I kinda knew this rabbit would not survive long but I thought it would have been death by cat instead of car.
R.I.P. baby bunny
I was weeding near the mailbox today and found the tiny rabbit in the grass at the curb. By its location, I'd guess it was hit by a car. I did not think this rabbit would make it but I thought it would have been death by cat instead of car.
Monday, June 21, 2010
hmmm... I think I have a new business idea.
I wish I could just order hot coffee to be delivered to my door today. If children can have ice cream trucks going through the neighborhood, why can't there be coffee and espresso carts outside for adults? It would be great to have hot coffee to go just cruising slo mo around the hood. Or maybe lattecicles on hot summer days when I still have to remain conscious. Oh yeah, the neighborhood Java Wagon. I can see it now, especially in a suburb like this with lots of home businesses and stay-at-home parents.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Summer has arrived.
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
taking in the last of spring
I know the money we save tonight and tomorrow will no doubt be spent on the Restaurant Crawl this week anyway, but I do what I can.
Another thing someone brought to the house on Sunday was an enormous, very fragrant, magnolia blossom that has been in a coffee cup of water since then and still smells great, though by this morning its petals are starting to brown. Lots of sweet things blooming outside between the magnolias in neighbors yards and several roses and gardenias here at Rancho de WereMonster. Top that with the fact that I made lavender lemonade on Sunday that I still have a bit left of and it's amazing no one here is complaining to me about their allergies in this very floral environment. Makes me feel all girly. :)
Sunday, June 06, 2010
a Sunday
Had a mishap feeding and giving Doris Kat her medication tonight when MonsterMustDie went ahead and gave her meds and did not tell me. I did not know until after I had already dosed her myself and was heading downstairs to feed her and noticed how much food
was in her bowl already. So she got twice her dosage of steroids today.
So far tonight, Doris seems to be okay, though now she is quite awake and very affectionate at a time she is usually down for the night.
MonsterMustDie has called it a night and is in bed. I am finished cleaning up the kitchen and have also captured an freed large beetles
and one huge spider tonight. Doors are locked. Lights are out.
Doris is just fine and showed no signs of being double-dosed other than not coughing once on Monday. Just as active and hungry as ever. We decided not to dose her at all on Monday.
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
many of my friends and family are unofficially unemployed
Monday, May 24, 2010
in need of occupation
I've gotten a few replies to my resume, but all have either been 1. We're not looking for graphics people, but look at all these commission sales positions! or 2. You are over-qualified for the position we have. Nope. Can't hire you because we know you will not stay if we do.
I'm going kind nuts for lack of activity. Even the garden does not really need me this week - it's doing just fine and needs more time to grow and ripen/bloom. Plants are happy. Bees are happy. I am bored.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
... from Neil Gaiman's journal...
I just hit a strange ethical dilemma.
I followed a link on, um, something in American Gods, to its Wikipedia entry. And read an entry about something that I'd made up (because it fitted, because it worked, and because I didn't think anyone would mind) that cited a reference book that talked about the thing I made up. The reference book was written some years after American Gods was published, and the person who wrote the reference book has obviously cribbed a little information from American Gods.
The last time, some years ago, I'd checked the Wikipedia entry, it was accurate, and noted that the thing in question had started in American Gods. Now all reference to me and to American Gods has gone. It now has, after all, a reference book link. And something that I made up has become, to all intents and purposes, a fact.
I pondered fixing it. I'd need to do a blog entry clarifying exactly what I made up and what I didn't in this thing, to allow someone to do a fix, so they could link to that. (I can't just fix the Wikipedia entry. It doesn't work like that: someone would just revert the change, dismiss it as "original research" or point out that there IS now a reference book reference. I'd need to cite chapter and verse over here on the blog, or in a book, to give the Wikipedia entry something to link to.)
But really, there's probably a very useful lesson in there somewhere about what facts are. And I quite like the idea that something that I made up has wandered out of a book and into the real world. It seems very appropriate for that particular book, as well.
So my ethical question is...
...should I tell? Would you?
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Firefly revisited
Now I have to decide what to bring to next week. Next week we'll be watching "Train Job" and "Bushwhacked." More berries?
Friday, April 23, 2010
MonsterMustDie got home, after in an average day in a grumpy mood. After dinner from Mediteranean Bakery, he was much better.
After two glasses of cheap Zin and two episodes of Firefly, I am cheerful.
Tomorrow, I really really need some quality time with friends.
Now it's ridiculous.
Septic tank alarm was on again this morning.
Actually, the toilets were not flushing properly in the house today. Drains were sluggish. So I checked the septic tank alarm system to see if it was operating. It was - the red alarm light was on but the horn was off. I turned on the alarm horn and it stayed on until I turned it off again. Apparently, the horn had been turned off since the last time Atlas had their men working at the house.
