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Monday, July 16, 2007

Still brushing ants of of me from taking out the trash this morning.

Was ready to go to work and then I saw something different in my new neighborhood - trash cans on the curb.
So while my housemate went on to work, I returned to the house to push the bin to the curb. A few steps up the driveway and I had to sensation of spider webs on my arms. I looked down to see my arms and shirt covered with ants.

Brushed ants off. Walked a few steps further up the driveway. Brushed more ants off. Walked a few more steps up the driveway. And so on, until I finally got the infested bin to the curb. I hope they lift those bins with the arms of the garbage truck and little or now human contact. I wish we had a can of RAID or that I had been able to post some sort of warning for the collectors.

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