I believe they said the alarm was on and functioning when they left last time and I did not bother to check that the horn - the very thing that lets us know something is wrong - was switched on.
Monday, April 19, 2010
In good news, Monstermustdie finished his intended project in the back yard. We now have a lot more area cleared out for planting and entertaining. There is a new little fire pit up on the hill at the back of the yard and he intends now to make little benches for it from the scrap wood he collected. This should all be in place for the Taurus Potluck next week. We will also have the grill ready for anyone who wants to use it and we still have the outdoor fireplace we purchased at a yard sale in the neighborhood, so there will be opportunities for several tiny fires in the back yard. If we can have a few well-timed rain showers before the party to cut down on pollen and dust, it should be quite nice.
again, trouble in the tank
The alarm for the septic tank came on this morning around 7AM.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
the week, so far
Saturday evening was spent celebrating the 50th birthday of Our Lady Of The Lake with the Grateful Gluttons. That was a huge party at the Lake Claire Land Trust, complete with a live band, majorettes, and lots of good Cajun food.
Sunday - Yard work and house cleaning.
Dinner from Little Cuba: roasted chicken, beans & yellow rice, yucca cooked with onions in a white wine sauce, and hearts of palm salad.
Then the septic tank alarm came on in the afternoon and stayed on until we turned it off. Called the landlord. Panicked over the thought of a repeat of the situation when we first moved in here, right after I bought a new washer and dryer, when sewage backed up into the house and UP the drains. That was when we first learned that the house had a septic holding tank because the house sits below street level. Rental manager phoned back quickly and said their man would be at the house in the morning.
Monday - Couple of guys came to check out the tank around 9AM before I left the house for the day. Turns out the ancient pump was dead. They emptied the tank, then replaced the pump and a pipe connected to it. They had a few complications with the pipe coming apart several times but it was just because they were in too much of a hurry to get the job done and didn't give the adhesive time to set up properly. Reminds me of the old saying There's never time to do it right at first but always time to do it again. They ended up working until after 6PM.
Watched two good episodes of No Reservations after they left and I could finally shower without fear. I enjoyed watching Anthony Bourdain visit the country of Ecuador and the state of Main.
Saturday, April 03, 2010
labors of laundry
Tonight will be a Machine Wash Warm, Tumble Dry night.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Top it with whipped cream
Neither one is healthier than the other. They both contain a lot of sugar and saturated fat. I prefer whipped cream because there is a more complex, interesting flavor to it and it's a bit closer to a source that actually occurs in nature that our bodies have been used to processing for a lot longer.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
limping Doris
They could possibly repair the joint surgically, but with her age and asthma, the vet does not recommend that option.
The vet is still very much concerned that we still give Doris steroids for her asthma and has suggested, if we can get her to take it, an apparatus that would enable her to be given her meds with an inhaler. This would send the steroids directly to her lungs and enable smaller, less harmful, doses. I don't know if we could really get her to hold still long enough to hold a mask to her face for around 8 breaths but it's under discussion.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
taste of spring
I think I need to plant more cosmos this year. Cosmos are good flowers for cutting because they have long stems and rabbits like to eat them before anything else. We enjoy seeing bunnies in the yard enough that it's worth allowing them a few things out of the garden. There are too many cats in the neighborhood for foraging rabbits to be a big problem.
Other flowers that have done well without being eaten by rabbits are blackeyed susans, zinias, and marigolds. The tea roses are always around, as are tiny fragrant gardenias. I need to find out what the long stemmed yellow flowers are that look like dandelion blooms but are not dandelions. They are very long stemmed and hardy and I picture keeping cobalt blue bottles holding a few around on the dining table or in the window(s).
Slowly, I am learning by experience what I can actually grow around here. I know I can keep some beans and flowers in the front yard and keep herbs happier in the shadier back yard. Dill died last year in front but thrived in back. Tomatoes, I still have a lot to learn about and I might not have enough sun here to grow them even in pots. Squash and pumpkins are easy to grow here but I will only be able to take advantage of the blossoms because borers get to the fruit long before it's ripe and I don't want to use insecticide dust on anything.
For me, the best part of the garden is having fresh herbs immediately outside - thyme, basil, peppers, dill, parsley, oregano, sage, and mint. I love cilantro too but that's another challenge for me. Also thinking about trying chives this year as well.
Friday, March 05, 2010
Paint It Black.
From their newsletter:
Help us black out the gallery this Sunday March 9th! We need volunteer help applying some 20+ gallons of black paint to the entire gallery and the exterior of the Eyedrum space in preparation for the light-based art show OBSCURA opening on March 20th.
If you owe community service hours to some local municipality, here's where you want to do it. Or if you are just into community service in general, we'd love to have you.
They'll be snacks and assorted carbonated beverages.
Dress like the red dogs. Or wear paint clothes.
Email to confirm your participation.
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
email or call me if you want to
The good news is that Kisa Bastet, who I miss very much, comes into town from Germany this week. And there is a birthday party and a bachelor(ette) party I am invited to, so there will be much social activity with her and others this weekend.
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Saturday mail delivery on chopping block |
Monday, March 01, 2010
time keeping
more awkward moments with the folks next door
There is a rouge pitbull in our neighborhood killing pet cats in people's yards. A couple of neighbors have found their cats, in their own yards, dead and saliva covered like chew toys. A few other neighbors have seen loose pitbulls in the neighborhood and these are probably the culprits in this case.
The young couple next door seems to have now clue about leash laws. Or he does not seem to know. When their half-grown puppy came bounding into my front yard, as it does occasionally, we always have these wonderfully awkward moments where she is chasing it frantically to get it back into their house or yard.
I know their dog lives in a peaceful household side-by-side with cats and ferrets and would never hurt another pet or person. But our neighbors are under loose dog alert and I fear that if it gets out again and goes beyond my yard, Animal Control will be called and their pup will end up at the pound, probably to be put down in a short amount of time.
So this morning while I'm still in my robe and slippers, when I saw her romping outside with no humans frantically chasing after her, I had to go outside and wrangle her back to their front door. Two guys were just lounging in the front room when I had to ring the doorbell twice. Neighbor guy opened the door to see the strange lady next door (me) hanging onto the dog's collar. One of the guys had been playing with the dog outside and had just left her out without thinking about things like the lack of an enclosed backyard or local leash laws.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
What I Learned Today
Fortunately, our landlord reacted very quickly and got their Heating/AC man out to the house ASAP. Because the heater was now working, I was imagining them seeing the heat on and leaving without taking a look. Another TV-repairman type moment.
John Austin, the technician got to the house and let me tell you, it was a pleasure to meet him. Very patient and knowledgeable about his work - and he looks like David Tennant.
He went over the entire system. Found the missing pocket for the never-used air filter, which I immediately bought and installed today, and gave me a lesson on heating units and their maintenance, most of which I'll probably forget by tomorrow morning.
He also took apart the thermostat and pointed out the presence of batteries that needed replacing. We've always had the little hard-wired round thermostats so we never heard of thermostats that needed batteries.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
painting and waiting
In other news, there is a very unfortunate leak in the laundry room downstairs from a broken waste water pipe.
Also, my behind is so cold today that I think I will not lose this constant chill until Spring arrives.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Presidents Day 2010
The Winter Storm 2010 that they were predicting for last night and today never materialized. The temperature was 40 degrees when I first stepped outside this morning and the forecast has been changed to warm(ish) and partly cloudy with no rain for a few days. The way things have been going here, they may change the forecast again by morning.
The mercurial forecast means that the house is in a state of chaotic limbo because the painter keeps rescheduling for the next day and then canceling again when he fears bad weather and icy roads. The furniture in my office is staying shoved into the center of the room. We've gotten tired of moving the bedroom furniture in preparation for the painter that never shows up.
The only lasting sign of the snow last week are the giant snowballs in two of my neighbors yards. Looks like they gathered every inch of snow in their respective front yards and rolled it into enormous stacks of snowballs, never adorned to be proper snowmen but at the proper 2 or 3 boulder height. Instead, there are big dirty globs of mud, dead leaves, and ice sitting in their front yards.
Tonight's plans include leftover greens and beans for dinner and watching No Reservations on the Travel Channel.
Friday, February 12, 2010
waiting for a little snow
We are almost finished with repairs from water damage and clean up from the roof being replaced on the house. The last step is the painter coming in to remove stains from the walls. First, he was scheduled to come in Thursday. Then our landlord phoned to tell us the painter had moved our date to Friday. Last night and this morning we moved heavy furniture to the center of the upstairs rooms to be painted and moved smaller objects to the other office and basement. Painter was supposed to be here at 8:30 a.m. and our landlord phoned at 8:30 to say the painter is not coming today because it is already starting to snow/rain a bit where he lives, which is apparently a long distance out of town. So, I can go into work earlier than planned again today and we'll have to return the large furniture to their spots in the bedroom tonight and move them back in again on Monday morning, just in case.
Weeks like this only work because I am underemployed now and can be home whenever I need to. Perhaps the universe knows this and after next week the universe will allow me to have a new full time job.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
I prefer to get up late and go to bed early
I need more sleep than the average person. When I had a get up early and stay up late schedule, I was always able to work in a long nap in between.
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Beaker's Ballad
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
list of top sad songs
Something I can never have - NIN
Spider - Oingo Boingo
Dirt Clod - Kelly Hogan
Numb - The Cure
Hey Jupiter - Tori Amos... See More
St. James Imfirmary - Cab Calloway
Nothing Takes the Place of You
Mood Indigo - Duke Ellington
Gloomy Sunday - Elvis Costello
Monday, February 01, 2010
cassoulet and 401k
Sunday, I met friends for brunch and Monster had the oven cleaned when I got home. For that, I am quite grateful because I was not looking forward to filling my evening with oven cleaning. I had put off and then forgotten to start the oven cleaning procedure in the morning because the oven cleaner was, for reasons unknown to me, in the shed with Monster's bits and bobs. I texted him to please locate the oven cleaner in the shed and put it in the kitchen while I was at brunch. He then made the next logical step and started cleaning the oven himself and when I got home, that task was finished. Last night's dinner was leftover cassoulet and baguette.
My uncle phoned with a job opening he heard of at an office near me for a position digitally retouching and processing photos for school portraits. Sounds like a very easy job that is hopefully quite close to home. Question is whether I can get an interview and if they will offer me a full time position. The pay is a fraction of what I've made. It pays less than anything I've made hourly in the last 15 years, but I'll take anything I can get at this point if it will provide regular hours, health insurance, and the usual benefits. The lack of money might also be more than made up by the prospect of less time spent driving and less wear on my car than working farther from home and full employee benefits, including 401k and paid vacations. But it really must be a full time gig for me to be able to take it. If I can get a foot in the door. Fingers crossed.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
nighty night
Thursday, January 21, 2010
I get around by car
I live too far from work and from my Post Office box to cycle or walk. I would love to be in walking distance from work and shopping.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
New Indian food shop offers spices, teas and meals to go |
Saturday, January 16, 2010
update from rancho de weremonster
Monstermustdie is doing pretty well financially at the moment, so maybe it kinda balances out in some ways. He is picking up a new end table at Room and Board today that will match the one he bought last month. He seems to be in a nesting mood of sorts, buying furniture and checking into establishing some sort of credit rating for himself. He has not used a credit card in years, not since his divorce, so he has NO credit rating, good or bad. Ultimately, he wants to buy a house but I don't see that working out any time in the next few years. What he needs is a car, so he really should be concentrating on that. The condition of the old van he drives now is the reason he won't go out of town without driving my car.
On the upside, we're planning to see The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus on Sunday evening. I think that will be great big-screen eye candy. A new fantastic film by Terry Gilliam.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
On top of all of this, he also feels very strongly that she does not need to be driving any more after a recent accident, which totalled her car. She simply 'went blank' while driving.
At the end of the day, the only way he could probably help her is to actually be living with or near her in Alabama and he can't do that. He's got a great job here, working for friends who treat him well. Pell City, where his mother lives, is a small town in a rather rural, depressed area. I can't imagine him making a living there. Thus, he really should try to make trips there to check on her a weekly event. He does not want to do this because he does not want to drive his old van more than necessary and I don't want to make my car available to him every single weekend.
I think he's going to have to be there more often and he's going to make at least half of those trips on his own. I think he should definitely be there for her every week for a day or two to manage things.
Monday, January 11, 2010
milking the clock
This is no less productive than all the time he spends here playing Star Wars online or reading Star Wars paperback books, which the boss is aware of and doesn't do a thing about. He practically lives here now since his divorce.
He is, in fact, so nerdish that he was asking me if I could read runes or had a book on runes here at the office because he was trying to make out a Star Wars message in runes. He really thought there would be something like that here.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
She can hear. Some things.
Thursday, January 07, 2010
Thinking about my friends
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
pros and cons
Sunday, January 03, 2010
The long holiday weekend is over.
Nearly all holiday decorations are taken down now. I have all but one bit of blue lights on a tree outdoors taken down now and boxed. Must wait for someone else to help me remove the xmas tree now - all lights and ornaments are in their boxes, waiting for next year to come out again.
Went to see Sherlock Holmes tonight. Good movie - lots of fun- but then, I love everything I've seen Robert Downey Jr. in. He's definitely one of my pop crushes.
Had Lisamin over for dinner and catching-up chat. I don't see enough of her but I hope we'll be able to hang around more together. Dinner was very last-minute after going to the movie rather than planing a meal. We decided on breakfast food dinner - eggs, salad greens, turkey sausage, toast and jelly. I modeled my snuggie robe look and she reclined in the bird chair as we discussed movies, books, crafts, geekery, and such.
Tomorrow, I must:
1. send out a new flock of resumes.
2. go by the post office to pay bills and, if I feel up to it, look into renewing my passport.
3. deliver one baby gift to a friend and neighbor who just last week added a third child to their family. (He's going to have a great life, with creative parents and two older sisters to guide him through life.)